Monday, September 7, 2009

Blog post for one

School starts tomorrow. Yech. Poor Gab is already at school, though.

Renee is going to try valiantly to keep up her half of the blog during the upcoming tv season because it is a very important time for all of us. Maybe I'll even mention some current events here and there, if I'm feeling whimsical.

I don't have tons to write about just presently, because none of my shows have started yet, and I have no life outside of tv and Gab, but SOMEBODY (cough Danielle) has been harassing me, yes harassing me, to update the blog. Since Danielle has been our single loyal reader since the beginning of well versed in etiquette, it seems only fair to comply to her wishes. Even though she's multiple continents away right now (HINT: She's in Asia - go stalk her, perverts!) 

For some filler, I am going to make a list of all the songs that I got very into this summer. Isn't that interesting? 

Don't Forget - Demi Lovato (whatever)
London by Night - Greg Laswell
Wake Up - Arcade Fire
You'll See Boys - Rent soundtrack
Who's Loving You - Jackson 5
Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll - the Killers
Miss New York -  Brendan Hines
Move (Metronomy Remix) - CSS
18th Floor Balcony - Blue October
Butterfly - Dave Matthews
Opal's Blues - The Be Good Tanyas
Free Stress Test - Professor Murder
Walcott - Vampire Weekend
Better Day - To Have Heroes
Men of Snow - Ingrid Michaelson
Ordinary Day - Emilie Mover
Right Back Where We Started From - Maxine Nightengale

and ALL JAY BRANNAN SONGS (thanks Gab). Here are a few favourites:

Ever After Happily, 26 Hour Day, Half-Boyfriend, Can't Have It All, Bowlegged and Starving, String-a-long Song, 

REMINDER TO SELF: Make next poll question "favourite Harry Potter book." Everybody loves a Harry Potter question.

Renee Out.

P.S. I am expecting a return letter from Zachary Quinto any day now, confirming that we are soulmates. That is, unless my international coupon was rejected, in which case I'll have to smuggle myself across the border and get some American stamps. JK, border police, don't arrest me.

P.P.S. This is funny, unlike some other Before the Door projects (cough, Buddy and Andy, ugh)
WARNING: Crude language and themes

Monday, August 24, 2009

Funny FML

I think maybe I went a little overkill on the pictures and slightly drowned our blog. Therefore, this is a text only post!

Pictures taken at just the right angle


Renee Out.

More pictures that Renee did not take

This one is an underwater shot, but it's not really cool unless you know that.

Renee Out.

I did not take these

I wish.

Oh, what, how did that one get in here? :)

Renee Out.

Random Monday Rambles

I have stolen some time. Shhh.

So lately Renee (me) has been having to entertain herself with innovative ways, since her be-fri decided it would be totally cool to abandon her for four years (but whatever, I'm not bitter.) Some of the aforementioned activities she has been partaking in include: juggling, magic tricks, watching hours and hours of Ace of Cakes, reading (which is stupid, seeing as her glasses are not ready) and being especially clingy with her dog, who is experiencing some sort of gas issue.

Anyways. To summarize, I am lonely, yet happy for my bestie. I will try to keep up the blog, even though I know for a fact that we only have one reader (who is currently traipsing through Malaysia). However, Renee considers pursuing some form of vague writing career that if she has to attempt to describe to one more prying adult will cause her to KILL HERSELF (I think maybe I threaten that too much.) Anyways. Ugh. My words are getting all messed up. It's that concussion I got from waterskiing, even though nobody believed me. Well, nobody believed me about needing glasses either, and WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?? (Well, the glasses makers probably, seeing as we shelled out four hundred dollars for my freaking prism lenses.)

But yes, keeping a blog, even a blog that no one reads, is excellent practice for some kind of vague writing career. It keeps my wit sharp and my words pithy. Also, if I tag the people from Ace of Cakes enough times they are bound to discover it and then beg me to move to Baltimore, Maryland to be their director of awesomeness.

So yeah. That's why all the tags are Ace of Cakes related. Glug. I feel really strange. There's lots of pressure on my head.

This is essentially just a stream of conciousness post, which no one wants to read. Next one will hopefully be more coherent.

Renee Out.

P.S. I was away for all the SYTYCD craziness and without a computer, but I want to say now that I was thrilled that Jeanine won, because she was my absolute favourite; even more than my serious boyfriend Jason

Ace of Cakes really TAKES THE CAKE

AH GOD. I am in the computer lab in school right now, slacking on my work as per use, and the semi-sadistic IT teacher has put the Graduation Song by Vitamin C on repeat. It has actually been playing for about forty five minutes. I am GOING TO HANG MYSELF.

Not only do I hate that song, but I hate thinking about graduation or anything to do with it, because it just reminds that I am far from being ready for the real world.

Here's a small rant, though it is not Thursday (I never really stayed on top of that scheduling business anyways.) I dislike it inordinately when people (mainly adults) ask you what you're going to do with your life and where you're going to go to University etc. Aren't there any other things they would like to know about me? Like my favorite fruit (pomegranate) or how my dog's farting problem is coming along (not improving)? Because I view both of those as more interesting questions.

