Thursday, April 30, 2009

Renee's Number 3 TV Show

I didn't know that we could do variety shows. Maybe I'll add in the Mary Tyler Moore show. Oh, now real life Gab is being mean. I'll just cyberpunch cyberGab. Did it hurt? Probably. Just like your mean words hurt. And p.s, why is "renee is stupid" a tag?? Hmmmmm???

Renee's Number 3 Show: Arrested Development

I LOVE this show more than life itself. It is SO SO SO funny and SO SO SO smart. There are so many little things that span over all three seasons that I didn't even pick up on until like the third viewing.

"That's George Michael's girlfriend?....what is she, funny or something?"

"Where's my rape horn?"
"Oh right, like anyone would want to R her."

"Coocuckoo, coocuckoo."

I'll get you very much into it this summer, Gab, just as I have gotten you into so many other good shows and you have gotten me into none because I was already aware aof all the awesome ones unlike some people brackets YOU.
Good luck in the play tonight! I hope that my favourite author Ayn Rand will be watching (heh heh heh)
Renee Out.

Gab's Number 4 TV Show

I forgot about If That's What You're Into. I love that song. 

Saturday Night Live

Or, more specifically, Seth Meyers. He is so so funny and also so attractive. I also love Jorma Taccone, who is one of the writers for Digital Shorts. And Andy Samberg. And Will Forte. Really, SNL is just a mashup of funny and attractive people. The highlights of the show are consistently Weekend Update and Digital Shorts. 

Peace, Gab

Renee's Number 4 TV show

Flight of the Conchords

Gab and all her ripping off of all my favourite shows! I knew about Flight of the Conchords 17 billion years ago! Before the show even came out, I just listened to their music on my tape deck walkman. (P.S. this keyboard sucks, Gab.)

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 5 TV Show

Agreed, it was incredibly frightening when Adam was in the bottom 2! Thank God he's not gone, though, and Matt is!

Flight of the Conchords

I just recently started watching this, so Renee doesn't think it should be on my list, but whatever. I know when I like something. I love Bret and Jemaine. Jemaine is especially funny, and Bret is especially attractive. It's a good combination. So far, I've only watched most of season one, but it is so hilarious. I also love Mel and Murray. It's just a really great show. My favourite songs, so far, have been the Robot Song, Rhymocerous vs. Hiphopoppotamus, and She's So Beautiful.

Peace, Gab

Wednesday, April 29, 2009




this is the sound of renee slowly recovering from said heart attack because

OMG! Adam Glambert was in the BOTTOM EFFING TWO!!! gab is at her play rehearsals or whatever but i left one hundred messages on her phone so soon she'll know.

P.S. gab i know that i talk about hanging myself in every message but that's just an exageration.

I guess this is posibly a good thing. People didn't vote for him cause they were all "Oh Adam, he's obviously safe" so now they know and he'll be SAFE AS HELL NEXT WEEK. Or I will hang myself metaphorically.

Renee Out.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Renee's Number 5 TV Show


Even though it hasn't been very good for the past couple of seasons, it still deserves a top spot, because the first five seasons were hilarious and the musical episode was the best thing EVER on tv EVER basically.

Renee Out

Song Recommendation Monday (A day late)

We are even now, Renee. You were late last week.

I love Wilco. That's all that I have to say.

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 6 TV Show

Parks and Recreation

There haven't been a ton of episodes yet, but this show will deserve a place on my list very soon;
so I am putting it here now. First off, I really love Amy Poehler, so am, as a result, really enjoying the show. My favourite quotation so far has been, "I pretty much broke my clavicle." I don't really have much to say right now, though. This blogging thing is stressful. Thank God I am not a professional celebrity blogger!

Peace, Gab

Monday, April 27, 2009

New Hottie Friday

Except it's on Monday. I'm having trouble adjusting to my new schedule. I'll adjust.

Tonight was the Chuck finale so I thought I would honour the huge hottie that played Bryce Larkin (spoiler alert - R.I.P)

So the actor's name is Matthew Bomer and he is VERY ENORMOUSLY HOT hence the mention.

Renee Out.

Song Reccomendation Monday (A Day Late)

At least I did one though.

Find the hidden message in this passage: Daniel walked into the bright sunlight. He squinted slightly. "It sure is sunny," he noted to the grass conversationally. He decided that he would really enjoy GAB IS A HUGE SLACKER a nice cool glass of lemonade so he skipped inside to ask his mother if she would whip him up a glass.

