Thursday, January 29, 2009

First theme post: New York, New York

"Start spreading the news, I' m leaving today, I want to be a part of it - New York, New York. These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray, right through the very heart of it - New York, New York" - Frank Sinatra

Hmm, maybe I should start all of my posts with a song lyric. Reminder: Next post = Candy man by Sammy Davis Junior. Oh yes.

I want to go to NYC. I want to go there so much that my desire to go there overpowers my fear of being mugged!

3 Fun Facts about my favourite city!

1) Back when the Dutch controlled the region, Wall Street was an actual wall that marked the city limits

2) Until 1970, the Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world

3) In the 1600's, the NYC "skyline" was a windmill

Don't you feel more enlightened? I sure do. Anything to prepare myself for my whirlwind trip to the Big Apple, whenever that may be. It will be a trip of legendary proportions. I WILL meet Tina Fey and it WILL be awesome.

If anyone wants to associate themselves with something New York related that is awesome do one or more of the following:

1) Download an episode of the Metrobuzz podcast on itunes

2)Go to the website

3) Watch 30 Rock (well, you should do that anyways)

Gab, what say we go to New York one day and find the bar that MacLaren's in How I Met Your Mother is based on? Apparently it's a real place.

P.S. I have big city connections because my dad was born in New York and lived there until he was eight months old. So. Suck on that...people whose fathers were born other places

Renee Out

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