Friday, March 13, 2009

Renee's Number 4 Solo Artist

I have to do a tie, I am sorry. I miscalculated. "I miscounted the men!" Oh haha, I love you Steve Martin.

By the by, I LOVE Damien Rice, just as much as I LOVE Nick Drake. Stellar list, my friend. I didn't check, did you have 9 Crimes? Probably did, you're smart that way.

Renee's Number 4's: Priscilla Ahn and Jack Johnson

Favourite songs: Dream, Lullaby, Leave the Light On, Rain

Favourite songs: Traffic in the Sky, Upside Down, Do You Remember, Tomorrow Morning, Inaudible Melodies

"Slow down everyone, you're moving too fat, frames can't catch you when you're moving like that."

What can I say, my taste in music is mellow. It balances my personality.

Renee Out.

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