Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Renee's Number 10 Movie

Fine. FINE. Just because Rachel, one of our only two readers (I luh you Scanny) wanted us to do movies before books. So it will be done. But BTW I love books more than movies, and tv shows more than books. I do like movies though.

Renee's Number 10 Movie: Garden State

Good soundtrack (but then people killed it.) Good acting. Good plotline. Different. I've seen it a lot and I view it a little differently every time.

Renee Out

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I GOT MY WAY!!!
    ilu Renée, thanks for being AWESOME <3

    b the w, have you watched idol yet? GET OVER TO FB AND TALK TO ME ABOUT IT ALREADY!!!

    (also, do I really have my own tag now?)