I have to go, which is a shame, because I was going to use this post to write a long and detailed recap of my FAVOURITE show right now, Ace of Cakes. P.S. I am in love with Ben, because for me to like a show it has to have at least two of these three things: 1) a hottie, 2) humour and 3) a couple I am rooting for. Ace of Cakes makes the cut.

I will write again as soon as I can.

Renee Out.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This is a cheat post

...because it has no substance!

However. Except the blog to pick up its socks, so to speak, coming up soon. I have lots of things to say about the spoiler leakage for some of our favourite shows, most exciting from HIMYM and Bones (except no one that I know besides me and Mrs. Chartrand even watches Bones.) WHATEVER. I'll still talk about it.

So our friend Gab is leaving us in the wee hours of tomorrow morning and I will be inebriated with tears for the next week and a half or so while I am working, but THEN when the school year begins and I have no friends since my only friend besides Danielle LEFT ME (I have early onset abandonment issues) I will be updating multitudinously, especially when my shows start. Gab will update when she can, but she will be very busy, but I sadly, will not be.

P.S. My left eye is crossing and no one will believe me. They'll ALL SEE (pun intended) when I go to the eye doctor on Fri. and am prognosesed with some horrible disease.

Renee Out.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Renee is lazy, but not as lazy as Gab

Hi there everybody. Unfortunately I am going away for two weeks, and since I have been the only one attempting to carry the blog these last few months (everyone's thinking it Gab!) the updates are going to be even slower and fewer between than usual. Which I apologize for, but I am determined to pick up the slack with mucho gusto when i return so that I can once again be laudable (word of the day - it means praiseworthy, no big deal.)

I will miss all our readers aka Danielle. Look forward to well versed in etiquette picking up its metaphorical socks when I return.

Renee Out.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Renee's predicament

Told entirely in third person.

So today Renee woke up and decided to feng shui her room since no one wanted to hang out with her (fingers pointing at you Gab). She sprung out of bed and took everything out if it's place before realizing that cleaning her room was not, in fact, what she had wanted to do all along, but that it was actually to go make herself a chicken and mayo sandwich. She vacated her room, leaving her bed piled high with three feet of junk that had been stored in the dark corners of her room.

Well! This landed her in a quite a predicament, as the title suggests. She is now officially bedless, since for some obscure reason her parents who worked all day and her Grandmother at the spry age of 87 do not feel like vacating their beds for one short night. How dare they.

So now she has a number of choices. Admittedly, this is not the first time this has happened. Her teachers said her attention span would improve over time. Her teachers were wrong.

Last time Renee bunked in the bathtub with very unsuccessful results, the worst of which was a strange sound made by her neck whenever she turned her head to the left for the next week or so. She is currently still deciding, but she is leaning towards setting up camp underneath the dining room table, because it gives her natural shelter and muffles the sound of those insane people who rise and shine at seven in the morning.

She's off to find some blankets to fashion her measly fort. Don't feel bad for her or anything. (Please do)

Renee Out.

P.S. Why is it that Kevin Bacon is so good at playing mental cases? And why is it that Renee chose this, of all nights, to watch a highly disturbing movie about Kevin Bacon becoming invisible and raping/murdering people, including my beloved Grunny? (Murder only with that one.) Poor Grunny. No tearing it up in that movie. His bloddy carcass reminds Renee of his sad fate on Lost - and on that note, she's off the sleep in the empty, creaking dining room.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Funny video

Best thing I've seen all day:)

Renee Out

Friday, July 24, 2009

ZQ on Lizze Maguire

Haaaa. Made my day. I love him even more now.

Renee Out.

PS: This is a horrible show.

One more ZQ

I like the Jonas Brothers one, and the last one, if it's real.

I understand that I post many a-video lately about my new bf Zachary Quinto but that is because he is awesome. He made this movie, isn't he awesome? Answer, yes he is. Also, my friend Grunny is in it.

I'll try and contain myself from posting too many more.

Renee Out.

Funny Video Failures

I literally just watched at least forty of these. Here are my top five favourites:

5. Handshake Fail

4. Courage Fail

3. Opening Pitch Fail

2. Jonas Brothers Fail

1. Honking Fail

Which is your favourite?

Peace, Gab

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Hottie/Musician Wednesday

So I kind of already featured the guy, Brendan Hines (aka Eli Loker) but that was before I found out he was a musician, so now I have to refeature him.

He's pretty good. Not fantastic or anything, but fine. Here's my favourite song by him so far (I haven't listened to all of them yet.) And I think it's pretty funny that his "band" is called "The Brendan Hines" but then it's just him.

His lyrics are topnotch, the music's just a little - meh. I don't know, I'm just picky. But I still want to marry him:)

Also, I hate it when people take songs and then add a bunch of pictures to it and are like "look I made a video, rate, subscribe!" and then people have to view it so they can hear the song but then that person thinks people think their video is cool and keeps making more.

