Thursday, April 16, 2009

This blog is atrocious

We are disappointing our millions of readers. Shame on us (Gab mostly.)

Since Gab is obviously NEVER going to post her number 1 artist (can you hear the anger?) we might as well start some new stuff. The new countdown is top ten TV shows and I get to start because I thought of it HA.

We need to make some new, honest to goodness posts full of our hilarious wit and pithy insights, not just embed a video and say "Hey look, Renee, I posted." Or vice versa but probably not because I'm so good about posting unlike some people who will remain nameless gab.

We need something for every week day to force us to come online. I've come up with a schedule.

Song Recommendation Monday - Both
Tube Tuesday - Gab
HIMYM Review Tuesday - Gab
AI Review Wednesday - Renee
Thoughtful Thursday - Gab (be philosophical about something specific eg. pita bread, mmmm)
NewHottie Friday - Renee

Catchy names haha, not so much.

Also, I am going to describe any interesting dreams I have from now on, because who doesn't want to hear about my fascinating subconcious happenings? (Answer: No one)

In recent Renee news, besides it basically being my birthday, I'm going to be best friends with Allison Iraheta I decided, because she's awesome and only one week younger than me! And then she'll introduce me to Adam and him and I will ride off into the sunset together. But even if that last part doesn't happen I am still going to be BFFE with Allison (besides Gab being my BFFE, even though I was kind of harsh at her this whole post, haha). So the blog must thrive in order for her to find it!

Renee Out, but not for long

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