Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gab's (mostly recycled) Questionnaire for Renee

Answer the following personal Q's so we can get to know your inner workings:

1. Favourite non-alcoholic beverage? Frescade

2. One celebrity to meet? Evangeline Lilly

3. Anthem of your life? Dream - Priscilla Ahn (it's a mellow anthem)

4. Colour of your soul? Black. Hmm, no, that's just me being hilarious. Green/blue?

5. Spirit animal? Bengal Tiger

6. One book to bring to a desert island? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

7. Favourite Jonas Brother? Neil Patrick Harris

8. Three adjectives to describe you? Loud, outgoing, overeager

9. Funniest person alive (besides me?) Craig Ferguson. If Mitch Hedberg was still alive, it'd be him.

10. Write a couplet about yourself.
As sure as the sun shines and the sky is blue
If you are a hottie Renee will stalk you

*BONUS: Who's the hottest in the office? Jim Halpert, HANDS DOWN (Ryan who?)

Time for you, our readers, to now enjoy Renee's bolded responses.

Peace, Gab

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