Did I also mention I hate spelling errors? Pretty sure I've beaten that one into the ground by this point, but nonetheless I really really do. Especially when they're my own I hate them.

Renee Out.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lack of updates = slack bloggers

Sorry, dear voracious readers - I know you have been crying yourselves to sleep over the lack of updates. We'll try to improve, but alas, we were very busy, and only getting busier. I know, how dare we have lives, right?

I do have a question. If anyone were to read this and respond they could answer me this - are there any new shows starting in the fall that sound like something Renee might be interested in? If so, let me know please. I don't watch enough tv (joke)

Speaking of tv, already mentioned I am sure, but I love Heroes and by Heroes I mean SYLAR aka Sylo. We are in love and we are getting married and that is the end of that.

I also love this guy, but in a different way:)

This video makes me smile every time, as does the one of Adrian Pasdar aka Nathan Petrelli laughing hysterically over "Dramatic Chipmunk" for like five minutes. Poor sleep deprived underpaid (ha!) actors.

I'll try my best to update more, I really will.

Renee Out.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter movie review

Five stars! Or...isn't it only out of four in movies? I always forget. Well, anyways. The full amount of possible stars!

The movie exceeded my expectations (which means I can take Potions from Slughorn, haaa). It was way funnier than any of the other ones, the cinematography was great, and it was edited perfectly. There were no scenes that I missed, and there were none that I found superfluous.

Highlights: Harry high on Felix Felicis, Ron high on love potion (this movie seems to promote drug use. Stay clean, kiddies), Ron in the hospital scene, Luna's lion hat, the Quidditch parts and all of the special effects.

Who knew Daniel Radcliffe had comedic timing? All the acting has improved immensely, even hermione. She barely annoyed me this movie!

The special effects were ridiculous and DID I MENTION THAT DRACO MALFOY GOT SEXY? I don't know how or when but suddenyl he is such a fox. I think it's the combination of a side part, angst and a tight black suit.

Only downsides: my BF Dean didn't get enough screen time. However, for once they utilised Maggie Smith and Alan Rickman. Remember last movie when they were each in like one scene? LAMME.

Slughorn guy is funny too.

What a great movie!

Renee Out

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Hottie Day

Eli Loker - Lie to Me

Renee Out.

Intellectual Mind Sex

Renee has been reading poetry lately. Here are some favourite excerpts (I love the word excerpt. It just looks so fancy, you know? Like there are so many sounds that should be pronounced but then aren't, like a pumpkin tart. BTW I ate my weight in chocolate cheesecake tonight and now I feel more than a little ill. Tangent)

Not a day passes, not a minute or second without a corpse. - Walt Whitman

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
- T.S. Eliot

what if a dawn of a doom of a dream
bites this universe in two
peels forever out of his grave
and sprinkles nowhere with me and you?
- e.e. cummings

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
- W.H. Auden

A young watchman leans at a window and sees the lights
of barges butting their way across a harbor, nets of
red and white lanterns in a railroad yard, and a span
of glooms splashed with lines of white and blurs of
crosses and clusters over the sleeping city.
By night the skyscraper looms in the smoke and the stars
and has a soul.
- Carl Sandburg

Hope that stimulated your cerebulums (word? i don't think so...)

Renee Out.

Gab's Attractive List

Renee is forcing me to do this when I should be sleeping.

1. BJ Novak (The Office)
2. Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother)
3. Seth Meyers (Saturday Night Live)
4. Cam Gigandet (The OC)
5. Adam Brody (The OC)
6. Mitch Hewer (Skins)
7. Joseph Dempsie (Skins)
8. Nicholas Hoult (Skins)
9. Tyce Diorio (SYTYCD)
10. Travis Wall (SYTYCD)
11. Mark Kanemura (SYTYCD)
12. Lil C (SYTYCD)
13. Jorma Taccone (SNL)
14. Andy Samberg (SNL)
15. Kris Allen (American Idol)
16. John Krasinski (The Office)
17. Jason Glover (SYTYCD)
18. Bill Hader (SNL)
19. Ringo Star (The Beatles)
20. Gael Garcia Bernal (The Science of Sleep)
21. Daniel Bruhl (Good Bye, Lenin!)
22. Andrei Taganov (We The Living)
23. Leo Kovalensky (We The Living)
24. Leonardo DiCaprio (What's Eating Gilbert Grape)
25. Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
26. Jason Schwartzman (Rushmore)
27. Jay Brannan (Singer/Songwriter)
28. Robert Schwartzman (Rooney)
29. Kevin Barnes (of Montreal)
30. Jake Gylenhaal (Donnie Darko)
31. Jonathan Rhys Meyers (The Tudors)
32. Joaquin Phoenix (Walk the Line)
33. Adrien Brody (The Pianist)
34. Wes Bentley (American Beauty)
35. Bret McKenzie (Flight of the Conchords)
36. Zach Braff (Garden State)
37. Paul Newman (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid)
38. Ryan Gosling (United States of Leland)
39. Dustin Lance Black (Milk)
40. Edward Norton (Fight Club)
41. George Clooney (Goodnight and Goodluck.)
42. Jed Whedon (Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog)
43. Jared Leto (Requiem for a Dream)
44. Guy Pearce (Memento)
45. Paul Rudd (Clueless)
46. Patrick Wilson (Little Children)
47. Wes Anderson (Rushmore)
48. Michael Urie (Ugly Betty)
49. Johnny Depp (Benny and Joon)
50. David Kross (The Reader)
51. Justin Chambers (Grey's Anatomy)
52. Ryan Eggold (90210)
53. Matt Lanter (90210)
54. Robert Pattinson (Harry Potter)
55. Luke Perry (Beverly Hills, 90210)
56. Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl)
57. John Gallagher Jr. (Spring Awakening)
58. Matt Doyle (Spring Awakening)
59. Sufjan Stevens (Singer/Songwriter)
60. Milo Ventimiglia (Gilmore Girls)
61. Heath Ledger (Brokeback Mountain)
62. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Mysterious Skin)
63. Don Cheadle (Hotel Rwanda)

