Monday, August 24, 2009

Ace of Cakes really TAKES THE CAKE

AH GOD. I am in the computer lab in school right now, slacking on my work as per use, and the semi-sadistic IT teacher has put the Graduation Song by Vitamin C on repeat. It has actually been playing for about forty five minutes. I am GOING TO HANG MYSELF.

Not only do I hate that song, but I hate thinking about graduation or anything to do with it, because it just reminds that I am far from being ready for the real world.

Here's a small rant, though it is not Thursday (I never really stayed on top of that scheduling business anyways.) I dislike it inordinately when people (mainly adults) ask you what you're going to do with your life and where you're going to go to University etc. Aren't there any other things they would like to know about me? Like my favorite fruit (pomegranate) or how my dog's farting problem is coming along (not improving)? Because I view both of those as more interesting questions.

I have to go, which is a shame, because I was going to use this post to write a long and detailed recap of my FAVOURITE show right now, Ace of Cakes. P.S. I am in love with Ben, because for me to like a show it has to have at least two of these three things: 1) a hottie, 2) humour and 3) a couple I am rooting for. Ace of Cakes makes the cut.

I will write again as soon as I can.

Renee Out.

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