Monday, March 30, 2009

Five Random Facts About Gab

They will be cryptic, though, in order to avoid a stalker situation.

1. At a restaurant, you know the water/bus boy? Like the one who fills up your water glass and clears your plates away? One of the things I love most in the world is a good water/bus boy. While in Honolulu, we had an amazing one who would fill my glass after every sip. I don't know why this is so important to me, but it really is.

2. I dislike when there is food stuck in the steel wool. It's gross, because then when you go to use it to scrub a pot, you are basically using old, moldy food to clean a pot. GROSS.

3. I learned today that I, apparently, wring my hands when I talk or tell a story. I have never noticed this before, but Renee pointed it out. When I asked my friends, Rosie and Rachel, whether it was true, they didn't even have to think before saying yes. I, honest to God, have never ever noticed this before.

4. I have this tendency to obsess over things. I now have an indicator when I am obsessing: at the dinner table, I can't think of anything to say other than things about what ever my current obsession is. This is also true when talking to my friends.

5. Whenever I can't think of anything to say and there is an awkward pause in the conversation, I say, "I'm so tired." This is my fall-back. Now you know.

I expect a list from you, Renee!

Peace, Gab

HIMYM Review: "Murtaugh"

I've decided that the best way to review this episode is by character plot line. Be warned, there will be sub-plot line character headings as well. All-in-all, this was the best episode since The Possimpible, but definitely not up to par with many of the others earlier in this season. Is it just me, or was the start of the season AMAZING, and then went downhill? I'm glad that they didn't overuse the flashbacks this episode, like they have been doing a lot lately.

So Barney, after being kicked out of his Laser Tag Club for breaking rules is told by Ted that he is too old for Laser Tag. It is then added to the "Murtaugh List" of stuff that they are too old to do. Barney takes it upon himself to do all the items on the list within 24 hours. Ted is then challenged to do the items on the list Barney makes of things that he is too young to do. There is a bet somewhere in here.
Ted was actually hilarious this episode. More so than in a very long time. Renee said, and I agree, that he is funny when he isn't taking everything too seriously. Funniest Moment: When he goes to answer the phone REALLY slowly. 
Barney was pretty funny tonight, but it felt almost a little forced sometimes. (Sorry NPH! I have to be critical. But if you ever read this, you were actually amazing, as per use.) I was very glad to see that he still plays laser tag, since that hasn't been mentioned since, like, season 1. I did like his earring, but his hair and clothes were no good. Favourite moment: Just a short clip. When he was in laser and had his foot on the kid while shooting her. I also loved the High Score Board that had Stinson listed for every single high score, ever.
Robin didn't really have a big part in this episode. She was just there with Barney the whole time (yay!). I like to see them spending time together. But I wish that they mentioned that Barney is in love with her sometimes. Just casually, you know? I am also, sorry to say, sick of the Canadian jokes. Mainly because the writers are overusing them and they are always the same ones. I want original ones! "Something about fur trapping." Favourite moment: Her rave outfit. Sort of reminded me of Robin Sparkles. And the blinky light in her mouth was awesome. 
This deserves its own heading. As previously mentioned, no references to their relationship, but it was nice to see them together the entire episode. Favourite moment: Their answering machine message. They are so cute together!

These two didn't even interact with the other characters this episode, which was sort of weird. Basically, Marshall takes over as the new basketball coach for Lily's kindergarten class at Lily's request, because she wants to observe him with children and give him practice for the future. Anyways, he's super hard on the kids and angry Marshall is HILARIOUS. Favourite moment: How the story changes with time and the competing team are all adults. I also love the creative ways of hiding Alyson Hannigan's belly: a guitar, orange slices, basketballs, a giant scarf. 

Wow, what a long and impressive post I just wrote!
Peace, Gab

PS: My prediction for Barney's Blog update this week: The Murtaugh List, and, potentially, the Too Young List (did this one have a name?)

OH MON D, I totally forgot about this scene

I was just looking up clips of Ryan (HOT) on youtube, when I stumbled upon this one. I told Renee that I'd post 4 times tonight, but it's looking like it will now be five. So here it is. Is it not one of the most hilarious things EVER?!
I love Kelly.

He's so attractive.

