Thursday, May 28, 2009


Renee Out.

Real City Names!

Dildo, Newfoundland

Gay, Michigan

Climax, Michigan

Intercourse, Pennsylvania

Blowhard, Australia

French Lick, Indiana

Boring, Oregon

Middlefart, Denmark

Renee Out.

Poker? POKER? I hardly know her!

Psych! Best show ever!!!

"Fine. FINE. I'll just investigate alone. Where is the gymnasium?"
"We're in the gymnasium."

Shawn and I are married, don't be too jealous, but I know you will be.

Renee Out

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Update #11

Last one!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA. In Gab's face, in her tiny, tiny face.

Well, it's not especially tiny or whatever, but still. HAHAHAHAHA.



I've now exhausted everything I could think of to say.

For the time being.

I love blogging.

I am fabulous.

No one will ever top this ever.

Does Renee have confidence problems?

Answer: NO!


Renee Kaput.

Update #10

Renee Out.

Update #9


Renee Out.

Update #8

Prescription for Grey's Anatomy Season 6: (get it, it's a medical pun!)

1) Don't kill Izzie! If you must, must, MUST for contractual reasons then PLEASE don't instantly give Alex a new love interest. He will take on the role of my favourite character if Izzie dies and I don't want to see him reverting to his season 2 man-whoriness.

2) Less Meredith drama. They've improved drastically since the early seasons, but we could still cut her whining down to half the screen time and still get what she's conveying. HOWEVER I enjoy happy Meredith. Keep her around!

3) More interesting patients. When was the last time we had a really interesting medical mystery? Remember the pregnant man? The woman whose heart caught fire? The pole impalement? Bring back more of that and less character crap paralleled in boring patient plotlines.

4) Keep steady with the Hunt/Cristina! LOVE that.

5) Kill the Chief. He is a superflous character that has exhausted all his possible storylines and he has officially killed the word "hospital" with his strange pronunciation.

6) Let something good happen to Bailey for once. We love her.

Renee Out.

Update #7

I still have plenty of topics left to cover.


So cheese whiz is a funny thing. I mean, if I wanted liquified dairy, I'd just buy milk, am I right?

I'm right.

Renee Out.

Update #6

Renee wrote an imagery poem for Writing!

She got a little carried away with the similes.

Five Skies a Day

the sun rises timidly and lends watered down
pastels to an early morning canvas; purple, pink, blue
she trembles into the sky to face the day
she then

gains confidence and roars to blazing heats
burns red inside our eyes
and hungrily looks for tender flesh to tattoo crimson

she wavers, in the sky
and gives in, softening kindly
casting golden slats

and now the sky is orange, red, yellow
like a leafblower took an autumn landscape
and splattered it across the sky
which soon becomes

a dark blue
like someone thickly slathered navy icing across a cake and scattered silver sprinkles

which hours later will burn out
leaving a pool of navy ink
awaiting a quill

and then

and then

she comes back
and we start again

Renee Out.

Update #5

Almost halfway there! What a naysayer that Gab is.

I like poetry!

By night the skyscraper looms in the smoke and the stars and has a soul.  - Carl Sandburg

I celebrate myself and sing myself, for what I am you are and every atom belonging to me as good as belongs to you. - Walt Whitman

When music sounds, all that I was I am 
Ere to this haunt of brooding dust I came; 
And from Time's woods break into distant song 
The swift-winged hours, as I hasten along. 

Renee Out.

Update #4

Song recommendation whatever day:

The harmonizing at the end is ridiculous.

Renee Out. 

Update #3

I love this show. Too bad all the controversy is surrounding it; hopefully it'll die down soon.

Alexis is my favourite!

Renee Out.

Update #2

Renee's celebrity look-alikes. They weren't ideal. 

It's funny, the next five ones that don't show up were ALL Asian, including my buddy Jet Li. Hmmm...well, I'm definitely not offended; I wish I was Asian.

Renee Out.

Update #1

Gab said I wouldn't do it. Well. We'll show her, won't we?

Renee Out.

Renee's Number 6 Movie

Renee's Number 6 Movie: The Lord of the Rings

*Note: Father Goose was going to hold this spot but there are NO embeddable (?) youtube clips of that movie because it is very very old.

You didn't want to see me when I was twelve. I was HARDCORE into these books/movies.

