Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Exciting Challenge for Renee!

So, we just finished writing our epic 10 page letter to Neil, and I was inspired to write more, to other famous people that I don't personally know! And then today, Renee had the idea to make it into a competition. Because that is what we always do: make it a competition.
She suggested that we each choose 10 people to send a letter to and then base the "winning" on the number of replies received. I realized, however, that I only really have 5/6* people that I want to send a letter and then 2 that I could force myself to write to. Furthermore, I am neither made of time, nor money. So I suggest this: we turn it into five?

I hereby take you up on your challenge.

Without further ado, here is my list of famous people that I'll be penning epic letters to.

1. Dustin Lance Black
2. Jorma Taccone
3. BJ Novak
4. Seth Meyers
5. Daniel Bruhl
6. Jed Whedon*

* I can't find his address on the ol' interweb. I say we do 5 letters unless I can find it sometime soon. So Renee, when you make your list, make sure you have an extra one just in case.

RULES (because there has to be some):
- It must be snail mail. It is a dying art, as you say.
- You cannot base your list upon who you think is likely to respond. It has to be based on people you legitimately  like. So Renee, I better see Sawyer on that list...
- By the power vested in me, I declare that Evangeline Lily does not count.
- Add your own rule, if you like.

It's a plan. How about that?

Peace, Gab

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