Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lack of updates = slack bloggers

Sorry, dear voracious readers - I know you have been crying yourselves to sleep over the lack of updates. We'll try to improve, but alas, we were very busy, and only getting busier. I know, how dare we have lives, right?

I do have a question. If anyone were to read this and respond they could answer me this - are there any new shows starting in the fall that sound like something Renee might be interested in? If so, let me know please. I don't watch enough tv (joke)

Speaking of tv, already mentioned I am sure, but I love Heroes and by Heroes I mean SYLAR aka Sylo. We are in love and we are getting married and that is the end of that.

I also love this guy, but in a different way:)

This video makes me smile every time, as does the one of Adrian Pasdar aka Nathan Petrelli laughing hysterically over "Dramatic Chipmunk" for like five minutes. Poor sleep deprived underpaid (ha!) actors.

I'll try my best to update more, I really will.

Renee Out.

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