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 4 Solo Artist


I first found out about her from So You Think You Can Dance. Mark (my favourite) and Courtney did an amazing jazz dance to The Garden.

Favourite songs: Dancing in the Dark, Jerusalem, Archipelago 

(This song was recorded from a concert. The audience requested it, but she didn't know the chords, so some random audience member got up on stage and played and sang with her.)

Peace, Gab

My Apologies

I'd like to apologies to our many, many followers.  I have been MIA lately, as I was away on vacation. However, rest assured that many new posts will be born tonight. In the meantime, satisfy yourself with this clip:

and this one:

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gab needs to get over it!

FOR THE LAST TIME, HE IS NOT HOT. I'm sorry. He's funny and talented and everything, but not hot. He actually looks a little bit like a corpse.

Now, if you want to transfer your affections to someone deserving, I have a few suggestions. Adam Lambert, John Krasinski, Adam Lambert, David Cook, Adam Lambert...any one of these men I would be more than willing to share with my bestie.

I'm so excited about when you come home! (and p.s. I was creeping your facebook wall, and none of your other friends even know when you get back, they're all like, "When do you come home?" Nerds!)

I saw Great Big Sea in concert. They were so good!

Grey's Anatomy was awesome! Owen is hot!

It's kind of late.

I'm going to see I Love You Man tomorrow. I can't wait until the HIMYM finale!!!

Robin: If he's missing some teeth, I'm missing my pants (favourite line right now)

I miss you!
Renee Out

Friday, March 27, 2009

This post is dedicated to BJ Novak

HE'S BACK NEXT EPISODE OF THE OFFICE! (Which airs in two weeks, unfortunately. What ever will I do with my Thursday night next week?)

I love Ryan so so so much. Renee doesn't. But I do. And, he's going to be blonde. I admit, he's much better looking with brown hair, but HE'S BACK!

"Will I be too warm in a long-sleeve tee?"

Peace, Gab

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm officially blown away:)

Wow. This is Renee in a stunned silence (not a common occurrence)

I can't even bring myself to review any of the other ones tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

Renee Out

P.S. I will say that the judges were extra stupid tonight. Kara: "I have six words for you - one of the best performances of the night."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

David Cook is the sex. That's basically how it is.

My boyfriend's wearing a plaid AND a toque! What a good boy.


Hey David! David! Did your pants get a parking ticket? Cause you lookin FINE!

Haha. It's too late.

Renee Out.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yay Canada


Haha, I miss my Gabby! I'm working on a present for you for when you leave me (although I don't know why I'm rewarding you for your ditching.)

I miss you so much! Keep having a good time! I'll update later, probably.

Renee Out.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Legitimate Post from Hot Hawaii

Here is my favourite advertisement in all of the many, many coupon books here. All Snorkel Bob ads are like this. I love him.

Snorkeling Safety and Health Tips: Reprinted by permission of Snorkel Bob's Reality Guide to Hawaii

1) Snorkeling is a buddy sport. You help you buddy. She helps you.

2) Never turn your back on the ocean. It'll whomp you when you least expect it.

3) Assess surf, current, wave sets, surge, reef and rocks before entering. Advanced snorkelers call this "Snorkel Meditation" and use the exercise to enter environmental data to their snorkel programs.

4) Avoid wana (pronounced "vonna"), black sea urchins who's spines break off in your skin. Use aspirin for sunburn; peroxide and antiseptic ointment for reef rash; and cigarette tobacco, meat tenderizer (except for MSG allergenics) and Benadryl (capsule or ointment) for man-of-war, which is like a bee sting. Making shishi on stings also kills pain and other trauma, but I, Snorkel Bob, know that this can sorely test a friendship.

5) Enter and exit from sandy beach areas.

6) Never swim against a current. Cross diagonally. Extreme currents off windward Maui. If you get caught in a current, wave for help. DON'T PANIC, unless of course rubbernecks on the beach wave back.

7) Avoid snorkeling at dusk.

8) Friends don't let friends snorkel drunk.

9) Don't snorkel in strong offshore wind.

10) Duck or dive under breaking waves before they reach you to avoid their force. Don't jump over or turn your back to them.

