Friday, May 15, 2009

Alex vs. Barney

THIS IS A TOUGH ONE. I love Friday night. Oh boy. Here we go.

Alex pros:
- sexy
- buff
- loyal
- good at being angry
- funny
- can throw together impromptu wedding vows
- good career (doctor)
- close in location (Washington)

Barney pros:
- sexy
- buff
- extremely funny
- musical ability
- magical ability

Alex cons:
- career that keeps him busy
- cranky
- has a history of STDs

Barney cons:
- not especially serious
- suspicious career (North Korean involvement?)
- womanizer
- pig
- not very romantic
- dyed hair


Don't hate me Gab.

I've loved Alex for five years and I've only loved Barney for one.

Renee Out.

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