Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This is a cheat post

...because it has no substance!

However. Except the blog to pick up its socks, so to speak, coming up soon. I have lots of things to say about the spoiler leakage for some of our favourite shows, most exciting from HIMYM and Bones (except no one that I know besides me and Mrs. Chartrand even watches Bones.) WHATEVER. I'll still talk about it.

So our friend Gab is leaving us in the wee hours of tomorrow morning and I will be inebriated with tears for the next week and a half or so while I am working, but THEN when the school year begins and I have no friends since my only friend besides Danielle LEFT ME (I have early onset abandonment issues) I will be updating multitudinously, especially when my shows start. Gab will update when she can, but she will be very busy, but I sadly, will not be.

P.S. My left eye is crossing and no one will believe me. They'll ALL SEE (pun intended) when I go to the eye doctor on Fri. and am prognosesed with some horrible disease.

Renee Out.

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