OK, Done.

Peace, Gab

Renee's Attractive List

For future reference and just out of sheer boredom, these are the most attractive fifty-ish people of all the people in the population of people except I probably forgot a lot of people. Fictional characters are allowed.

Are we shallow Gab? Are we. No.

David Cook (American Idol)
Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls)
Gio Rossi (Ugly Betty)
Seeley Booth (Bones)
Jake Gyllenhaal
Ryan Reynolds
Jason Sudeikis (Saturday Night Live)
Seth Myers (Saturday Night Live)
Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother)
Jim Halpert/John Krasinski (The Office)
Greg Laswell (music)
Eli Loker (Lie to Me)
Shawn Spencer (Psych)
Dave Rygalski (Gilmore Girls)
Alex Karev/Justin Chambers (Grey's Anatomy)
Denny Duquette (Grey's Anatomy)
Owen Hunt (Grey's Anatomy)
Adam Lambert (American Idol)
Wesley (The Princess Bride)
Jed Whedon (Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog)
Zack Whedon (Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog)
Mark Kanemura (SYTYCD)
Travis Wall (SYTYCD)
Ryan Gosling (The Notebook)
Matt Doyle
Will Smith (Hitch/Fresh Prince of Bel Air)
Tyce Diorio (SYTYCD)
Paul Newman (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid)
Heath Ledger (10 Things I Hate About You)
Andrei Taganov (We the Living)
Max (The Book Thief)
John Bender (The Breakfast Club)
Hugh Dancy (Ella Enchanted)
Guy from Taylor Swift music video (Taylor Swift music video)
Guy who plays Dean Thomas (Harry Potter)
Robert Pattinson (Harry Potter/Twilight)
Jacob Black (Twilight books)
Tyler James Williams (Everybody Hates Chris)
James "Sawyer" Ford (Lost)
Jack Shephard (Lost)
Matt Something (Ugly Betty)
Bret McKenzie (Flight of the Conchords)
Kris Allen (American Idol)
Michael Johns (American Idol)
Dr. Cox (Scrubs)
James Marsden (27 Dresses)
Ryan Atwood (The OC)
Johnny the DJ (Ellen Degeneres Show)
That guy from Sweeney Todd that's going to be Gellert Grindelwald in Harry Potter (Sweeney Todd/Harry Potter)
Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)
Chuck Bartowski (Chuck)
Simba (The Lion King)
Joseph Gordon Levitt (10 Things I Hate About You/3rd Rock from the Sun)
Jonathon Taylor Thomas (Home Improvement)
Elijah Wood (LOTR)
Matt Giraud (American Idol)
Alex Rand (soon to be famous)
J. A. (top secret person, hint Josh)
Dustin Lance Black
Guy that played Jesse in My Sister's Keeper (My Sister's Keeper)

I may have exceeded my limit, and I'm sure that I could think of many more but I had really better stop.

Renee Out.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

American Idol Concert Tour Review

Well. Well. It's good that I gave myself a few days to calm down before blogging about the tour or it would have basically been a whole lot of unreadable jibberish that looked a little like this - "OMGhgkjk679ADAMLAMBERtgahhh679q9ue8w5789&%*"

Or something to that effect. (Affect? Effect...)

Anyways. The tour was GREAT. I may have even enjoyed it more than last year, because unfortunately David Cook was disappointing. However, no one this year was disappointing (that I cared about.) Adam was FANTASTIC - the energy in the room when he came out was electrifying (good word). Everyone was just so stoked to see him. Seeing him live was different than anyone else I've ever seen live because he was just so...good. Like, inhuman. ELECTRIFYING, if you will.

Allison, Matt, Kris and Scott were all also very good, and there was nobody bad. Megan was the most disappointing, just because she didn't really connect with the audience at all.