11) I, Snorkel Bob, wear a t-shirt, rash guard and swim cap while snorkeling in the intense Hawaiian sun (no sunscreen, damages coral).

12) If big fish swim up fast and hide behind you, you probably got bigger fish heading in, right up on the food chain to you-know-who. Arruuggahh! Only kidding. Ha-ha. HA!

13) Don't forget your underwater camera, 35mm, 27 shots, cheap! Right now, with me, Snorkel Bob.

14) Fish food in plastic wrappers is hereby denounced by me, Snorkel Bob, in particular, LeSuer Peas and stale bread. The plastic wrappers tend to clog my, Snorkel Bob's, ocean, and all that crap constipates my, Snorkel Bob's, little-bitty fish buddies. I, Snorkel Bob, further deplore so-called organic fish foods with biodegradable wrappers. This stuff fouls the eco-system, deranges mild-mannered fish and is baaad.  BAD. THE ONLY fish food allowed by my, Snorkel Bob's, Guidelines to a Better World is you, my friends, in final mode, aloha and adieu, down to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. This form can also free up some parking spaces.

I, Gab, am having a very nice time down here in hawaii and am missing you, Renee. I, Gab, have completed 6 of your, Renee's, 10 challenging tasks. 

Love you!

Peace, Gab

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gab's Absence

Our good friend Gab is away for two weeks. She CLAIMS that she will update while in Hawaii but I will bet someone a million dollars that she doesn't do a legitimate update (not really, I have no money.)

But I'm going away for a week, and I definitely won't be updating, because there's no internet. At least I'm not going to Hawaii. I'm going nowhere tropical, believe.

I'll bet all our "regular readers" will be so upset. All none of them. Sorry for any self-harm we may have ignited. Don't be like that guy in Dirty Dancing that falls off the bridge, man, or Johnny in the OC. Be strong. We'll come back.

Renee Out.

The wedding announcement should arrive any day now

We can now officially market sexiness in a bottle, just wave it around his head when he's hitting those high (not screaming) notes, OH MY JESUS.

Feast your eyes if you THINK YOU CAN TAKE IT!

Renee Out.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Renee's Number 4 Solo Artist

I have to do a tie, I am sorry. I miscalculated. "I miscounted the men!" Oh haha, I love you Steve Martin.

By the by, I LOVE Damien Rice, just as much as I LOVE Nick Drake. Stellar list, my friend. I didn't check, did you have 9 Crimes? Probably did, you're smart that way.

Renee's Number 4's: Priscilla Ahn and Jack Johnson

Favourite songs: Dream, Lullaby, Leave the Light On, Rain

Favourite songs: Traffic in the Sky, Upside Down, Do You Remember, Tomorrow Morning, Inaudible Melodies

"Slow down everyone, you're moving too fat, frames can't catch you when you're moving like that."

What can I say, my taste in music is mellow. It balances my personality.

Renee Out.

Gab's Real Number 5 Solo Artist

Damien Rice

Plus, he's super attractive.

Favourite songs: Blower's Daughter, 9 Crimes, Delicate, Cannonball

Peace, Gab


And the last post is, obviously, far from real.

Renee out

Gab's Number 5 Solo Artist

OH my G you guys, I know that the Spice Girls are kind of lame or whatever (though I secretly love them lol) but Gerri Halliwell is SO talented and i love her SOOO much. Ginger Spirce was totally my fave band member!

Favourite songs: It's raining men (obvs), Desire


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Renee's Number 5 Artist

Renee's Number 5 Artist: Cat Power

Haha, I swear we didn't coordinate this. Great minds just think alike.

Favourite songs: Sea of Love, The Greatest, I Found a Reason

You are forgiven, my bestie.

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 6 Solo Artist

Cat Power

Favourite Songs: The Greatest, Sea of Love, Empty Shell

Peace, Gab

PS: I'm sorry for not walking you to the French room today, Renee. Forgive me?

Renee's Number 6 Solo Artist

Renee's Number 6 Solo Artist: Emiliana Torrini

Favourite songs: Big Jumps, Jungle Drum, Birds, Me and Armini

I took too many painkillers. I feel slightly delirious....