Renee Out.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gab's Number 7 Movie

Donnie Darko

This movie is one that can be watched and rewatched. In fact, it almost needs to be rewatched! It has brilliant acting (Jake Gyllenhaal!) as well as a phenomenal script and plot. Honestly, it's a really amazing film.

Peace, Gab

HAHAHA Renee has ugly babies!

Let me just say two quick things:

1) Another black baby! David and Matthew are both going to doubt your commitment.

2) I like that because you're in the water for your picture, your baby is obviously going to love swimming, too.

Peace, Gab

My Ugly David Cook Babies

I need to find a creative, less creepy outlet for my boredom.

Renee Out.

Renee's Number 7 Movie

Renee's Number 7 Movie: Rudy

There was no trailer, so I just put the end. Basically what happens all throughout the movie is that people crap on Rudy because he's little and sucks at football but he works so hard that they all grow to love him so they chant his name until he gets put on the field and then he MAKES A TACKLE!!! And then Renee cries, every time, without fail.

Great soundtrack.

Renee Out.

Monday, May 25, 2009

New Hottie #11

Mitch Hewer

Another Skins actor. I tell you, it is hotties galore!

Peace, Gab


This is a short post. I just need to put this picture up. Olivia Wilde is freaking beautiful!

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 8 Movie

Fight Club

I usually dislike Brad Pitt, but Fight Club is the exception. He is joined by geniuses Ed Norton and Helena Bonham Carter. This movie is truly a masterpiece. The first time I saw it, it was in the middle of the night, and it's a pretty crazy movie to watch while sleep deprived. The novel, by Chuck Palahniuk is apparently incredibly and is on my reading list. This movie is definitely worth seeing, though.

Peace, Gab

Renee's Number 8 Movie

Renee's Number 8 Movie: Stand By Me

Such a good movie. All of these are movies that I first saw when I was like 8. I guess they've all really stuck with me.

Renee Out.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

New Hottie

Nicholas Hoult

You may recognize him as the awkward/unattractive pre-pubescent Marcus from About a Boy. Well, he has obviously grown into his looks and is now a fox. I am currently watching season 1 of Skins, which he is in and looking fine. You should check it out. 

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 9 Movie

Good Bye Lenin!

Not only does this have my favourite German actor, Daniel Bruhl, it's also incredibly well done. Synopsis from IMDB: In 1990, to protect his fragile mother from a fatal shock after a long coma, a young man must keep her from learning that her beloved nation of East Germany as she knew it has disappeared. Also, all of the music is done by Yann Tiersen, who did Amelie. He's a freaking genius.

Peace, Gab

A Post to Make Gab Feel Bad

Gab should feel ashamed of herself for three reasons.

1) She marred our blog with propaganda about Kris Allen and now it looks like we have no taste, when is reality only half of us have no taste

2) She hasn't updated in eleven years and Renee is sitting at home with nothing to do all ready to post her number eight movie but NO Gab is off gallivanting somewhere and can't be bothered to update

3) She punched me in the face (and our readers will never be able to prove if that's true or not!)

Do you feel dead inside now Gab?

Renee Out

Friday, May 22, 2009

Renee's Fake Babies

I found an amazing website;

I don't quite know why my baby with Matthew Fox is black. I'm not complaining, though...all my future kids are very attractive.
Renee Out.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rant Thursday

Those ads that are like, "Ask your doctor if this drug is right for you." And they go on and on being like, "I asked my doctor and it was the smartest thing I ever did," or "I love myself, therefore I asked my doctor about this drug" but they NEVER SAY WHAT THE DRUG IS.

I don't it a legal thing? Do they not have enough time to list the eight thousand possible side effects? Maybe I'm just clueless, or MAYBE everybody is just very annoying.

[Two young college girls sit on the sunny grass outside their university having a "natural" conversation.]

"I asked my doctor about Drug X".
"So did I!"
"It's because we're female!"
"Yes, females should take Drug X."
"Ask your doctor about Drug X today."

[They walk off laughing arm and arm.]


Renee Out.

P.S. Now I'm just watching the whole movie the Parent Trap in the computer lab. People are staring because I keep reciting all the lines. 

Renee's Number 9 Movie

Renee's Number 9 Movie: The Parent Trap. 

I'm not ashamed! It was my favourite movie from ages like seven to eleven. I have it memorized. And yes, I've seen the original, and I say that it is NOT AS GOOD.

