Friday, May 15, 2009

Gab and Renee educate themselves in the art of smalltalk

Small Talk Practice 2: At the Office

Read the small talk below and find the 10 mistakes. Then check your answers.

Woman: Hi there.

Man: Hi. I haven't seen you around here before. Have you been working long?

Woman: No, I've only been here a few months. I work in the Human Resources Department.

Man: Oh, you must make more money than I do then. I'm in Sales.

Woman: Sales sounds like an interesting job.

Man: It's okay. Hey, you look like you could really have a coffee.

Woman: Yes, it's been a really hectic week.

Man: Tell me about it! At least it's supposing to be a nice weekend.

Woman: Yes, I've listened that they are calling for blue skies.

Man: Say, did you happen to catch the game last night?

Woman: No, I was working late.

Man: It was a great game. We won in overtime.

Woman: Actually, I don't even know who was playing. I don't really follow sports.

Man: The Chiefs! Do you think they're going to make it to the finals this year?

Woman: I'm not sure. Well, I better get back to my desk.

Man: Speaking of desks, what do you think of the new office furniture?

Woman: It's nice, but I would rather get paid for my overtime hours than have new furniture.

Man: Oh. Well, I think I'll be heading home early today. It might be snow.

Woman: I know. I can't believe all of this cold weather. Hopefully Spring will come soon.

Man: I can't wait until Spring.

Woman: Me neither! My divorce will finally come through by then!

Renee Out laughing.

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