Friday, May 15, 2009

Grey's Anatomy finale

AAAAAAAAGGGHHHH. I am so very very sad.

So Izzie and George died at the same time apparently.

I was way more upset about George dying then I thought I would be. maybe because they did it in such a horrible way. Poor george. And poor TR Knight. I don't blame HIM for wanting to leave the show - he had a REAL reason (that's right Katherine Heigl, I'm looking at you!)

However - I still hold out (minor) hope that Katherine Heigl will come to her senses and that Izzie won't really be dead. She didn't get off the elevator and the charge panels still could work. I hugely doubt this though, because they've been working towards her death all season and they never let people be happy together on that show.

Also, every grey's finale has ALWAYS ended on a cliffhanger but then never started up again in the same scene, am I right? I don't see them changing up their format. it'll start with meredith voiceover being like "Everyone handles grief a different way..." and then it'll show a bunch of characters, including Alex, and we'll be like "okay, yep, she's dead."

Hunt and Cristina are sweet but they AREN'T ENOUGH. I like happy Meredith.

Renee Out.

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