Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Renee's American Idol, Top 13 Review

Gab, where's your HIMYM review? Slacking, are we?

Before I begin, I should say - maybe I already said this. Oh well, I'll say it again - that I take part in an American Idol pool with two of my friends every year. We bet different things - last year the two losers had to buy the winner the first album of a contestant of their choice. The year before the loser had to put a sign up on her locker saying how lame she was and how awesome the winner was.

NOT TO BRAG ANYTHING, but I've won the last two years we did it. I had BOTH Davids last year, there was no way I could have been defeated.

We do it by points, so even if you don't have the winner, you could still win if your people all did really well. I had first pick, and then fourth, seventh and tenth. The leftover is Jorge. No one likes him.

I have Adam, Allison, Kris and Michael. Let's hope they go far.

So - on to last night! First up was Lil Rounds. She's good but OMG what was she wearing? it took so much away from her performance, which was a little boring.

Then we had the blind guy, Scott. It would be uncouth to say anything bad about a blind guy, so all I'll say is that he's nice but boring and I hope he doesn't stick around too long.

Michael was next, I'm pretty sure. He's good and likable. I really can't guess how far he'll go but hopefully quite a ways, because I have him in the pool and I'm gonna win again this year, damnit! I liked Simon's joke about not knowing what Michael's job was. Simon's the only job that knows what the hell he's talking about.

Was Danny next? Danny was pretty good, pretty comfortable on stage. I really like him. I was glad they didn't talk about his wife dying again. They should let people like him for him and not because they feel bad for him. Danny' definitely one of my favourites this year.

Then it was Jasmine (?) I don't totally remember the order. Jasmine is boring, but fine.

Then it was Kris. Jesus, he's good looking. WHAT, that's not why I picked him, how dare you? Anyways, he was alright. He pronounced the word "remember" funny, like "remembah" but other than that he was fine.

I don't really remember the order, as I said, but I think Allison was somewhere in here. She's so weird. I haven't decided if it's good weird or bad weird yet. I mean, I don't think anyone has ever made a joke about cutting themselves on American Idol before. But whatever the case, she's a fantastic singer and I liked her rocker vibe.

Jorge is so boring. That's why no one picked him.

Megan was somewhere around here. I love her, I think she's so cute and such a good singer. They were a little harsh to her, I mean COME ON NOW, it was freakin' Michael Jackson week, how many good songs were there to be chosen (sorry, MJ). I like Megan, I hope she sticks around.

Maybe Anoop was next? I thought he was better than they gave him credit for, but still not that great, and once he started talking I was like "Geez, this guy's a cocky bastard." So I hope he's out.

Adam was somewhere around here. I loved his performance, NATURALLY. He's so comfortable on stage. A little bit over the top but whatever. SOME people (cough my mother cough) say he screams too much but whatever. If you can do it, why not? He's definitely the best singer on the show regardless, and no one can possibly dispute that. Hopefully he's just popular enough to go on, but why wouldn't he be? He wears plaid, for God's sake! He's got my vote.

I know Matt was after Adam because they were like "Oh, poor Matt, it's hard to follow Adam, meat...potatoes..." or something. Matt's okay. I've never liked him as much as I did in Hollywood Week but we'll see.

Alexis was last. She was great! I love her voice! They were mean to her. Simon's all like "That wasn't as good as you think it was," which was so assholey of him, because she's obviously the least cocky person ever. God Simon. GOD.

So that's everyone I hope. I think it will (should) be Anoop and Jorge. I would be okay with Jasmine or Scott, though. We'll see, I guess.

What a productive use of my spare.

Renee Out.

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