I couldn't find a good trailer so I just posted a random part of the movie. I love all the stuff at camp. "You want to know the real difference between us?" "Let me see. I know how to fence and you don't? Or I have class and you don't." "Why I oughta..."

The acting is PHENOMENAL. And that dialogue! It moves the soul.

Renee Out.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'd Like To Take A Moment...

To draw your attention to the little survey question to the right.


That is all.



Unlike Renee, I am jumping for joy! I am so happy for Kris and can't wait to buy his CD.

In other news, SYTYCD starts tomorrow, and in commemoration of this, a video.

Peace, Gab

american idol finale; fingers too sad for caps lock

oh no. my heart. it is bleeding.



i ask you this. from the bottom of my bleeding heart.

renee out.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

2009 Finale Extravaganza

Here are two to four sentence summaries of all of my show's finale's, minus American Idol.

Gossip Girl
Chuck and Blair finally get together, but will inevitably break up episode one of next season. Otherwise, it was pretty uneventful. OH HEY MATT DOYLE (yum).

This was such a great all around episode, by 90210 standards, and a great cliffhanger (hitandrunwhat). Liam was mighty fine, and Annie was tolerable! Huge bonus: no birthing scene.

The Office
Highlights: Jim was so happy when he found out that Pam was pregnant; Ryan on his phone during volleyball; Toby's HR friend; the spider in Jim's baseball glove; Dwight's stalling tactics; Slumdunder Mifflinaire; Michael being sweet with Holly. All around, it was a really great episode.

Parks and Recreation
Eh, I don't know about this show. I really only watch it to support Amy Poehler because I love her; I doubt that I'll watch next season. Nothing really stood out this episode.

How I Met Your Mother
OMGBARNEYANDROBINILOVEMYLIFE. So, maybe a long-term relationship with them is not explicitly stated or shown. Renee and I rewatched it and dissected every Barney/Robin interaction to be confident that they'll get together. I mean, did you not see the look they gave each other right before he took the both physical and metaphorical 'leap'? Furthermore, I like how everything actually did matter. Like, he had to date Stella and had to get the yellow umbrella in order to get set up with the teaching job by Tony. It is actually all connected.

Saturday Night Live
Not much to say since I hate Will Ferrell. It was a pretty good episode though, complete with Amy Poehler on Weekend Update (and 'Really? with Seth and Amy), Seth actually in a sketch (sort of), Tom Hanks being hilarious, and Paul Rudd (again, sort of). No digital short, though. And I missed the digital short episode.

Big Bang Theory
What a let down. I am so over Penny. She's not good enough for any of them. And the plotline has been done before. Chuck Lorre is getting lazy. Plus, there was NO cliffhanger. 

That's all.

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 10 Film

Sorry for the delay. I only had 3 hours of television to watch today. See next post for my finale recaps.


This movie is about the music. And the music is beautiful. I have been trying to make Renee see this movie for a long time, but I am so far defeated. But, she did learn to play the Oscar winning song, Falling Slowly, for me, which I appreciate. It's a truly beautiful song, as is the entire soundtrack. What I love about this film is that it's the not cliche plot that it could be. Also, it's slow at first, but so worth it in the end.

He reminds me of Damien Rice.

Peace, Gab

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bonus Jonas mention!

Danielle! Watch this, even if you're on your itouch!

I need to stop posting.

Renee Out

Jasmine snubs Megan

HAHAHA, it's like that time when Ryan tried to highfive Scott.

Renee Out.

More hilarious smalltalk

Small Talk Practice 3: At a Party

Read the small talk below and find the 10 mistakes. Then check your answers.

Woman 1: (Standing in a corner drinking a glass of wine by herself)

Man: Hi there. Why aren't you dancing?

Woman 1: (Smiles. No response.)

Man: Hello. Have you tried Felicia's punch yet?

Woman 2: No, but I was just about to.

Man: Don't. It's terrible.

Woman 2: Oh. Okay.

Man: So, how are you knowing Rick?

Woman 2: Oh, Rick and I go way back. We studied nursing together.

Man: Nursing. Hmm. I heard on the radio today that all of you nurses are on strike. Are they not paying you enough?

Woman 2: Actually it's about working conditions.

Man: I see. So, have you had a chance to take a dip in the pool yet?

Woman 2: No, not yet. How about you?

Man: No, I need to lose some weight before I put on a bathing suit. But you have a great figure.

