Tuesday, June 16, 2009

NEW HOTTIE: Kevin Barnes

I am so flipping in love with this man— he's such a musical genius. Kevin is the lead singer of of Montreal. His talking voice is so sexy. I also love his singing voice, though. Here are a few fun facts:

1) His stage persona is that of a glam rock black man in his forties that has undergone many sex changes named Georgie Fruit.
2) His brother does all of the artwork for their albums.
3) He has an adorable laugh.
4) He has one daughter.
5) of Montreal shows are insane and it is my life goal to go to as many as possible.
6) When I say they are insane, I mean literally. One show he did, he wore a dress and performed on top of a ladder with the long dress draped down. And one show he did totally in the nude. 

The best part of this video is when he has the idea for the song. But I'm not going to tell you where; just watch the whole thing. 

Peace, Gab

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