The group song was amazing, mainly because RENEE LOVES JOURNEY. That one song, to be more specific (Don't Stop Believin')

And then AFTERWARDS - oh boy. We got to see them and get SO CLOSE TO THEM IT WAS...electrifying. I touched Kris Allen's palm (not creepily, we high fived) and I squished my hand against Matt Giraud's chest (again, not creepily, I was shoved forward by some weirdo behind me - what kind of thirty year old male freaks out when they see Allison Iraheta? Pedophile. He totally pushed some little kids into the barricades. I feared for my life. Tangent.)

Then Adam Lambert stole my book. I was holding it out for him to sing because people held stuff out and then they got signed but I guess no one else was holding anything as weird as "The Sun Also Rises" because his rep misconstrued my gesture and thought I was giving it to him as a gift. She was like "Thanks, he'll love it" and then she took it. I didn't say anything, because I have to say, the thought of Adam Lambert reading my book - or more specifically Gab's book - makes me a little tingly.

So that was basically my American Idol experience, omitting the part where we got lost afterwards, wandered around downtown Vancouver for an hour and had to take a kabuki cab back to our hotel.

Renee Out

Monday, July 6, 2009

Greg Laswell

Very excellent musician. Buddies with Ingrid Michaelson too, which of course always makes someone look good.

Renee Out.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Renee's Ideal Trip

The print is a little small, but what it says is: Victoria to Hawaii to Osaka to Shanghai to Guam to Papua New Guinea to the Solomon Islands to Vanautu to Fiji to Tonga to the Cook Islands to Tahiti to Hawaii to Victoria.

Renee Out.

Renee's Scary Story

Because this is what happens when she's left home alone.

A beautiful young girl comes downstairs. All the windows are not only open but locked that way. Odd, she thinks, as she goes around closing them. Then she notices that the back door is ajar. Strange, being that it is after midnight. A feeling of unease begins to creep across her flawless skin as she closes the door with porcelain hands. She notices a strange shadow flitting across the back deck. 

To calm her nerves, she goes to the dark computer screen. Although in sleep mode, she notices a recurring "ding" resonating from the computer. Intrigued, she touches the space bar. The screen bursts to life, with a single message flashing repeatedly across the screen. "I'm in the house. Look behind you." No one hears her muffled scream.

NOTE: This story is based on true events. The end part is a figment of my terrified imagination.

Renee Out.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Top ten actresses part 2

There's a blonde one this time! I've broken free from the norm.

6. Zooey Deschanel

7. Kristin Kreuk

8. Katherine Heigl

9. Chyler Leigh

10. Eva Mendes

Renee Out.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Renee's Top 10 Actresses she would look like

NOTICE: Renee will be carrying the blog for a while, since someone is off jetsetting to warm tropical places. I am very upset right now because my Harry Potter 7 book was taken from me today and I will not sleep until I get it back. Also, I feel like my eyes are crossing. I think I need to see an optomatrist (that's definitely not spelled right).

Current events: Cobie Smulders baby's name is Shaelyn Cado Killam.

These are the top ten actresses that Renee would look like. It's split into only two posts because it's not as important as my top ten hotties list was, which garnered ten posts.

1. Lauren Graham

2. Cobie Smulders

3. Evangeline Lilly

4. Olivia Wilde

5. Lizzy Caplan

There seems to be a theme here. They all have wavy brown hair. I wish that my hair was brown and wavy, but alas it is not.

Second installment on its way (apparently you can only post so many pictures in one entry.)

Renee Out.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Weird to hear it done by someone who can actually sing.

Renee Out.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rant Thursday










Um, hey now, Skippy, I'm going too don't forget.

Renee Out.

P.S. Regina Spektor's CD is ridiculous. I listened to it until like...three in the morning, which was stupid now that I think about it because i had to get up at seven. My favourite songs, in order kind of:

Folding Chair
Riot Gear
Blue Lips

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I must be dreaming

I am going to see Regina Spektor live.
On September 17 in Montreal.
At Metropolis.

Pinch me.

Peace, Gab

Monday, June 22, 2009

Renee hates exams

Stupid Gab with her stupid being finished.


This is me, sounding my barbaric yawp from the rooftops of the world.

So anyways. Can't talk much because of this thing called Chem 11 and this other thing called me being stupid. HAHA, I love poking fun at myself, it's so much more gratifying than doing it to other people because I get to see the hurt up close.

Fictional hottie of the week: Dave Rygalski, Gilmore Girls. Will post some video soon.

I love Seven Layer Dip, it deserves to be capitialized, I've decided that maybe I'll only separate my thoughts with commas from now, pull a Kerouac, how does that sound? Who needs edit, right?

Renee Out.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Most Looked Forward to Summer 2009 Films

Away We Go
I LOVE director Sam Mendes. I know that I have a lot of favourites, but American Beauty is literally my favourite movie. I love it, and I love the attention to detail that Sam puts into his work. I also love John Krasinski, so I'm really looking forward to seeing this. 

My Sister's Keeper
I'm not going to see this until after I read it, but it's on my summer reading list so hopefully I'll get to see it this summer. I've heard a ton of great things about the book. I really like Abigail Breslin, too, and am glad that they didn't cast Dakota Fanning, who I have a weird but intense dislike for.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Obviously I am incredibly excited for this! I love Harry Potter, and can't wait.

