Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Update #8

Prescription for Grey's Anatomy Season 6: (get it, it's a medical pun!)

1) Don't kill Izzie! If you must, must, MUST for contractual reasons then PLEASE don't instantly give Alex a new love interest. He will take on the role of my favourite character if Izzie dies and I don't want to see him reverting to his season 2 man-whoriness.

2) Less Meredith drama. They've improved drastically since the early seasons, but we could still cut her whining down to half the screen time and still get what she's conveying. HOWEVER I enjoy happy Meredith. Keep her around!

3) More interesting patients. When was the last time we had a really interesting medical mystery? Remember the pregnant man? The woman whose heart caught fire? The pole impalement? Bring back more of that and less character crap paralleled in boring patient plotlines.

4) Keep steady with the Hunt/Cristina! LOVE that.

5) Kill the Chief. He is a superflous character that has exhausted all his possible storylines and he has officially killed the word "hospital" with his strange pronunciation.

6) Let something good happen to Bailey for once. We love her.

Renee Out.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you stated Renee... and I love this show! And its music. It introduced me to so many great artists! Which reminds me. Good job on the Ingrid perf.!
