Tuesday, April 7, 2009

American Idol Top 8 Review. What, NO, I'm not watching Dancing With the Stars now!

I'm pretty inconsistent with my reviews. I'm pretty inconsistent in general. The only thing I'm consistent at is being awesome.

I'll rank the people tonight, because I never remember the order.

8. Scott. I'm sorry, but he needs to go. He's sweet but he's DEFINITELY not good enough to be there anymore. He was very far from hitting a few of those notes. He always sounds just a little offkey. I always feel bad insulting the ones whose personalities I like.

7. Anoop. NO PROBLEM INSULTING THIS ONE. Haha, but he was actually less annoying tonight. Not being a tool, anyways. And he has my boyfriend David Cook's birthday, which is slightly cool. He was boring though, but a cute baby.

6. Matt. To be honest, I skimmed half these performances. It looked okay. I'm liking Matty a lot more lately. I going soft I guess. Maybe it's the recaps of their childhoods (I like kiddies)

5. Danny. He kind of ruined that song. I love Danny but I love that song more and he did things to it that I did not so much like. Also, he does too much of the...I can't even explain it. It's like "oweeeowee" kinda thing.

4. Kris. Maybe I'm putting him too high up, I just love Kris. Loved the taxi driver and ferris wheel stories ("Would you say hi to Adam for me?") But yeah, he wasn't so exciting tonight, and I find it distracting when they play in the audience. I don't remember them ever doing this before this season.

3. Lil. She needs our support! Why are they so brutal to her? Just cause she's black they take for granted her killer pipes. Racist! I love Lil. I hope she hits her stride soon. Or Leel, as her and her mom say, haha.

2. Allison. I didn't particularily love Allison (I realize now I'm being biased and putting people I like high up the list). But whatever. She's really good, her fashion sense imporved...minutely.

1. Adam! Yayy, Adam. I didn't love this one as much as some people (tracks of my tears is still my fave) and for a while he looked like he was sitting on a floating chari, but his flashbacks were ADORABLE ("I liked playing dressup, not soccer") He's the best by so much it's ridiculous. Love him!

There we go. Pretty good review, if I do say so myself, which I do. Pat on the back, Renee! Gold star.

Renee Out.

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