Woman 2: Uh, thanks. Well, I better go and jingle. There are a few people I haven't said hello to yet.

Man: Wait! Did you hear that the Pope is coming to town?

Woman 2: Ya. I heard that on the news today. I bet it'll be really tough to get to see him.

Man: I know. But I'm not Catholic anyway. Are you?

Woman 2: Yes, I am actually. Well, it looks the sun is finally coming out. I think I'll go take that swim.

Man: You better hurry. I hear they are asking for thunderstorms this afternoon.

What an inappropriate man! And apparently one of the errors was that she said "jingle" when she should have said "mingle". What a ridiculous website! I love it.

Renee Out

Gab and Renee educate themselves in the art of smalltalk

Small Talk Practice 2: At the Office

Read the small talk below and find the 10 mistakes. Then check your answers.

Woman: Hi there.

Man: Hi. I haven't seen you around here before. Have you been working long?

Woman: No, I've only been here a few months. I work in the Human Resources Department.

Man: Oh, you must make more money than I do then. I'm in Sales.

Woman: Sales sounds like an interesting job.

Man: It's okay. Hey, you look like you could really have a coffee.

Woman: Yes, it's been a really hectic week.

Man: Tell me about it! At least it's supposing to be a nice weekend.

Woman: Yes, I've listened that they are calling for blue skies.

Man: Say, did you happen to catch the game last night?

Woman: No, I was working late.

Man: It was a great game. We won in overtime.

Woman: Actually, I don't even know who was playing. I don't really follow sports.

Man: The Chiefs! Do you think they're going to make it to the finals this year?

Woman: I'm not sure. Well, I better get back to my desk.

Man: Speaking of desks, what do you think of the new office furniture?

Woman: It's nice, but I would rather get paid for my overtime hours than have new furniture.

Man: Oh. Well, I think I'll be heading home early today. It might be snow.

Woman: I know. I can't believe all of this cold weather. Hopefully Spring will come soon.

Man: I can't wait until Spring.

Woman: Me neither! My divorce will finally come through by then!

Renee Out laughing.

The Best Photo of Neil Patrick Harris

At American Idol. BAD performances. Renee wrote a blog about the performances awhile ago. 

Peace, Gab

Evangeline Lilly vs. Cobie Smulders

This is a hard one (twss). Gab suggested it. I don't know who will win yet, I have to outline the pros and cons.

Evangeline pros:
- drop dead ridiculously gorgeous
- writes me letters
- comes from a fabulous place (BC)
- good at crying
- muscular
- can do 42 consecutive pushups
- has TWO foxy love interests
- likes writing
- climbs trees
- likes Sigur Ros

Cobie pros:
- drop dead ridiculously gorgeous
- comes from a fabulous place (BC)
- very funny
- good at comedic acting
- musical ability, kind of
- likes Flight of the Conchords
- likes the Princess Bride

Evangeline cons:
- doesn't have a tv
- enjoys "fitness"
- bad taste in men (hobbit)
- likes Madonna

Cobie cons:
- has only ONE foxy love interest
- bad taste in men (ugly)
- is bad at hiding being pregnant

I'm going to have to go with Elilly, because once again, I've been besties with her for five years now, whereas Cobie and I have only been besties since November or so (kind of like me and gab!)


Renee Out.

Alex vs. Barney

THIS IS A TOUGH ONE. I love Friday night. Oh boy. Here we go.

Alex pros:
- sexy
- buff
- loyal
- good at being angry
- funny
- can throw together impromptu wedding vows
- good career (doctor)
- close in location (Washington)

Barney pros:
- sexy
- buff
- extremely funny
- musical ability
- magical ability

Alex cons:
- career that keeps him busy
- cranky
- has a history of STDs

Barney cons:
- not especially serious
- suspicious career (North Korean involvement?)
- womanizer
- pig
- not very romantic
- dyed hair


Don't hate me Gab.

I've loved Alex for five years and I've only loved Barney for one.

Renee Out.

Teenage Adam Lambert

Oh wow. Without all his product and dye and stuff he looks EXACTLY like Rolf from the Sound of Music. Please tell me you see it gab. I'm not crazy - it's frightening how similar they look.

Adam would've made a kickass Rolf.

Why do all his classmates seem to be laughing at him? Oh well. I bet they're regretting it now!

Renee Out.

