Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Hottie/Musician Wednesday

So I kind of already featured the guy, Brendan Hines (aka Eli Loker) but that was before I found out he was a musician, so now I have to refeature him.

He's pretty good. Not fantastic or anything, but fine. Here's my favourite song by him so far (I haven't listened to all of them yet.) And I think it's pretty funny that his "band" is called "The Brendan Hines" but then it's just him.

His lyrics are topnotch, the music's just a little - meh. I don't know, I'm just picky. But I still want to marry him:)

Also, I hate it when people take songs and then add a bunch of pictures to it and are like "look I made a video, rate, subscribe!" and then people have to view it so they can hear the song but then that person thinks people think their video is cool and keeps making more.

Did I also mention I hate spelling errors? Pretty sure I've beaten that one into the ground by this point, but nonetheless I really really do. Especially when they're my own I hate them.

Renee Out.

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