Renee Out.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gab's Number 7 Solo Artist

I'll start off by apologizing for my lessened dedication to our blogs. My posts have been getting increasingly less interesting/witty/focused/frequent. With that being said, here is my number 7.

Emily Haines

Yeah, Canada!
Favourite Songs: Crowd Surf Off a Cliff, Doctor Blind, Our Hell

Peace, Gab

PS: Renee, I appreciate that you do listen to me, however you mixed yourself up. I did NOT like The Awakening/Didn't read it. But, I was very impressed with your use of the slash. It's, like, the best thing since Neil Patrick Harris' birth (see what I did there?)

Renee's American Idol, Top 13 Review

Gab, where's your HIMYM review? Slacking, are we?

Before I begin, I should say - maybe I already said this. Oh well, I'll say it again - that I take part in an American Idol pool with two of my friends every year. We bet different things - last year the two losers had to buy the winner the first album of a contestant of their choice. The year before the loser had to put a sign up on her locker saying how lame she was and how awesome the winner was.

NOT TO BRAG ANYTHING, but I've won the last two years we did it. I had BOTH Davids last year, there was no way I could have been defeated.

We do it by points, so even if you don't have the winner, you could still win if your people all did really well. I had first pick, and then fourth, seventh and tenth. The leftover is Jorge. No one likes him.

I have Adam, Allison, Kris and Michael. Let's hope they go far.

So - on to last night! First up was Lil Rounds. She's good but OMG what was she wearing? it took so much away from her performance, which was a little boring.

Then we had the blind guy, Scott. It would be uncouth to say anything bad about a blind guy, so all I'll say is that he's nice but boring and I hope he doesn't stick around too long.

Michael was next, I'm pretty sure. He's good and likable. I really can't guess how far he'll go but hopefully quite a ways, because I have him in the pool and I'm gonna win again this year, damnit! I liked Simon's joke about not knowing what Michael's job was. Simon's the only job that knows what the hell he's talking about.

Was Danny next? Danny was pretty good, pretty comfortable on stage. I really like him. I was glad they didn't talk about his wife dying again. They should let people like him for him and not because they feel bad for him. Danny' definitely one of my favourites this year.

Then it was Jasmine (?) I don't totally remember the order. Jasmine is boring, but fine.

Then it was Kris. Jesus, he's good looking. WHAT, that's not why I picked him, how dare you? Anyways, he was alright. He pronounced the word "remember" funny, like "remembah" but other than that he was fine.

I don't really remember the order, as I said, but I think Allison was somewhere in here. She's so weird. I haven't decided if it's good weird or bad weird yet. I mean, I don't think anyone has ever made a joke about cutting themselves on American Idol before. But whatever the case, she's a fantastic singer and I liked her rocker vibe.

Jorge is so boring. That's why no one picked him.

Megan was somewhere around here. I love her, I think she's so cute and such a good singer. They were a little harsh to her, I mean COME ON NOW, it was freakin' Michael Jackson week, how many good songs were there to be chosen (sorry, MJ). I like Megan, I hope she sticks around.

Maybe Anoop was next? I thought he was better than they gave him credit for, but still not that great, and once he started talking I was like "Geez, this guy's a cocky bastard." So I hope he's out.

Adam was somewhere around here. I loved his performance, NATURALLY. He's so comfortable on stage. A little bit over the top but whatever. SOME people (cough my mother cough) say he screams too much but whatever. If you can do it, why not? He's definitely the best singer on the show regardless, and no one can possibly dispute that. Hopefully he's just popular enough to go on, but why wouldn't he be? He wears plaid, for God's sake! He's got my vote.

I know Matt was after Adam because they were like "Oh, poor Matt, it's hard to follow Adam, meat...potatoes..." or something. Matt's okay. I've never liked him as much as I did in Hollywood Week but we'll see.

Alexis was last. She was great! I love her voice! They were mean to her. Simon's all like "That wasn't as good as you think it was," which was so assholey of him, because she's obviously the least cocky person ever. God Simon. GOD.

So that's everyone I hope. I think it will (should) be Anoop and Jorge. I would be okay with Jasmine or Scott, though. We'll see, I guess.

What a productive use of my spare.

Renee Out.