(500) Days of Summer
I really love Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. I saw an interview with Zooey, and she said that unlike most romantic comedies, this one is not stereotypical and is not stuck in the standard format. Plus, Regina Spektor's music is in the trailer!

Inglorious Basterds
I love Quentin Tarentino. Or at least Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction. And BJ Novak is in this. And Daniel Bruhl. The day I get to see this will be a beautiful day.

Taking Woodstock
Ang Lee is a brilliant director and I am really excited to see this. Renee is also excited, I'm sure, because Demetri Martin is in it. 

(Where the Wild Things Are)
OK, it's not coming out this summer, but I am SO flipping excited for this movie. I used to LOVE this book. All of the music was chosen by Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Karen Oh, and the trailer (which is beautiful) features Arcade Fire. Also, wierdly enough, the screenplay is also written by the same people who wrote the screenplay for Away We Go.

Peace, Gab

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Music/Hottie Saturday

Jay Brannan

I stumbled upon his Youtube channel in my finest hour of procrastination. He has a really beautiful voice. Enjoy!

Peace, Gab

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Epic of Montreal Post

Featuring a variety of videos:

Kevin Dancing:

Live Animals at Show:

Kevin Being Hung by the Neck at Show:

Acoustic of Montreal (Bowie Cover):

Longish Interview:

Enjoy, I did!

Peace, Gab

NEW HOTTIE: Kevin Barnes

I am so flipping in love with this man— he's such a musical genius. Kevin is the lead singer of of Montreal. His talking voice is so sexy. I also love his singing voice, though. Here are a few fun facts:

1) His stage persona is that of a glam rock black man in his forties that has undergone many sex changes named Georgie Fruit.
2) His brother does all of the artwork for their albums.
3) He has an adorable laugh.
4) He has one daughter.
5) of Montreal shows are insane and it is my life goal to go to as many as possible.
6) When I say they are insane, I mean literally. One show he did, he wore a dress and performed on top of a ladder with the long dress draped down. And one show he did totally in the nude. 

The best part of this video is when he has the idea for the song. But I'm not going to tell you where; just watch the whole thing. 

Peace, Gab

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dustin Lance Black is an amazing speaker

He's very inspirational, and very well spoken. There was a LGBT rally against Prop 8 which met in Fresno, California, and this is his speech. It's slightly long, but really worth watching. He's incredible.

Lance is definitely a hero of mine. (I now know that he goes by Lance and not Dustin... And he never replied to my letter.)

Part 1

Part 2

Peace, Gab

Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Hotties Saturday

I know he's not exactly "new" because I kind of talk about him all the time or whatever but he is just so studly. Our blog needs to post about him at least once a week I've decided.

Foxy, no? Just don't ask me where I found him. Too embarassing.

I know it's not a very good picture but I was too lazy to look for a better one and he looks like Dustin Lance Black kinda in this picture.

Renee Out.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Reneemon and Gabfunkle

Coffee House and Talent Show. Gab is the hottie on the piano. Renee is the other one, the one that sings.

Renee Out.

Renee and Gab's Unlimited Evite barbecue

There were too many people we wanted. So now we get everybody!

EDIT: OMG Renee forgot all her Grey's Anatomy friends!!

Added: Justin Chambers, Katherine Heigl, TR Knight, Sandra Oh, Kate Walsh, Patrick Dempsey, Sara Ramirez

EDIT: David Boreanaz

EDIT by Gab: I'd like to add Nick Hoult, Joe Dempsie, and Kevin Barnes + wife

1. Neil Patrick Harris
2. David Burtka
3. Cobie Smulders (+baby)
4. Josh Radnor
5. Alyson Hannigan
6. Evangeline Lilly
7. Dominic Monaghan
8. Matthew Fox
9. Josh Holloway
10. Daniel Dae Kim
11. Tyce Diorio
12. Lauren Graham
13. Adam Lambert
14. Allison Iraheta
15. Kris Allen
16. Bret McKenzie
17. Jemaine Clement
18. Regina Spektor
19. Ingrid Michaelson
20. Priscilla Ahn
21. Jack Johnson
22. Josiah Leming
23. BJ Novak
24. Mindy Kaling
25. John Krasinski
26. Jenna Fischer
27. Angela Kinsey (+ baby)
28. Ed Helms
29. Craig Ferguson
30. Ellen Degeneres
31. Joshua Jackson
33. Hugh Laurie
34. John Green
35. Andrew Bravener
36. Dustin Lance Black
37. Jed Whedon
38. Maurissa Something
39. Zack Whedon
40. Mitch Hewer
41. Nathan Trasoras
42. Markus Zusak
43. JK Rowling
44. Mark Kanemura
45. Katee Shean
46. Courtney Galiano
47. Joshua Allen
48. Twitch Something
49. Gev Manoukian
50. Travis Wall
51. Tyler James Williams
52. Portia DeRossi
53. Kristen Wiig
54. Will Forte
55. Seth Myers
56. Jason Segel
57. Amy Poehler
58. Tina Fey
59. Jake Gyllenhaal
60. "Ayn" Rand
61. Talent scout to discover "Ayn"
62. Idina Menzel
63. Kristen Chenoweth
64. Lizzy Caplan
65. Natalie Portman
66. Cate Blanchett
67. Jason Glover
68. Evan Kasprzck
69. Ryan Kasprzck
70. Other Kasprzck
71. Frankie (Bonus Jonas)
72. Jorma Taccone
73. Andy Samberg
74. Akiva Schaffer
75. Paul Lieberstein
76. Bo Burnham
77. Robert Sean Leonard
78. Olivia Wilde
79. Adam Brody
80. Ben McKenzie
81. Sean Astin
82. Billy Boyd
83. Tegan
84. Sara
85. Jason Schwartzman
86. Daniel Bruhl
87. Gael Garcia Bernal
88. Jon Abraham (Ellen DJ)
89. Angus Something (Two and a Half Men)
90. Kourtney Kane? (HIMYM writer)
91. Greg Laswell
92. Joshua Radin
93. Zach Braff
94. Zachary Levi
95. Ed Westwick
96. Milo Ventimiglia
97. Bjorn Turoque
98. Will Smith
99. Paul Simon
100. Art Garfunkle

