Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gab's Number 2 Television Shows

It's a tie! I don't ever watch the second one anymore, but I was basically brought up on it.

The Office
Obviously this is at the top. Or close to it. Renee got me hooked and it's the second most amazing show, ever. Here is my order of favourite main characters:
1. Ryan (obviously)
2. Kelly
3. Jim
4. Toby
5. Andy/ Dwight
6. Creed
7. Angela
8. Pam
9. Oscar
10. Kevin
11. Michael
12. Stanley
13. Phyllis
14. Meredith

So, as I previously mentioned, I essentially grew up with this show. It is really amazing. I love Kramer and Elaine. My favourite episode, I think, is a tie between when Kramer's phone line gets crossed with the movie theatre's, and the English Patient episode. Oh man, do I ever love this show.

Peace, Gab

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