Thursday, March 5, 2009

Renee's Number 1 Band

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Favourite songs: Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away (one of my favourite songs ever), The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth, Satan Said Dance, Yankee Go Home

Renee by default wins the band contest, because Gab cheated by putting two together. Also, my bands are awesomer. You may have McGill; I will have awesomeness.

Renee (that's me) is involved in an American Idol poll with two of her very good friends. We've drawn the order - I get to go first! Last year I won because I had BOTH Davids.  I will briefly outline my strategy, but not too detailedly in case one of them looks. (Wow, detailedly doesn't have a red squiggle under it, does that mean it's actually a word?)

First round: I will nab Adam, obvs. One friend will most definitely take Danny, and the other will take one of the A girls.)

Second round: I will take Allison. If she's gone, I will go for Alexis.

See, you get points by how well your four people end up, so even if you don't have the winner, you might still win. This year I have developed a brilliant STRATEGIO that I will outline detailedly (detailedly, detailedly, detailedly) after the top 12 are fully assembled. I have a dark horse in mind that may be surprising to some. I will win again!!!

For our next top 10, Gab, I think we need to do solo artists. I'll start it off. Sound good?

Renee Out.

PS Lost sucks

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