Monday, August 24, 2009

Random Monday Rambles

I have stolen some time. Shhh.

So lately Renee (me) has been having to entertain herself with innovative ways, since her be-fri decided it would be totally cool to abandon her for four years (but whatever, I'm not bitter.) Some of the aforementioned activities she has been partaking in include: juggling, magic tricks, watching hours and hours of Ace of Cakes, reading (which is stupid, seeing as her glasses are not ready) and being especially clingy with her dog, who is experiencing some sort of gas issue.

Anyways. To summarize, I am lonely, yet happy for my bestie. I will try to keep up the blog, even though I know for a fact that we only have one reader (who is currently traipsing through Malaysia). However, Renee considers pursuing some form of vague writing career that if she has to attempt to describe to one more prying adult will cause her to KILL HERSELF (I think maybe I threaten that too much.) Anyways. Ugh. My words are getting all messed up. It's that concussion I got from waterskiing, even though nobody believed me. Well, nobody believed me about needing glasses either, and WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?? (Well, the glasses makers probably, seeing as we shelled out four hundred dollars for my freaking prism lenses.)

But yes, keeping a blog, even a blog that no one reads, is excellent practice for some kind of vague writing career. It keeps my wit sharp and my words pithy. Also, if I tag the people from Ace of Cakes enough times they are bound to discover it and then beg me to move to Baltimore, Maryland to be their director of awesomeness.

So yeah. That's why all the tags are Ace of Cakes related. Glug. I feel really strange. There's lots of pressure on my head.

This is essentially just a stream of conciousness post, which no one wants to read. Next one will hopefully be more coherent.

Renee Out.

P.S. I was away for all the SYTYCD craziness and without a computer, but I want to say now that I was thrilled that Jeanine won, because she was my absolute favourite; even more than my serious boyfriend Jason


  1. That one reader of yours still reads whilst traipsing, though.
    And no killing this week, please.


  2. You have one reader who is not in Malaysia!