So anyways. I was watching the finale of the OC a couple days ago and they played this song and I thought to himself, "Hmm, this song. It is good."

P.S. HIMYM was VERY good tonight. I'm guessing our resident slacker won't be reviewing since she has homework or whatever. SO SHE SAYS.

Renee Out.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Renee's Number 6 TV show


Although Lost and I are currently in a very large fight, it still merited a top spot, because I've been watching it since the very beginning and because there was a time for almost three years when I did consider it my favourite show. But then they MESSED UP BIG TIME.

(This video isn't very relevent, it's just sexy.)

- Sawyer shirtless
- Sawyer pantsless
- Sawyer and Kate making out
- Hollywood and Vines
- The intrigue

- Kate's stupid confusing questions. "It's strange, huh?"
- Juliet, skank
- Jack's mouth hanging open
- The shark
- Sawyer and Juliet's relationship

Renee Out.

Life is not a spectator sport

Lolita is a creepy book Gab. It's not so beautiful. Not so much at all. 

The Big Bang Theory is hilarious, I agree it's gotten a little lazy, but it's still good.

Paul Schneider is my new husband.

BJ Novak's joke is pretty funny. Did he make it up himself? I guess not if it's his favourite. It would be a little cocky of him to say that his favourite joke was one of his own.


BJ Novak's Favourite Joke

A man walks into a cake shop, and he says, "I'd like you to make me a cake in the shape of a 'B,' like, the letter B." And he says, "OK, great! Come back tomorrow."

And he comes back tomorrow. And he opens the box and looks at the cake and says, "I am so sorry,  I should have been more specific. I meant a lower-case 'b.' I will pay for it; I will have you do it again. I am so sorry." The guy says, "No, no, I should have asked. I'll redo it for free. Come back tomorrow."

He comes back the next day. The guy looks at the cake and says, "Oh no, my mistake! I can't believe I didn't say this. It has to be a lower-case cursive 'b.'" The guy in the store says, "Alright, well I am going to charge you this time. Come back tomorrow."

The guy comes back the next day, looks at the cake, it's a lower-case cursive 'b.' The guy says, "Perfect! Exactly what I wanted! Thank you so much, here is your money, here is a tip." The guy in the cake store says, "Oh, I am so relieved. Can I wrap that up for you?" And the guy says, "No, no, that's OK, I'll eat it here."

Probably the most beautiful thing I have ever read:

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Chapter 1

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.
Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of summer, a certain initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gab's Number 7 TV Show

I am, obviously, working really hard to keep this blog alive!

The Big Bang Theory

I started watching this show from the start for one reason only, my dad thought it'd be funny. And he was right. I find it really hilarious and love all of the characters, in particular, Howard Wolowitz. 
But here is what I think: at the start, the jokes were legitimately about science and math and were very nerdy in an "I don't totally understand but it's really funny" sort of way. These jokes were very fresh, and not the typical sit-com jokes. But then, the writers got lazy and went with the usual and predictable comic book jokes etc. I liked the others WAY better.
Whatever, this show is still hilarious.
My favourite moment ever is when Wolowitz compliments Penny in flawless Russian, but I couldn't find a video of it on youtube that wasn't part of a montage.

Peace, Gab

Renee's Number 7 Shows

Grey's Anatomy


        - the soundtrack
        - Alex Karev
        - humour



- romance:)
- Seeley Booth:)

Renee Out.

Dancing Through Life, Skimming the Surface

Haha, Ugly Betty, I loved that part. "Hola Jesse." I love how Marc and Amanda always imitate her so Spanishly. P.S. Gio is a fox. Of the short variety, but still.

Am I supposed to do that Thoughtful Thursday thing? I can't remember. Well, what I am going to do, since we all know that I'm chock full of pet peeves, is have a rant Thursday. Isn't that judgmentally fabulous?

Rant Thursday 1

People who use diction that they are not native to. PAR EXAMPLE people that are from, say, oh I don't know, Vancouver but take it upon themselves to use the word "y'all." Or people who are in no way British but use the words "bloody" and "wicked" frequently. It drives me up the wall. The word "wicked" should only be used if someone says "Oh wow, did you see Adam Lambert in Wicked, wasn't he foxtastic?" Or something like that.