Renee's Number 7 Solo Artist

Renee's Number 7 Solo Artist: Joshua Radin

I first heard him on Scrubs and since then they've literally played him on EVERY show I watch (or a lot, anyways). They even played him in Ellen Degeneres' wedding video. 

He's very relaxing. A lot of my people are very relaxing.

Favourite songs: Today, These Photographs, Winter, Closer

Renee Out.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tube Tuesday! Harvey Milk

I am not really doing what I originally intended for Tube Tuesdays, which was to find a funny youtube video. Instead, I'm just sort of posting what I feel like.

So here it is. I just watched Milk, which I really loved (and cried while watching). Harvey Milk was an amazing man. 

This is the original recording made by Harvey in the event of his murder.

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 8 Solo Artist

Nick Drake

Another artist that I first heard about from the Garden State soundtrack! Nick Drake has so many songs that I really love, and a very beautiful voice.

Favourite Songs: Riverman, Time Has Told Me, Pink Moon

Peace, Gab

Monday, March 9, 2009

Renee's Number 8 Solo Artist

I love Colin Hay! He was on Scrubs one time. He was a singing cadaver - true story.

Renee's Number 8 Solo Artist: Ingrid Michaelson

Favourite songs: Far Away, Breakble, Giving Up, Be Okay,

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 9 Solo Artist

Colin Hay

I first heard about him from the Garden State soundtrack (amazing!) and decided that I quite liked his music.

Favourite songs: I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You, Maggie, Wayfaring Sons

Peace, Gab

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Renee's Number 9 Solo Artist

Renee's Number 9 Solo Artist: Joanna Newsom

Favourite songs: Peach, Plum, Pearn, En Gallop

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 10 Solo Artist

Johnny Cash

I'm not typically a fan of this genre, but I love Johnny Cash. Maybe it's because I love Joaquin Phoenix and he played him in Walk the Line. Either way, this is my favourite song.

Favourite Songs: A Boy Named Sue, Cry! Cry! Cry!, Hurt

Peace, Gab

Renee's Number 10 Solo Artist

NOTE TO GAB: Duos are NOT included in these lists, it is for SOLO ARTISTS ONLY. I didn't have enough slots for both, so we can just do top five duos another time.

Also, for the music ones, I think we should post an actual video of them singing instead of just a picture.

Renee's Number 10 Solo Artist: Jeff Buckley

I learned about Jeff Buckley from this cool based in NY podcast I used to listen to called Metrobuzz. He drowned when he was really young, I don't even think he was thirty yet. He drowned in a river, too, like RIGHT after he wrote the song above, making it more than slightly eerie.

Best songs: Hallelujah, I Know It's Over, Vancouver, Lilac Wine

Renee Out

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gab's (mostly recycled) Questionnaire for Renee

Answer the following personal Q's so we can get to know your inner workings:

1. Favourite non-alcoholic beverage? Frescade

2. One celebrity to meet? Evangeline Lilly

3. Anthem of your life? Dream - Priscilla Ahn (it's a mellow anthem)

4. Colour of your soul? Black. Hmm, no, that's just me being hilarious. Green/blue?

5. Spirit animal? Bengal Tiger

6. One book to bring to a desert island? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

7. Favourite Jonas Brother? Neil Patrick Harris

8. Three adjectives to describe you? Loud, outgoing, overeager

9. Funniest person alive (besides me?) Craig Ferguson. If Mitch Hedberg was still alive, it'd be him.

10. Write a couplet about yourself.
As sure as the sun shines and the sky is blue
If you are a hottie Renee will stalk you

*BONUS: Who's the hottest in the office? Jim Halpert, HANDS DOWN (Ryan who?)

Time for you, our readers, to now enjoy Renee's bolded responses.

Peace, Gab

Renee's Questionnaire for Gab

Answer the following personal Q's so we can get to know your inner workings:

1. Favourite food? Onions

2. One celebrity to meet? Neil Patrick Harris, obviously.

3. Anthem of your life? Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

4. Colour of your soul? It's a hard colour to describe. It's like a greyish purple, but not too grey. Like, more purply, but dark, but not too dark.

