Friday, May 15, 2009

More hilarious smalltalk

Small Talk Practice 3: At a Party

Read the small talk below and find the 10 mistakes. Then check your answers.

Woman 1: (Standing in a corner drinking a glass of wine by herself)

Man: Hi there. Why aren't you dancing?

Woman 1: (Smiles. No response.)

Man: Hello. Have you tried Felicia's punch yet?

Woman 2: No, but I was just about to.

Man: Don't. It's terrible.

Woman 2: Oh. Okay.

Man: So, how are you knowing Rick?

Woman 2: Oh, Rick and I go way back. We studied nursing together.

Man: Nursing. Hmm. I heard on the radio today that all of you nurses are on strike. Are they not paying you enough?

Woman 2: Actually it's about working conditions.

Man: I see. So, have you had a chance to take a dip in the pool yet?

Woman 2: No, not yet. How about you?

Man: No, I need to lose some weight before I put on a bathing suit. But you have a great figure.

Woman 2: Uh, thanks. Well, I better go and jingle. There are a few people I haven't said hello to yet.

Man: Wait! Did you hear that the Pope is coming to town?

Woman 2: Ya. I heard that on the news today. I bet it'll be really tough to get to see him.

Man: I know. But I'm not Catholic anyway. Are you?

Woman 2: Yes, I am actually. Well, it looks the sun is finally coming out. I think I'll go take that swim.

Man: You better hurry. I hear they are asking for thunderstorms this afternoon.

What an inappropriate man! And apparently one of the errors was that she said "jingle" when she should have said "mingle". What a ridiculous website! I love it.

Renee Out

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