Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am SO glad that Danny has finally left. It's not that I hated him; it's just that I liked everyone else better. Also, he claims to own 27 pairs of glasses, but honestly, they apparently all look the same. I mean, I'm pretty sure that he has 14 black half frames, and 13 black full frames.
I am just so so so happy right now. Kris totally deserves to be the top two. He really is talented. Also, I downloaded a few songs that he wrote himself and they are really good. He's a really talented songwriter, and I have faith that the CD he will inevitably release will be very good. I, for one, will be buying it.
Also, I'd just like to briefly mention how a) good and b) gutsy his performance of Heartless was last night. I mean, to go on stage with no music, only you're guitar, on AI is rare, and he did such an amazing job. That performance ties, but is slightly above, Tracks of my Tears. Bravo.
(I couldn't find the actual video; it's been taken down)

Peace, Gab

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