Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So. I just spent like WAY TOO LONG going back and counting all the posts to prove to Gab that I have, in fact, posted more times than her. Here was the final result:

Renee: 131 posts

Gab: 90 posts

And p.s. gab, some of your lame posts shouldn't even count. Like the one where you list your favourite animals? cough*slacker*cough. Plus, you cantradict yourself in an earlier entry when you say that sea kittens are your favourite animal.

EDIT to American Idol post: the more I watch Allison's solo the more I like it. She was better the second and third time. She'd better not be eliminated. And Danny and Kris's duet gets better with more viewings too. You know which one doesn't get better with more viewings? Adam's craptastic horrorshow.

Renee Out.

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