Yes, I can see myself getting really into this. Next Thursday: people who say "Chuesday." UGH gives me goosebumps.

Renee Out.

Thoughtful Thursday

So, as you all (should) know, from one of my first posts, I hate PETA with a passion. This Thoughtful Thursday will not be a rant about that, but instead about the dumbness of the name.

PETA = People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
This is good. This makes sense. Why, then, is the acronym pronounced "PEETA"? I mean, it's dumb. Because, when I hear "PEETA" I think of bread, not this organization. Here is my thought. Would "PET-Ah" not make a lot more sense? Because, then, it's like pet, as in your furry dog or cat. Which makes total sense.

But until the sensical name catches on, we have bread.

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 8 TV Show

Ugly Betty

I watched all of last season, but only a few episodes this season. I had to cut back on some television watching. Although I don't usually advertise that I watch(ed) this show, I do believe that it has some great qualities. 
1) Likable characters
2) Relationships to route for
3) Comedy= Marc&Amanda
4) Scandal 
Basically, I watch it for the Marc and Amanda parts. They are hilarious. 

Peace, Gab

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Love Dance Numbers!

Adieu, Lil Rounds! Adieu, Anoop Desai. Oops, sorry, Adam I did not know you were in the shower. HAHAHA, that's how this mind gets from point A to point B.

So anyways. Dance number ftw, I think Adam lost his lunettes de soleil unfortunately. The top five are pretty good, maybe minus Matt, I's looking forward to next week, two songs, yeeeah. David Archuleta, what a cutie.

Renee Out.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Renee's Number 8 TV Shows

These were the first two comedies that I ever watched on television, starting around the age of 7-ish. It's so great to rewatch the episodes now, when all the jokes make sense!

Golden Girls

Pretty sure that Rose is my favourite.


BJ Hunnicut was one of my first ever fictional/television crushes, right after Simba the lion. It was the beginning of a very long and still ongoing trend.

Song Reccomendation Monday (A Day Late)

Whoops SORRY for having other things to watching American Idol.

Two American Idol alum (I'm in the mood.) Surprisingly good song though. I wanted to do this song by Rogue Wave called Debaser but it wasn't on youtube. Too bad.

Renee Out.

Tube Tuesday Times Two! OMG ALLITERATION!

I have decided to post a second Tube Tuesday on the account of my failing to do so for the last billion weeks. This one is sure to impress. Especially for all you fangirls out there, like me.

Peace, Gab

Tube Tuesday! Mr. Bingley

So, all of the credit for this one goes to Renee; I am merely pointing it out. The way whatsherface says "Mr. Bingley" at around 30 seconds is the most hilarious thing EVER. And if you just keep replaying the same part over and over, it only gets funnier.

Peace, Gab

PS: Why do we already have a Pride and Prejudice (albeit, spelled incorrectly) tag?

Monday, April 20, 2009

First ever Song Recommendation Monday (By Gab!)

Fallen Snow — Au Revoir Simone

So, for those of our trusty readers, you may recognize this band as being in my top 10 band list. This is one of my favourite songs by them. Enjoy!

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 9 TV Show(s)

The OC

Weird that we both have The OC as our number 9. I can honestly say that I have seen every episode at least once. My favourite characters were always Seth and Summer. I liked Ryan, but he was too pissy. And as far as guest characters go, I love Alex.

Gossip Girl

It's pretty funny that both of my number 9's are produced by the same people. And that they both have basically the same plot line. Whatever. I enjoy watching Gossip Girl. And I love Chuck and Blair. 

Peace, Gab

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Renee's Number 9 TV Show

Renee's Number 9: The OC

I'm not embarassed! I've been rewatching it as of late, and it was a well made show.

I have three requirements for LOVING a show:

1) There has to be humour
2) There has to be at least 1 hotties
3) There has to be a couple that I root for

The OC has all three of these things, so whatever, I'm not ashamed. Plus the theme song is excellent.

Renee Out.

