Monday, June 22, 2009

Renee hates exams

Stupid Gab with her stupid being finished.


This is me, sounding my barbaric yawp from the rooftops of the world.

So anyways. Can't talk much because of this thing called Chem 11 and this other thing called me being stupid. HAHA, I love poking fun at myself, it's so much more gratifying than doing it to other people because I get to see the hurt up close.

Fictional hottie of the week: Dave Rygalski, Gilmore Girls. Will post some video soon.

I love Seven Layer Dip, it deserves to be capitialized, I've decided that maybe I'll only separate my thoughts with commas from now, pull a Kerouac, how does that sound? Who needs edit, right?

Renee Out.

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