Sunday, June 21, 2009

Most Looked Forward to Summer 2009 Films

Away We Go
I LOVE director Sam Mendes. I know that I have a lot of favourites, but American Beauty is literally my favourite movie. I love it, and I love the attention to detail that Sam puts into his work. I also love John Krasinski, so I'm really looking forward to seeing this. 

My Sister's Keeper
I'm not going to see this until after I read it, but it's on my summer reading list so hopefully I'll get to see it this summer. I've heard a ton of great things about the book. I really like Abigail Breslin, too, and am glad that they didn't cast Dakota Fanning, who I have a weird but intense dislike for.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Obviously I am incredibly excited for this! I love Harry Potter, and can't wait.

(500) Days of Summer
I really love Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. I saw an interview with Zooey, and she said that unlike most romantic comedies, this one is not stereotypical and is not stuck in the standard format. Plus, Regina Spektor's music is in the trailer!

Inglorious Basterds
I love Quentin Tarentino. Or at least Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction. And BJ Novak is in this. And Daniel Bruhl. The day I get to see this will be a beautiful day.

Taking Woodstock
Ang Lee is a brilliant director and I am really excited to see this. Renee is also excited, I'm sure, because Demetri Martin is in it. 

(Where the Wild Things Are)
OK, it's not coming out this summer, but I am SO flipping excited for this movie. I used to LOVE this book. All of the music was chosen by Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Karen Oh, and the trailer (which is beautiful) features Arcade Fire. Also, wierdly enough, the screenplay is also written by the same people who wrote the screenplay for Away We Go.

Peace, Gab

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