P.S. Ryan is a fox

Gab's Number 10 TV Show

OK, so I was not going to include this on my list because,
a) It is embarrassing that I watch this each week.
b) It is not that great a show
But, alas, I realized that I don't actually watch/like 10 shows, so here it is, at number 10. The same goes for number 9

Yes, I mean the new one that just started this year, and has miraculously been renewed by the CW for another year. I started watching this only because I enjoy watching Beverly Hills, 90210 re-runs and thought, "Why not, it's not like I have a life." Then, my favourite character, Silver (yes, related to David Silver from the original) became incredibly obsessive and I was like, "OMG! Why does this show suck so much?!" But then, it turned out she was bi-polar, and they introduced another character who is incredibly foxy, so it's all OK. Also, all of the main characters parallel original ones.
Favourite Character, updated: Liam (aka the Dylan parallel)

I have chosen to place this photo because he is really the only character I care about at this point.

Peace, Gab

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gab's Number 1 Solo Artist

Slightly belated! Also, I just realized that I did number 2 wrong. It was supposed to be SUFJAN STEVENS, not Cat Stevens as he is my number 1. So yeah, just so you know.

Cat Stevens

Yes, I am that lame. But I don't care because I love love love Cat Stevens before the name change. If you want to see an insanely good movie that has an insanely good Cat Stevens soundtrack, check out Harold and Maude. I used to be engaged to Harold Parker Chasen, until I ended it off to be with Barney. True story.

Favourite songs: If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out, The Wind, Here Comes my Baby, Oh Very Young, Where Do the Children Play, Don't be Shy

Peace, Gab

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Renee's Number 10 TV Show

(I decided that we should not include reality shows. Is that okay?)

Renee's Number 10 Show: Corner Gas

Yay Canada! This show is hilarious (I think you'll notice that about 80 per cent of my shows are comedies.) Favourite scenes include Davis tasering himself and Wanda playing drunk baseball. Also, Oscar opening the "peanut" can and getting snakes in the face (classic!) and Lacey talking to the old man (I love old people humour!) Also, off topic, but I think it's hilarious when anyone says "they were shot in the face." It ALWAYS kills me (pun intended, I'm hilarious!)

Renee Out

PS I saw Brent Butt do standup when he came here, he was high-freakin-larious, like somewhere in between Demetri Martin and Craig Ferguson. Still behind Mitch Hedberg, but who isn't?

Television Compendium: Apr. 9-16

That's a catchy title. It almost rhymes, almost. I think it'll stick. Even so, we should poll the public! (Rachel?)

Parks and Recreation premiere

I had high hopes for this show and it did not disappoint. "Honestly, I pretty much broke my clavicle, so..." My other favourite part was when the poster was tacked up over the particularly gory part of the mural. 

The Office two parter

Probably my favourite episodes of the season so far, or up there anyways. I love it when Michael's not being a total buffoon. (Maybe I need a hipper vocabulary) My favourite parts were all the Pam fighting with Ryan parts and the line "I have to go Mom, P's being a huge B."


Ehhh, I watch Lost on fastforward now, I don't even like it basically, though I can't seem to give it up. I just want to know what the hell is going on. I thought it was pretty good last night. At least there was no excruciating Sawyer/Juliet mushiness (this is me, throwing up my pancreas). I do think Miles is a really interesting character, so I was glad he got his own episode, and I was VERY glad when *spoiler alert* Daniel Faraday came back at the end. Love him! Still. Lost is being shunned.


Not so funny this week. Hasn't been so funny for a while. Too much shtick, not enough witty dialogue. Too much real pregnancies, not enough Robin and Barney making fake babies. Also, the way they got Lily to leave the show? LAZY.

American Idol

Finally! A good show to talk about. I just need to make two shoutouts to my boyfriend Adam and my bestfriend Allison. Well done, pals! They were the best by far. I pretty much watched everybody else on fast forward. It's getting hard by this point, as it always does, because I'm so attached to all of them. Even Anoop is growing on me. That's why, even though I thought Matt deserved to go home, I was really happy that he got saved because then he was so happy and the rest of them were all so happy. I love it when they're happy!

We just know that if someone good gets voted off next week Simon will be a tool and say "We misused our save." That's probably why he did it, just so he can say that. PS I hate Kara.


I like it! But maybe that's just because I'm in love with Benjamin McKenzie. It will take a few more episodes to figure out if I like the actual show or just Ryan Atwood reincarnated.


Best show ever, why do more people not watch it? I guess probably because the dialogue is pure crap and there are only two interesting characters (okay, maybe not the best show EVER). But last night was really good. I like the ones where Brennan doesn't make  fool out of herself (eg. the circus, her solo interrogation, etc. etc. ETC.) I liked the dynamic between them last night, it's been missing for a while. I have high hopes for the finale! cough*sex*cough. Maybe if I had my own life I wouldn't have to live vicariously through fictional romances.'s healthy, probably not.


