Sunday, March 8, 2009

Renee's Number 10 Solo Artist

NOTE TO GAB: Duos are NOT included in these lists, it is for SOLO ARTISTS ONLY. I didn't have enough slots for both, so we can just do top five duos another time.

Also, for the music ones, I think we should post an actual video of them singing instead of just a picture.

Renee's Number 10 Solo Artist: Jeff Buckley

I learned about Jeff Buckley from this cool based in NY podcast I used to listen to called Metrobuzz. He drowned when he was really young, I don't even think he was thirty yet. He drowned in a river, too, like RIGHT after he wrote the song above, making it more than slightly eerie.

Best songs: Hallelujah, I Know It's Over, Vancouver, Lilac Wine

Renee Out

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