The male to female ratio seems to be a little uneven, haha.

*Note: we would have invited high profilers like Obama and the Dalai Llama, but that would just make our guests uncomfortable, and what kind of hostesses do that?

The RSVP's should start pouring in any day now! Just like our fan letter replies...

Renee Out.

Gab's Ideal Dinner Party

So, I didn't want to invite some people to our joint dinner party because Renee doesn't like them, so here is my list.

1. BJ Novak
2. Mitch Hewer
3. Mindy Kaling
4. Cobie Smulders
5. Neil Patrick Harris
6. Seth Meyers
7. Travis Wall
8. Natalie Portman
9. Tyce Diorio
10. Jorma Taccone

And the seating chart!

Peace, Gab

Gab and Renee joint dinner party FINAL DRAFT

1. Neil Patrick Harris

2. Tyce Diorio

3. Cobie Smulders

4. BJ Novak

5. Adam Lambert

6. Ingrid Michaelson

7. Mindy Kaling

8. David Cook

9. Ellen Degeneres

10. John Krasinski

Seating plan:

*****John BJ Gab Renee Cobie*******
Mindy********* TABLE************Neil
*****Ingrid Tyce Ellen David Adam*****

Craig got the axe because we decided he would be over the top for our mellow dinner party, and we thought Regina Spektor might be too quiet. LOVE how seriously we are taking this! The seating plan took wayyyy too long for us to make considering this is fictional.

Can't wait for our non-existant party!!

Renee and Gab Peacing Out and things.

Gab's Rough Draft for Joint Dinner Party

We can invite 10 people to our dinner party, and we both need to like them:

1. BJ Novak

2. Tyce Diorio

3. Neil Patrick Harris

4. Adam Lambert

5. Mark Kanemura

6. Evangeline Lilly

7. Justin Chambers

8. Cobie Smulders

9. John Krasinski

10. Mindy Kaling

I went for peoople who we both like, but would also be interesting/add depth to our party. Some would offer their incredible hilariosity, while others could add their intellect and good looks.

Peace, Gab

Renee's Rough Draft for joint dinner party

Early list of ten people for our fabulous dinner party that we will obviously have, once we are famous. We will both post a list, compare and edit.

1. Neil Patrick Harris
2. David Burtka
3. Tyce Diorio
4. Cobie Smulders
5. David Cook (please?)
6. Adam Lambert
*7. Bret McKenzie
*8. Jemaine Clement
9. BJ Novak (ugh)
10. Regina Spektor

See, I'm stuck here, because we can't really only have Flight of the Conchord, can we, but that leaves no room for Ingrid Michaelson.


7 and 8 become Ingrid Michaelson and Ellen Degeneres. Sorry boys! (They'll be crush, I'm sure)

Also, David Burtka is a chef kind of, right? if we have him as our caterer does that make him not count as a guest? Because if so, I just forgot about Mindy Kaling!

Also, we need Craig Ferguson, we want to be laughing, right? Ergh, we need fifteen.

Do fictional characters count, because if so HARRY POTTER.

Renee Out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

SYTYCD Favourites: Gab Edition

So, after Vegas week, I have my favourites.


- Brandon Bryant — I don't care what Mia and Lil C say (I really do, just not in this case), this man is freaking brilliant. His solo was out of this world, and he was way better than anyone else. I just think he wasn't living up to the enormous hype that Mia and Lil C had been hearing.

- Evan Kasprzak — He's the younger, slightly more attractive of the 'Broadway Brothers.' Both are very good, but I like him better. Here is what is going to happen tomorrow night: they'll be called in together because they love splitting best friends/roommates/siblings, and he'll make it through because he's the younger more attractive one. And yes, the looks will probably be the sole purpose when they both deserve to be in the top 20.