Chase and Cameron got engaged. Whatever.

Renee Out.

This blog is atrocious

We are disappointing our millions of readers. Shame on us (Gab mostly.)

Since Gab is obviously NEVER going to post her number 1 artist (can you hear the anger?) we might as well start some new stuff. The new countdown is top ten TV shows and I get to start because I thought of it HA.

We need to make some new, honest to goodness posts full of our hilarious wit and pithy insights, not just embed a video and say "Hey look, Renee, I posted." Or vice versa but probably not because I'm so good about posting unlike some people who will remain nameless gab.

We need something for every week day to force us to come online. I've come up with a schedule.

Song Recommendation Monday - Both
Tube Tuesday - Gab
HIMYM Review Tuesday - Gab
AI Review Wednesday - Renee
Thoughtful Thursday - Gab (be philosophical about something specific eg. pita bread, mmmm)
NewHottie Friday - Renee

Catchy names haha, not so much.

Also, I am going to describe any interesting dreams I have from now on, because who doesn't want to hear about my fascinating subconcious happenings? (Answer: No one)

In recent Renee news, besides it basically being my birthday, I'm going to be best friends with Allison Iraheta I decided, because she's awesome and only one week younger than me! And then she'll introduce me to Adam and him and I will ride off into the sunset together. But even if that last part doesn't happen I am still going to be BFFE with Allison (besides Gab being my BFFE, even though I was kind of harsh at her this whole post, haha). So the blog must thrive in order for her to find it!

Renee Out, but not for long

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i love the princess bride

hey guess what ga! i am tying with my eyes closed! also, i  am on rhw phonw qirh tou eifhr noq! i onwe id tou xn ews rhia. im poebblt ewlt oos r rupinf irh mt ees cloaes.ell ee!

reneee out

Renee's Number 1 Solo Artist

So, I might as well not even do this now since Gab totally ruined my number one. But whatever. 

Renee's Number 1 Solo Artist: Regina Spektor

Favourite songs: Hotel Song, Ghost of Corporate Future, That Time, Chemo Limo, December, Us, Samson, Poor Little Rich Boy, Reading Time With Pickle, Sailor Song, The Call, I Want to Sing, Ave Maria, On the Radio, Fidelity, Love, You're a Whore

"The muscles of the intellectuals are atrophying"

"I have dreams of orca whales and owls and I wake up in fear"

"Hey remember that time when you OD'd for the second time? Well in the waiting room waiting for news of you I hallucinated I could read your mind, well I was on a lot of shit, I tell you man, it was freaky."

By the way, how amazing is Reginasaurus? Ummm, sound like Eenersaur to anyone? Just a little. She's just kind of the most amazing person in the world (besides Gab). But I mean, how does anyone sound that good a capella? Ridiculous...


Boyfriend #89

Wow, that David Blaine guy is insane. I didn't really know much about him, thanks for sharing Gab! See, our blog is educational as well as random.

This is my new bf, by the by. I know that I already made Gab has watch him, but our trillion and seven readers have not and they need to have their day brightened. With sexy.

ALSO, I'm going to look him up and he'll most likely turn out to be gay, since I always ALWAYS fine the gay guys the most attractive (eg. Neil, A.R., Adam, etc.) Anyways. This guy's fantastic, and he's super cute when the piano stops and he turns around and then whips back with this face. SO funny. It's like 2:30 ish.

ALSO I love Spring Awakening. It's like number 5 on my revised musicals list. I used to sing this song from it in voice long ago. Like, not this song, this song isn't even from Spring Awakening, it's from Sam Cooke. And I used to sing a song not from Sam Cooke, from Spring Awakening. Ach. Gatorade.

Renee Out

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gab's Number 3 Solo Artist

Sorry for the lack of order/skill. You'll just need to figure this out.

Elliott Smith

Unfortunately, Elliott Smith is no longer living, and can, therefore, not make any more beautiful music. FYI: Elliot Smith is the best driving music. Nice listening, but not too distracting. And it's good to sing along to. 

Favourite Songs: Needle in the Hay, Wouldn't Mama Be Proud, Everything Means Nothing To Me, Everything Reminds Me of Her, Stupidity Tries (OK fine, like all of Figure 8)

Peace, Gab

PS: I go for quality, not quantity, Renee. I need inspiration. 

