Monday, September 7, 2009

Blog post for one

School starts tomorrow. Yech. Poor Gab is already at school, though.

Renee is going to try valiantly to keep up her half of the blog during the upcoming tv season because it is a very important time for all of us. Maybe I'll even mention some current events here and there, if I'm feeling whimsical.

I don't have tons to write about just presently, because none of my shows have started yet, and I have no life outside of tv and Gab, but SOMEBODY (cough Danielle) has been harassing me, yes harassing me, to update the blog. Since Danielle has been our single loyal reader since the beginning of well versed in etiquette, it seems only fair to comply to her wishes. Even though she's multiple continents away right now (HINT: She's in Asia - go stalk her, perverts!) 

For some filler, I am going to make a list of all the songs that I got very into this summer. Isn't that interesting? 

Don't Forget - Demi Lovato (whatever)
London by Night - Greg Laswell
Wake Up - Arcade Fire
You'll See Boys - Rent soundtrack
Who's Loving You - Jackson 5
Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll - the Killers
Miss New York -  Brendan Hines
Move (Metronomy Remix) - CSS
18th Floor Balcony - Blue October
Butterfly - Dave Matthews
Opal's Blues - The Be Good Tanyas
Free Stress Test - Professor Murder
Walcott - Vampire Weekend
Better Day - To Have Heroes
Men of Snow - Ingrid Michaelson
Ordinary Day - Emilie Mover
Right Back Where We Started From - Maxine Nightengale

and ALL JAY BRANNAN SONGS (thanks Gab). Here are a few favourites:

Ever After Happily, 26 Hour Day, Half-Boyfriend, Can't Have It All, Bowlegged and Starving, String-a-long Song, 

REMINDER TO SELF: Make next poll question "favourite Harry Potter book." Everybody loves a Harry Potter question.

Renee Out.

P.S. I am expecting a return letter from Zachary Quinto any day now, confirming that we are soulmates. That is, unless my international coupon was rejected, in which case I'll have to smuggle myself across the border and get some American stamps. JK, border police, don't arrest me.

P.P.S. This is funny, unlike some other Before the Door projects (cough, Buddy and Andy, ugh)
WARNING: Crude language and themes


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