Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gab's Number 5 TV Show

Agreed, it was incredibly frightening when Adam was in the bottom 2! Thank God he's not gone, though, and Matt is!

Flight of the Conchords

I just recently started watching this, so Renee doesn't think it should be on my list, but whatever. I know when I like something. I love Bret and Jemaine. Jemaine is especially funny, and Bret is especially attractive. It's a good combination. So far, I've only watched most of season one, but it is so hilarious. I also love Mel and Murray. It's just a really great show. My favourite songs, so far, have been the Robot Song, Rhymocerous vs. Hiphopoppotamus, and She's So Beautiful.

Peace, Gab

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