Thursday, June 11, 2009

Renee's Rough Draft for joint dinner party

Early list of ten people for our fabulous dinner party that we will obviously have, once we are famous. We will both post a list, compare and edit.

1. Neil Patrick Harris
2. David Burtka
3. Tyce Diorio
4. Cobie Smulders
5. David Cook (please?)
6. Adam Lambert
*7. Bret McKenzie
*8. Jemaine Clement
9. BJ Novak (ugh)
10. Regina Spektor

See, I'm stuck here, because we can't really only have Flight of the Conchord, can we, but that leaves no room for Ingrid Michaelson.


7 and 8 become Ingrid Michaelson and Ellen Degeneres. Sorry boys! (They'll be crush, I'm sure)

Also, David Burtka is a chef kind of, right? if we have him as our caterer does that make him not count as a guest? Because if so, I just forgot about Mindy Kaling!

Also, we need Craig Ferguson, we want to be laughing, right? Ergh, we need fifteen.

Do fictional characters count, because if so HARRY POTTER.

Renee Out.

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