Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Elusive Frozen Yogurt

So, last weekend, in an effort to put off studying for my imminent doom, I decided to rewatch (for like the 24th time) Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog. And then watch it again. And again. In total, I watched it three times in one weekend. Now, for those of you lame uncultured people who have not witnessed the legendariness that is Dr. Horrible, there are many, many scenes in which the characters are eating frozen yogurt. 

Now, I have had a soft spot for frozen yogurt since I was kid and my favorite cousin would get me some every time we went to the mall. Anyways, after seeing some of my favorite fictitious characters enjoying something I love, I started craving some raspberry frozen yogurt. So much, in fact that I drove to the mall to buy some. Now, can someone please explain to me what kind of mall does not sell frozen yogurt? It is one of the biggest malls in the city, and yet, nothing. I hadn't given up hope, though. I headed off to another mall. Yes, this craving was intense. And again, I failed. I had begun to loose hope, but did not give up. After posting to my facebook status that I couldn't find any, in the hopes that someone would lead me to God's frozen snack, it became clear that the sad, sad city that I live in does not sell frozen yogurt. I decided to hit the grocery store and buy one of the "not-very-good-but-good-enough-to-satisfy-my-craving" tubs of frozen yogurt. And what did I find? Chocolate and Vanilla frozen yogurt. EW. That was it. Nothing more. 

And so, I ask you this, how, in God's name, can an entire city not sell something as awesome as frozen yogurt?!

Peace, Gab

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