Thursday, April 30, 2009

Renee's Number 3 TV Show

I didn't know that we could do variety shows. Maybe I'll add in the Mary Tyler Moore show. Oh, now real life Gab is being mean. I'll just cyberpunch cyberGab. Did it hurt? Probably. Just like your mean words hurt. And p.s, why is "renee is stupid" a tag?? Hmmmmm???

Renee's Number 3 Show: Arrested Development

I LOVE this show more than life itself. It is SO SO SO funny and SO SO SO smart. There are so many little things that span over all three seasons that I didn't even pick up on until like the third viewing.

"That's George Michael's girlfriend?....what is she, funny or something?"

"Where's my rape horn?"
"Oh right, like anyone would want to R her."

"Coocuckoo, coocuckoo."

I'll get you very much into it this summer, Gab, just as I have gotten you into so many other good shows and you have gotten me into none because I was already aware aof all the awesome ones unlike some people brackets YOU.
Good luck in the play tonight! I hope that my favourite author Ayn Rand will be watching (heh heh heh)
Renee Out.

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