Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rant Thursday

Those ads that are like, "Ask your doctor if this drug is right for you." And they go on and on being like, "I asked my doctor and it was the smartest thing I ever did," or "I love myself, therefore I asked my doctor about this drug" but they NEVER SAY WHAT THE DRUG IS.

I don't it a legal thing? Do they not have enough time to list the eight thousand possible side effects? Maybe I'm just clueless, or MAYBE everybody is just very annoying.

[Two young college girls sit on the sunny grass outside their university having a "natural" conversation.]

"I asked my doctor about Drug X".
"So did I!"
"It's because we're female!"
"Yes, females should take Drug X."
"Ask your doctor about Drug X today."

[They walk off laughing arm and arm.]


Renee Out.

P.S. Now I'm just watching the whole movie the Parent Trap in the computer lab. People are staring because I keep reciting all the lines. 

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