Monday, March 30, 2009

HIMYM Review: "Murtaugh"

I've decided that the best way to review this episode is by character plot line. Be warned, there will be sub-plot line character headings as well. All-in-all, this was the best episode since The Possimpible, but definitely not up to par with many of the others earlier in this season. Is it just me, or was the start of the season AMAZING, and then went downhill? I'm glad that they didn't overuse the flashbacks this episode, like they have been doing a lot lately.

So Barney, after being kicked out of his Laser Tag Club for breaking rules is told by Ted that he is too old for Laser Tag. It is then added to the "Murtaugh List" of stuff that they are too old to do. Barney takes it upon himself to do all the items on the list within 24 hours. Ted is then challenged to do the items on the list Barney makes of things that he is too young to do. There is a bet somewhere in here.
Ted was actually hilarious this episode. More so than in a very long time. Renee said, and I agree, that he is funny when he isn't taking everything too seriously. Funniest Moment: When he goes to answer the phone REALLY slowly. 
Barney was pretty funny tonight, but it felt almost a little forced sometimes. (Sorry NPH! I have to be critical. But if you ever read this, you were actually amazing, as per use.) I was very glad to see that he still plays laser tag, since that hasn't been mentioned since, like, season 1. I did like his earring, but his hair and clothes were no good. Favourite moment: Just a short clip. When he was in laser and had his foot on the kid while shooting her. I also loved the High Score Board that had Stinson listed for every single high score, ever.
Robin didn't really have a big part in this episode. She was just there with Barney the whole time (yay!). I like to see them spending time together. But I wish that they mentioned that Barney is in love with her sometimes. Just casually, you know? I am also, sorry to say, sick of the Canadian jokes. Mainly because the writers are overusing them and they are always the same ones. I want original ones! "Something about fur trapping." Favourite moment: Her rave outfit. Sort of reminded me of Robin Sparkles. And the blinky light in her mouth was awesome. 
This deserves its own heading. As previously mentioned, no references to their relationship, but it was nice to see them together the entire episode. Favourite moment: Their answering machine message. They are so cute together!

These two didn't even interact with the other characters this episode, which was sort of weird. Basically, Marshall takes over as the new basketball coach for Lily's kindergarten class at Lily's request, because she wants to observe him with children and give him practice for the future. Anyways, he's super hard on the kids and angry Marshall is HILARIOUS. Favourite moment: How the story changes with time and the competing team are all adults. I also love the creative ways of hiding Alyson Hannigan's belly: a guitar, orange slices, basketballs, a giant scarf. 

Wow, what a long and impressive post I just wrote!
Peace, Gab

PS: My prediction for Barney's Blog update this week: The Murtaugh List, and, potentially, the Too Young List (did this one have a name?)

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