Sunday, July 5, 2009

Renee's Scary Story

Because this is what happens when she's left home alone.

A beautiful young girl comes downstairs. All the windows are not only open but locked that way. Odd, she thinks, as she goes around closing them. Then she notices that the back door is ajar. Strange, being that it is after midnight. A feeling of unease begins to creep across her flawless skin as she closes the door with porcelain hands. She notices a strange shadow flitting across the back deck. 

To calm her nerves, she goes to the dark computer screen. Although in sleep mode, she notices a recurring "ding" resonating from the computer. Intrigued, she touches the space bar. The screen bursts to life, with a single message flashing repeatedly across the screen. "I'm in the house. Look behind you." No one hears her muffled scream.

NOTE: This story is based on true events. The end part is a figment of my terrified imagination.

Renee Out.

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