Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dancing Through Life, Skimming the Surface

Haha, Ugly Betty, I loved that part. "Hola Jesse." I love how Marc and Amanda always imitate her so Spanishly. P.S. Gio is a fox. Of the short variety, but still.

Am I supposed to do that Thoughtful Thursday thing? I can't remember. Well, what I am going to do, since we all know that I'm chock full of pet peeves, is have a rant Thursday. Isn't that judgmentally fabulous?

Rant Thursday 1

People who use diction that they are not native to. PAR EXAMPLE people that are from, say, oh I don't know, Vancouver but take it upon themselves to use the word "y'all." Or people who are in no way British but use the words "bloody" and "wicked" frequently. It drives me up the wall. The word "wicked" should only be used if someone says "Oh wow, did you see Adam Lambert in Wicked, wasn't he foxtastic?" Or something like that.

Yes, I can see myself getting really into this. Next Thursday: people who say "Chuesday." UGH gives me goosebumps.

Renee Out.

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