Rant: Nobody finds it interesting anymore!

Dear Mr. David Blaine, 

Nobody cares about your million and one stunts anymore. Sure, the shock factor of the first two was cool ("He's going to do what?!"), but the stunts have run their course. Now, people doubt your sanity. Actually, we always have, but more-so now. You are not Houdini. You will never be as cool as Houdini. 

Stop trying, and get a real job.

Sure, I find it impressive that you can hold your br
eath for 16 minutes. Sure, I could never do any of that stuff. But, we get it: you are a freak of nature!

David Blaine Stunts in order of Dumbness

7. "Buried Alive" — This was his first stunt, and most tame/l
east crazy. Basically, he spent seven days buried in a coffin.

6. "Revolution" — He spent 52 hours on a rotating gyroscope, and then escaped from handcuffs.

5. "Vertigo" — Blaine stood on a 100 ft high pillar for 35 hours. He then jumped onto a 12 foot high pile of cardboard boxes, and suffered a concussion. I can think of a better landing platform. Like, something soft/squishy, preferably. 

4. "Dive of Death" — In his most recent stunt, he spent 60 hours hung upside down, risking internal bleeding, blindness, loss of circulation, etc. After the event, he was supposed to be lifted off by a helicopter "into the heavens" (how tacky), but could not, due to bad weather.

3. "Above the Below" — He spent 44 days in a plexiglass box suspended above the Thames in London, surviving on only 4.5 L of water a day. When he emerged, he had lost 25% of his body mass. The best part about this stunt was the audience, who threw a variety of objects at his box, including paint-filled balloons, 
lemons, eggs, bacon and sausages. One person even flew a remote controlled helicopter up with a burger to taunt him.

2. "Frozen in Time"— David spent 63 hours encased in a block of ice, wearing hardly any clothing. Jesus. He later claimed that it took him a month to learn how to walk again.

1. "Drowned Alive"— Firstly, he was obviously running out of titles for his stunts, because this is basically the same as "Buried Alive." For this totally brilliant and thought-through stunt, he decided it'd be a good idea to spend seven days and nights in a spherical tank of water (using tubes for air and nutrition), then, hold his breath for at least 8 minutes 58 seconds while escaping from handcuffs and chains. As the week progressed, his skin began breaking down in addition to becoming extremely burned from the sun-magnifying effect of spherical tank. His liver also began to fail. While attempting to hold his breath, he became distressed and was pulled out of the tank before reaching his goal. 

I swear to God, I won't be surprised when he dies.

Peace, Gab

Renee Pwns Blogging. Deal With it

My new favourite show!!!!!

"...when he was thrown out of the handcuffs....after being shot in the face."

Jesus, I love Amy Poehler. And it's also Karen from the Office and that Indian guy that was in Flight of the Conchords and...something I can't quite put my finger on (your mom) but maybe it'll come to me.

Anyways. SO excited about this show. I hope it doesn't disappoint!

Renee Out

American Idol Top 8 Review. What, NO, I'm not watching Dancing With the Stars now!

I'm pretty inconsistent with my reviews. I'm pretty inconsistent in general. The only thing I'm consistent at is being awesome.

I'll rank the people tonight, because I never remember the order.

8. Scott. I'm sorry, but he needs to go. He's sweet but he's DEFINITELY not good enough to be there anymore. He was very far from hitting a few of those notes. He always sounds just a little offkey. I always feel bad insulting the ones whose personalities I like.

7. Anoop. NO PROBLEM INSULTING THIS ONE. Haha, but he was actually less annoying tonight. Not being a tool, anyways. And he has my boyfriend David Cook's birthday, which is slightly cool. He was boring though, but a cute baby.

6. Matt. To be honest, I skimmed half these performances. It looked okay. I'm liking Matty a lot more lately. I going soft I guess. Maybe it's the recaps of their childhoods (I like kiddies)

5. Danny. He kind of ruined that song. I love Danny but I love that song more and he did things to it that I did not so much like. Also, he does too much of the...I can't even explain it. It's like "oweeeowee" kinda thing.

4. Kris. Maybe I'm putting him too high up, I just love Kris. Loved the taxi driver and ferris wheel stories ("Would you say hi to Adam for me?") But yeah, he wasn't so exciting tonight, and I find it distracting when they play in the audience. I don't remember them ever doing this before this season.