- Alex Wong — I don't know much about him (or if he's even in the top 32?) but he did the first solo of Vegas Week and was amazing. He was just so interesting! This video is not from SYTYCD, but shows off his amazingness. Oh, and he's Canadian!

- Jason Glover  — I also don't know much about him, but I do know that he's in the top 32. They only showed a brief clip of him, but he too was amazing. Sorry no video!

- Natalie Reid — I don't care that they cut her; she still deserves a place on this list. She was robbed. Sure, she screwed up the choreography, but they had literally moments before shown her do an amazing job of it. And, they should have at least let her dance for her life; I mean, some people who were a lot worse got to! It made me mad.

- Nathan Trasoras — Just because he's so good he deserves to be on the list. I look forward to watching him dance next season.

Yep, that's it. I cannot wait until tomorrow night!

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 6 Movie

Forrest Gump

This is essentially the only Tom Hanks movie that I like (sorry, Renee!), but it is honestly amazing. The story is beautifully told and I feel smart when I watch it because I recognize all of the historical events that I learned about in school. Tom Hanks is brilliant, it has beautiful music, the historical footage is blended perfectly, it makes me cry every time, what more can you really ask for in a movie? 

Peace, Gabfunkel. (this is even better since Simon & Garfunkel play in this movie!)

PS: The same writers also wrote the screenplay for 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.' I was, however, very disappointed in this one. It felt too much like a poor attempted repeat of Forrest Gump.

Monday, June 1, 2009

SYTYCD faves: renee edition

Nathan (except he was too young, but Jesus he was foxy...and he was a good dancer, but that's secondary)
Amanda (?) - her Dad has M.S.

Your picks, Gabfunkle?

Reneemon Out.

Listening to: Starting Now - Ingrid Michaelson

P.S. Our new blog goal, at least for me, is to be read by Ingrid Michaelson because MY GOD she is the coolest person ever! Everyone should look up the song she wrote about twitter and then they should spend a million dollars downloading her songs (The Chain, Far Away, Overboard, Turn to Stone, Breakable)

P.P.S. I don't understand hydrogen bonding. Only two more months of this crap!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Renee Out.

Real City Names!

Dildo, Newfoundland

Gay, Michigan

Climax, Michigan

Intercourse, Pennsylvania

Blowhard, Australia

French Lick, Indiana

Boring, Oregon

Middlefart, Denmark

Renee Out.

Poker? POKER? I hardly know her!

Psych! Best show ever!!!

"Fine. FINE. I'll just investigate alone. Where is the gymnasium?"
"We're in the gymnasium."

Shawn and I are married, don't be too jealous, but I know you will be.

Renee Out

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Update #11

Last one!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA. In Gab's face, in her tiny, tiny face.

Well, it's not especially tiny or whatever, but still. HAHAHAHAHA.



I've now exhausted everything I could think of to say.

For the time being.

I love blogging.

I am fabulous.

No one will ever top this ever.

Does Renee have confidence problems?

Answer: NO!


Renee Kaput.

Update #10

Renee Out.

Update #9


Renee Out.

Update #8

Prescription for Grey's Anatomy Season 6: (get it, it's a medical pun!)

1) Don't kill Izzie! If you must, must, MUST for contractual reasons then PLEASE don't instantly give Alex a new love interest. He will take on the role of my favourite character if Izzie dies and I don't want to see him reverting to his season 2 man-whoriness.

2) Less Meredith drama. They've improved drastically since the early seasons, but we could still cut her whining down to half the screen time and still get what she's conveying. HOWEVER I enjoy happy Meredith. Keep her around!

3) More interesting patients. When was the last time we had a really interesting medical mystery? Remember the pregnant man? The woman whose heart caught fire? The pole impalement? Bring back more of that and less character crap paralleled in boring patient plotlines.

4) Keep steady with the Hunt/Cristina! LOVE that.

5) Kill the Chief. He is a superflous character that has exhausted all his possible storylines and he has officially killed the word "hospital" with his strange pronunciation.

6) Let something good happen to Bailey for once. We love her.

Renee Out.

Update #7

I still have plenty of topics left to cover.


So cheese whiz is a funny thing. I mean, if I wanted liquified dairy, I'd just buy milk, am I right?

I'm right.

Renee Out.

Update #6

Renee wrote an imagery poem for Writing!

She got a little carried away with the similes.

Five Skies a Day

the sun rises timidly and lends watered down
pastels to an early morning canvas; purple, pink, blue
she trembles into the sky to face the day
she then

gains confidence and roars to blazing heats
burns red inside our eyes
and hungrily looks for tender flesh to tattoo crimson

she wavers, in the sky
and gives in, softening kindly
casting golden slats

and now the sky is orange, red, yellow
like a leafblower took an autumn landscape
and splattered it across the sky
which soon becomes

a dark blue
like someone thickly slathered navy icing across a cake and scattered silver sprinkles

which hours later will burn out
leaving a pool of navy ink
awaiting a quill

and then

and then

she comes back
and we start again

Renee Out.