Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Most Favoritest Animal EVER: Sea Kittens

I have never, never liked PETA (pet-ah pita). Yes, I do agree with what they stand for some of the time, but not how they go about doing it. My personal favorite of all their campaigns is "Save the Sea Kittens!" You may be asking yourself, "But what is a sea kitten?" The answer is, yes, fish. Fish = Sea Kittens. The reasoning? Most people think of fish as gross and slimy and therefore do not feel bad when they kill them to eat. You know, to get protein? Yes, I do agree with this. And yes, there is a huge over fishing problem, but really, sea kittens? I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that by calling it a sea kitten, I don't find it any cuter? It's still a gross, smelly fish. If you really want to have a laugh, check out their campaign website:

Kiss Me - I'm a Sea Kitten!
I can't figure out if the campaign is directed at kids, or they just think that by making frightening fish and cat love-child cartoons, people will magically be like, "Oh wait, so eating a fish is equivalent to eating a cat?! I will never eat fish again." 

On another PETA note, this newest campaign video (banned from being a Super Bowl commercial, bee tee dubs) adds to the ridiculousness that is the Sea Kittens. I find this very sickening. So now, instead of campaigns seemingly directed at kids, we've got made up sex statistics (could it be specifically 83% of vegetarians that have better sex?). Talk about selling your soul to the devil. And, of course, they're mad that they got censored by NBC. Really now? What were they expecting? For NBC to be really excited to put that on during one of the most watched however many hours the Super Bowl is of television? To be honest, I'm surprised they haven't already started a petition. You can check out the list of reasons why NBC banned the ad (if you can't immediately figure it out) here.

Anyways, that is all for my PETA rant. It also wasn't very funny. But the Sea Kittens are.

Peace, Gab


  1. Here I am. Posting a comment. I wonder if you can guess who it is who posted this... shouldn't be that hard.

    Anyawesome, I noticed something in your little rant about the veggie sex commercial. Do they really say 83% (I haven't watched it)? Because I think we all know a certain someone who always uses 83% when he makes up a ridiculous statistic about sex...

  2. Hi RACHEL

    No, it just says, "Studies prove vegetarians have better sex." I made up the 83% thing. You know it's true, though.