3. Lil. She needs our support! Why are they so brutal to her? Just cause she's black they take for granted her killer pipes. Racist! I love Lil. I hope she hits her stride soon. Or Leel, as her and her mom say, haha.

2. Allison. I didn't particularily love Allison (I realize now I'm being biased and putting people I like high up the list). But whatever. She's really good, her fashion sense imporved...minutely.

1. Adam! Yayy, Adam. I didn't love this one as much as some people (tracks of my tears is still my fave) and for a while he looked like he was sitting on a floating chari, but his flashbacks were ADORABLE ("I liked playing dressup, not soccer") He's the best by so much it's ridiculous. Love him!

There we go. Pretty good review, if I do say so myself, which I do. Pat on the back, Renee! Gold star.

Renee Out.

Renee's Number 2 Solo Artist

Gab, you skipped your number 3. This equals: Gab failing at blogging, Renee pwning.

Plus, you totally ruined the surprise of my number 1, who I've loved for oh, I don't know, five years longer than you? SABOTAGE!

Renee's Number 2 Solo Artist: Josiah Leming

Favourite songs: One Last Song, This Cigar, Paper Houses, Dream Reality, Arctic Outcry Wind, Bad News Baby, Her, All My Friends

Renee Out.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Gab's Number 2 Solo Artist(s)

So, this has REALLY recently been amended. 

Regina Spektor
I just started getting into Regina Spektor's music, thanks to Renee. It's amazing. I am going to play Ghost of Corporate Future on the piano, while Renee sings. It'll be beautiful
Favourite songs: Chemo Limo, The Flowers, Ghost of Corporate Future, Summer in the City, On the Radio, Carbon Monoxide

Cat Stevens
I have always loved him. My favourite movie, Harold and Maude, has a purely Cat Stevens soundtrack. It's a beautiful thing.
Favourite songs: If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out, Trouble, Oh Very Young

Peace, Gab

PS: I am failing this blog. I am very sorry. I have just been really uninspired lately. I think that a competition will do us well. Any ideas?

I Don't Like Mondays


This is my favourite song today. Isn't it perfect for our favourite fictional couple Barney and Robin (since we have no lives of our own).

We need a new contest or something. Our blog is struggling, all thanks to YOU.

Renee Out.

Demetri Martin

My favourite person in the world, basically.

"Whenever anything exciting happens to me I wait two weeks to tell people....because I like to use the word 'fortnight'."

Renee Out

I like making crappy palindromes.

EMT Adam: hot, but tubtoh mad at me.

That took me too long, and it doesn't even make sense. PS Gab sucks at blogging and at asking people about their chemistry tests.

Renee Out

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Renee's Number 3 Solo Artist

Renee's Number 3: Sufjan Stevens

Favourite songs: Romulus, The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts, All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands, The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades is Out to Get Us, To Be Alone With You, Chicago, Happy Birthday

Renee Out.

5 Random Facts About Renee

1. Her favourite fruit/vegatable is a pickle and she ingests approximately 500 a year.

2. She enjoys Jane Austen novels.

3. Her birthday is in 17 days.

4. Once when she was seven she saw a rabid deer swim one mile to a neighbouring island.

5. She hates rough things against her cheek (eg. gortex) and she will also freak out if you scratch your bare skin with long nails.

Renee Out

Who gave Paula a thesaurus?

Quick review, because I need to post four more entries (apparently I'm slacking). Well, maybe your mom's slacking.

Anoop: sucked, as always. And then he showed his true asshole colours by being a little bitch to the judges. Hopefully now America will start to hate him as much as I do.

Scott: boring, like always.

Danny: good.

Allison: not so good, but they didn't need to be so mean about her outfit. Did ALL of the judges have to mention it?

Adam: SEXY. Not as good as last week, but that guy could just go sit there and do nothing and the crowd would eat him up.

Kris: my favourite tonight. He did a good job.

Megan: i though it was okay. Too bad she went home. Cawing ftw, though!

Lil Rounds: they didn't give her enough credit. SHe was really good, and her kids are freaking adorable! "Randy, you're ready to be a Grandpa!" Thanks Ryan! Someone needs to let him know that he's not really young and hip like he thinks.

So yeah, wasn't as good as last week but it was okay. I'm lovin me some Adam.

Renee Out