Wednesday, June 3, 2009

SYTYCD Favourites: Gab Edition

So, after Vegas week, I have my favourites.


- Brandon Bryant — I don't care what Mia and Lil C say (I really do, just not in this case), this man is freaking brilliant. His solo was out of this world, and he was way better than anyone else. I just think he wasn't living up to the enormous hype that Mia and Lil C had been hearing.

- Evan Kasprzak — He's the younger, slightly more attractive of the 'Broadway Brothers.' Both are very good, but I like him better. Here is what is going to happen tomorrow night: they'll be called in together because they love splitting best friends/roommates/siblings, and he'll make it through because he's the younger more attractive one. And yes, the looks will probably be the sole purpose when they both deserve to be in the top 20.

- Alex Wong — I don't know much about him (or if he's even in the top 32?) but he did the first solo of Vegas Week and was amazing. He was just so interesting! This video is not from SYTYCD, but shows off his amazingness. Oh, and he's Canadian!

- Jason Glover  — I also don't know much about him, but I do know that he's in the top 32. They only showed a brief clip of him, but he too was amazing. Sorry no video!

- Natalie Reid — I don't care that they cut her; she still deserves a place on this list. She was robbed. Sure, she screwed up the choreography, but they had literally moments before shown her do an amazing job of it. And, they should have at least let her dance for her life; I mean, some people who were a lot worse got to! It made me mad.

- Nathan Trasoras — Just because he's so good he deserves to be on the list. I look forward to watching him dance next season.

Yep, that's it. I cannot wait until tomorrow night!

Peace, Gab

1 comment:

  1. HEY GAB!
    I loooove Nathan too, and can't wait to see him next year! And are you as stoked as I am for a fall season of SYTYCD??
    I pretty much cried when I heard the news. ;)
