Friday, April 24, 2009

BJ Novak's Favourite Joke

A man walks into a cake shop, and he says, "I'd like you to make me a cake in the shape of a 'B,' like, the letter B." And he says, "OK, great! Come back tomorrow."

And he comes back tomorrow. And he opens the box and looks at the cake and says, "I am so sorry,  I should have been more specific. I meant a lower-case 'b.' I will pay for it; I will have you do it again. I am so sorry." The guy says, "No, no, I should have asked. I'll redo it for free. Come back tomorrow."

He comes back the next day. The guy looks at the cake and says, "Oh no, my mistake! I can't believe I didn't say this. It has to be a lower-case cursive 'b.'" The guy in the store says, "Alright, well I am going to charge you this time. Come back tomorrow."

The guy comes back the next day, looks at the cake, it's a lower-case cursive 'b.' The guy says, "Perfect! Exactly what I wanted! Thank you so much, here is your money, here is a tip." The guy in the cake store says, "Oh, I am so relieved. Can I wrap that up for you?" And the guy says, "No, no, that's OK, I'll eat it here."

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