Thursday, March 5, 2009

Renee's Letters to Write

1. Cobie Smulders
2. Jenna Fischer
3. Zachary Levi
4. Johnny, the ex-DJ from Ellen
5. Jack Johnson

I did read that David Archuleta answers all his fanmail, but I refuse to stoop that low! I'd rather lose than send a letter to David Archuleta. Not that there's anything wrong with him, it's just against my principles.

I went to this sketchy website to find addresses and who usually responds and OMG it is so creepy. Someone will scan their letter and then forty people will post "Great success!" like zombie clones. All the ones that talked about their Evangeline Lilly letters didn't get nearly as much of a letter from her as I did. They all got like half a line. WELL HAHA, I guess I am her favourite. These creepers on the website all collect autographs. I literally can't describe how strange that website made me feel. It's like when you listened to the overpersonal Howard Shore interview.

I don't know if any of my people will respond. All the lesser famous people I enjoy are not even on the interweb, Gabby:( Also, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to send these things called "SASE"s, where we like send a picture and a stamped envelope BUT I DIDN'T DO THAT WTH EVANGELINE LILLY SO I WON'T DO IT NOW.

Apparently BJ Novak answers in three weeks if you send a SASE. Whatever that is...

Renee Out.

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