Thursday, April 16, 2009

Television Compendium: Apr. 9-16

That's a catchy title. It almost rhymes, almost. I think it'll stick. Even so, we should poll the public! (Rachel?)

Parks and Recreation premiere

I had high hopes for this show and it did not disappoint. "Honestly, I pretty much broke my clavicle, so..." My other favourite part was when the poster was tacked up over the particularly gory part of the mural. 

The Office two parter

Probably my favourite episodes of the season so far, or up there anyways. I love it when Michael's not being a total buffoon. (Maybe I need a hipper vocabulary) My favourite parts were all the Pam fighting with Ryan parts and the line "I have to go Mom, P's being a huge B."


Ehhh, I watch Lost on fastforward now, I don't even like it basically, though I can't seem to give it up. I just want to know what the hell is going on. I thought it was pretty good last night. At least there was no excruciating Sawyer/Juliet mushiness (this is me, throwing up my pancreas). I do think Miles is a really interesting character, so I was glad he got his own episode, and I was VERY glad when *spoiler alert* Daniel Faraday came back at the end. Love him! Still. Lost is being shunned.


Not so funny this week. Hasn't been so funny for a while. Too much shtick, not enough witty dialogue. Too much real pregnancies, not enough Robin and Barney making fake babies. Also, the way they got Lily to leave the show? LAZY.

American Idol

Finally! A good show to talk about. I just need to make two shoutouts to my boyfriend Adam and my bestfriend Allison. Well done, pals! They were the best by far. I pretty much watched everybody else on fast forward. It's getting hard by this point, as it always does, because I'm so attached to all of them. Even Anoop is growing on me. That's why, even though I thought Matt deserved to go home, I was really happy that he got saved because then he was so happy and the rest of them were all so happy. I love it when they're happy!

We just know that if someone good gets voted off next week Simon will be a tool and say "We misused our save." That's probably why he did it, just so he can say that. PS I hate Kara.


I like it! But maybe that's just because I'm in love with Benjamin McKenzie. It will take a few more episodes to figure out if I like the actual show or just Ryan Atwood reincarnated.


Best show ever, why do more people not watch it? I guess probably because the dialogue is pure crap and there are only two interesting characters (okay, maybe not the best show EVER). But last night was really good. I like the ones where Brennan doesn't make  fool out of herself (eg. the circus, her solo interrogation, etc. etc. ETC.) I liked the dynamic between them last night, it's been missing for a while. I have high hopes for the finale! cough*sex*cough. Maybe if I had my own life I wouldn't have to live vicariously through fictional romances.'s healthy, probably not.


Chase and Cameron got engaged. Whatever.

Renee Out.

1 comment:

  1. I like the name, bb. It's almost as awesome as you are.

    (Also: I love how I'm considered the "public")
