Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gab and Renee joint dinner party FINAL DRAFT

1. Neil Patrick Harris

2. Tyce Diorio

3. Cobie Smulders

4. BJ Novak

5. Adam Lambert

6. Ingrid Michaelson

7. Mindy Kaling

8. David Cook

9. Ellen Degeneres

10. John Krasinski

Seating plan:

*****John BJ Gab Renee Cobie*******
Mindy********* TABLE************Neil
*****Ingrid Tyce Ellen David Adam*****

Craig got the axe because we decided he would be over the top for our mellow dinner party, and we thought Regina Spektor might be too quiet. LOVE how seriously we are taking this! The seating plan took wayyyy too long for us to make considering this is fictional.

Can't wait for our non-existant party!!

Renee and Gab Peacing Out and things.

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