Tuesday, May 19, 2009

2009 Finale Extravaganza

Here are two to four sentence summaries of all of my show's finale's, minus American Idol.

Gossip Girl
Chuck and Blair finally get together, but will inevitably break up episode one of next season. Otherwise, it was pretty uneventful. OH HEY MATT DOYLE (yum).

This was such a great all around episode, by 90210 standards, and a great cliffhanger (hitandrunwhat). Liam was mighty fine, and Annie was tolerable! Huge bonus: no birthing scene.

The Office
Highlights: Jim was so happy when he found out that Pam was pregnant; Ryan on his phone during volleyball; Toby's HR friend; the spider in Jim's baseball glove; Dwight's stalling tactics; Slumdunder Mifflinaire; Michael being sweet with Holly. All around, it was a really great episode.

Parks and Recreation
Eh, I don't know about this show. I really only watch it to support Amy Poehler because I love her; I doubt that I'll watch next season. Nothing really stood out this episode.

How I Met Your Mother
OMGBARNEYANDROBINILOVEMYLIFE. So, maybe a long-term relationship with them is not explicitly stated or shown. Renee and I rewatched it and dissected every Barney/Robin interaction to be confident that they'll get together. I mean, did you not see the look they gave each other right before he took the both physical and metaphorical 'leap'? Furthermore, I like how everything actually did matter. Like, he had to date Stella and had to get the yellow umbrella in order to get set up with the teaching job by Tony. It is actually all connected.

Saturday Night Live
Not much to say since I hate Will Ferrell. It was a pretty good episode though, complete with Amy Poehler on Weekend Update (and 'Really? with Seth and Amy), Seth actually in a sketch (sort of), Tom Hanks being hilarious, and Paul Rudd (again, sort of). No digital short, though. And I missed the digital short episode.

Big Bang Theory
What a let down. I am so over Penny. She's not good enough for any of them. And the plotline has been done before. Chuck Lorre is getting lazy. Plus, there was NO cliffhanger. 

That's all.

Peace, Gab

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