5. Spirit animal? (HAAA) Spider Monkey

6. How awesome is Renee from 1-10 (if you are going to make one of your "funny" jokes and say zero, just skip this question, s-hole)

7. Favourite Jonas Brother? Adam Lambert

8. Three adjectives to describe you? Enthusiastic, Joyful, Tenacious

9. Funniest person alive (besides me?) Tie: Seth Meyers/Jorma Taccone

10. Write a couplet about yourself.
It's late and I can't think,
I'm thirsty and need something to drink.


(Now scroll go back up to the top and read the BOLDED words, like such = BOLD)

Joint post!


Hi, it's Gab. And I'm not going to CAPS LOCK because it's annoying.


We just watched Camp Rock. Why, you ask? I'm pretty sure no one, not even God, knows.


And then, we compiled a list of all the times Andrea was nice to Renee, because we all know that they are secretly friends. And I can write about Andrea on this blog because she doesn't/refuses to read it.


I'd like to take this opportunity to shout out to Rachel and Danielle. Rachel is our only daily viewer who has admitted it. But we know that Danielle also reads it because she mentions things accidentally from it.


We also just watched the newest Harry Potter and had a disagreement on attractiveness of characters, as per use. I find Draco sexy, and Renee finds nobody sexy, but if she had to choose, Ron.


We watched like a billion episodes of Gilmore Girls on fast-forward. It was super entertaining for those of us that had no idea what was going on. We also watched all of Sleepless in Seattle in 30 minutes. And didn't miss much. Like nothing happens.


RENEE and Gab OuT. with PEACE

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Renee's Letters to Write

1. Cobie Smulders
2. Jenna Fischer
3. Zachary Levi
4. Johnny, the ex-DJ from Ellen
5. Jack Johnson

I did read that David Archuleta answers all his fanmail, but I refuse to stoop that low! I'd rather lose than send a letter to David Archuleta. Not that there's anything wrong with him, it's just against my principles.

I went to this sketchy website to find addresses and who usually responds and OMG it is so creepy. Someone will scan their letter and then forty people will post "Great success!" like zombie clones. All the ones that talked about their Evangeline Lilly letters didn't get nearly as much of a letter from her as I did. They all got like half a line. WELL HAHA, I guess I am her favourite. These creepers on the website all collect autographs. I literally can't describe how strange that website made me feel. It's like when you listened to the overpersonal Howard Shore interview.

I don't know if any of my people will respond. All the lesser famous people I enjoy are not even on the interweb, Gabby:( Also, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to send these things called "SASE"s, where we like send a picture and a stamped envelope BUT I DIDN'T DO THAT WTH EVANGELINE LILLY SO I WON'T DO IT NOW.

Apparently BJ Novak answers in three weeks if you send a SASE. Whatever that is...

Renee Out.

Renee's Number 1 Band

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Favourite songs: Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away (one of my favourite songs ever), The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth, Satan Said Dance, Yankee Go Home

Renee by default wins the band contest, because Gab cheated by putting two together. Also, my bands are awesomer. You may have McGill; I will have awesomeness.

Renee (that's me) is involved in an American Idol poll with two of her very good friends. We've drawn the order - I get to go first! Last year I won because I had BOTH Davids.  I will briefly outline my strategy, but not too detailedly in case one of them looks. (Wow, detailedly doesn't have a red squiggle under it, does that mean it's actually a word?)

First round: I will nab Adam, obvs. One friend will most definitely take Danny, and the other will take one of the A girls.)

Second round: I will take Allison. If she's gone, I will go for Alexis.

See, you get points by how well your four people end up, so even if you don't have the winner, you might still win. This year I have developed a brilliant STRATEGIO that I will outline detailedly (detailedly, detailedly, detailedly) after the top 12 are fully assembled. I have a dark horse in mind that may be surprising to some. I will win again!!!

For our next top 10, Gab, I think we need to do solo artists. I'll start it off. Sound good?

Renee Out.

PS Lost sucks

Challenge Accepted

Gab! Don't post that you're going to McGill on the INTERNET, people might be able to stalk you. Gee. But again, good one!

I accept your challenge, but let me warn you in advance, I am an expert in letter writing to famous people. My list will be compiled shortly but now I have to go to school. OOPS Now I told the people of the internet that I'm a high school age STALKERS STALKERS.

This sounds fun, even though my heart has been SHATTERED by a now nameless and deceased to me show. SOB.

Renee Out.








Renee Out.

PS And TATIANA got put through to the wild card round. What happened to JUSTICE, people????

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Exciting Challenge for Renee!

So, we just finished writing our epic 10 page letter to Neil, and I was inspired to write more, to other famous people that I don't personally know! And then today, Renee had the idea to make it into a competition. Because that is what we always do: make it a competition.
She suggested that we each choose 10 people to send a letter to and then base the "winning" on the number of replies received. I realized, however, that I only really have 5/6* people that I want to send a letter and then 2 that I could force myself to write to. Furthermore, I am neither made of time, nor money. So I suggest this: we turn it into five?

I hereby take you up on your challenge.

Without further ado, here is my list of famous people that I'll be penning epic letters to.

1. Dustin Lance Black
2. Jorma Taccone
3. BJ Novak
4. Seth Meyers
5. Daniel Bruhl
6. Jed Whedon*

* I can't find his address on the ol' interweb. I say we do 5 letters unless I can find it sometime soon. So Renee, when you make your list, make sure you have an extra one just in case.

RULES (because there has to be some):
- It must be snail mail. It is a dying art, as you say.
- You cannot base your list upon who you think is likely to respond. It has to be based on people you legitimately  like. So Renee, I better see Sawyer on that list...
- By the power vested in me, I declare that Evangeline Lily does not count.
- Add your own rule, if you like.

It's a plan. How about that?

Peace, Gab

This is going to be one of those personal posts

I am walking on air right now. The uncertainty that I felt 30 minutes ago is gone.
I am officially going to university next year. I was accepted to McGill earlier today, which is my top choice Canadian university and I am thrilled. I will (almost certainly) go there next year and cannot be more pleased! I mean, I won't be living on the streets next year! And, more importantly, it's a freaking amazing school.

That's enough for my self-involved post.

Sorry you (our many many readers) had to sit through that.

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 1 Band

You guessed it — Queen!
I can say, without a doubt, that Freddie Mercury has the most insane voice anyone has ever had. It is for this reason that I will be naming my future cat "Freddie Mercury" (Freddie for short).

Favourite songs: Killer Queen, Don't Stop Me Now, Bohemian Rhapsody

Peace, Gab

Renee's Number 2 Band

Favourite songs: Evil, NYC, Obstacle 1, Roland, Heinrich Maneuver, Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down

Renee Out.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tube Tuesday! Oops, I forgot.

And therefore, you get nothing. Because I have a test about Hamlet tomorrow. Which I wouldn't have if my regular/good teacher hadn't up and left. 
Love, Gab

Gab's Number 2 Band

The Awkward Stage
(Go Canada/BC!) And Shane, the lead singer, is hilarious.

Favourite songs: West Van Girl, Heaven is for Easy Girls, The Morons are Winning, Sad Girl Radio

Peace, Gab

PS: I like Iron & Wine's version of Such Great Heights better.
PPS: I am going to do Neil's Hollywood thing this summer when I road-trip down there with my fam. 
PPPS: Jason is hot.

Renee's Number 3 Band

The Postal Service

Favourite songs: Such Great Heights (give me chills - one of my favourite songs ever), Against All Odds (Yes, I realize it's a cover), Be Still My Heart, Recycled Air

Ties are cheating Gab!

Aren't you excited about Neil soonly discovering our blog and therefore becoming our best friend? ALSO did you see him on Ellen? Because we need to sign up for that thing that he runs in LA, sounds awesome.

Renee Out.

P.S. Jason Schwartz is so fuuugly.

Gab's Number 3 Band(s)

It's a tie!

Coconut Records

Favourite songs: Microphone, Nighttiming, West Coast

Au Revoir Simone

Favourite songs: Don't See the Sorrow, Fallen Snow

Peace Gab

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Tribute to Renee's Favourite Actress

Or her character, anyways. I found this video and anyone who watches Lost knows that this song PERfectly describes the character of Kate.

I'm excited about the Kate/Sawyer reunion even though I know it won't work out like I want it to:(

Isn't it funny how both my favourite actresses are brunettes from Vancouver? I think it's pretty funny. It's because BC is AWESOME.

Renee Out.