Sawyer vs. Jack

I decided to do some character battles, since almost all my shows are over but I'm left unsatisfied.

Early Seasons Sawyer:
- sexy
- good hair
- funny lines

Early Seasons Jack:
- annoying
- mouth always hanging out
- stupid cutoff purple shirt

Winner: Sawyer, hands down, sexy for the win, surpasses Jack with the annoying and the bald

Later seasons: Sawyer
- bad hair
- no longer romantic
- bad lines
- looks stupid in a jumpsuit

Later seasons Jack:
- worked out his hair and is working that side part
- romantic
- looks foxy in a jumpsuit

Overall winner: Well, surprisingly enough, I found myself cheering for this guy when they were beating the crap out of each other, so the winner is:


Surprised? Me too.

Renee Out.

Grey's Anatomy finale

AAAAAAAAGGGHHHH. I am so very very sad.

So Izzie and George died at the same time apparently.

I was way more upset about George dying then I thought I would be. maybe because they did it in such a horrible way. Poor george. And poor TR Knight. I don't blame HIM for wanting to leave the show - he had a REAL reason (that's right Katherine Heigl, I'm looking at you!)

However - I still hold out (minor) hope that Katherine Heigl will come to her senses and that Izzie won't really be dead. She didn't get off the elevator and the charge panels still could work. I hugely doubt this though, because they've been working towards her death all season and they never let people be happy together on that show.

Also, every grey's finale has ALWAYS ended on a cliffhanger but then never started up again in the same scene, am I right? I don't see them changing up their format. it'll start with meredith voiceover being like "Everyone handles grief a different way..." and then it'll show a bunch of characters, including Alex, and we'll be like "okay, yep, she's dead."

Hunt and Cristina are sweet but they AREN'T ENOUGH. I like happy Meredith.

Renee Out.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Oh my Jacob.

Can't make full sentences.

Hydrogen bomb.

Sayid dead? Fingers crossed.

Was way too turned on by Jack/Sawyer fight scene.

The incident, the incident!

Juliet sucked down black hole.

Kudos to Elizabeth Mitchell!

Sawyer in pain is a sexy Sawyer.

Next season....YES.

Renee Out.


I am SO glad that Danny has finally left. It's not that I hated him; it's just that I liked everyone else better. Also, he claims to own 27 pairs of glasses, but honestly, they apparently all look the same. I mean, I'm pretty sure that he has 14 black half frames, and 13 black full frames.
I am just so so so happy right now. Kris totally deserves to be the top two. He really is talented. Also, I downloaded a few songs that he wrote himself and they are really good. He's a really talented songwriter, and I have faith that the CD he will inevitably release will be very good. I, for one, will be buying it.
Also, I'd just like to briefly mention how a) good and b) gutsy his performance of Heartless was last night. I mean, to go on stage with no music, only you're guitar, on AI is rare, and he did such an amazing job. That performance ties, but is slightly above, Tracks of my Tears. Bravo.
(I couldn't find the actual video; it's been taken down)

Peace, Gab

A Beautiful Song by Renee

One day, you and me
Will go to NYC.
We'll go to a cool barbecue.
Who will be there at the barbecue?
Seth Meyers, 'Ayn' Rand, BJ Novak
All our friends,
Everyone who likes to eat barbecued food with us.

One day we'll go to LA.
Hmm mmmm, uh dada dada
Gab and Renee.
Who will we see, who?
Maybe Neil P and his gay lover David.

Speaking of David,
Speaking of David,
Cook, Cook,Cook, Cook,Cook,
Cook,Cook, Cook,Cook, Cook,
Cook, Cook,Cook, Cook,Cook,
Cook, Cook.

I love you, I love you, I love.
Not as much as Gab.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Renee's Number 10 Movie

Fine. FINE. Just because Rachel, one of our only two readers (I luh you Scanny) wanted us to do movies before books. So it will be done. But BTW I love books more than movies, and tv shows more than books. I do like movies though.

Renee's Number 10 Movie: Garden State

Good soundtrack (but then people killed it.) Good acting. Good plotline. Different. I've seen it a lot and I view it a little differently every time.

Renee Out

David Cook and his good taste

David's favourites are Adam and Kris! Good boy! I knew I loved him for a reason.

Renee Out.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Gab's Number 1 TV Shows

It's a tie! 

How I Met Your Mother
Obviously this would be my number one. I ship Barney and Robin so much that it hurts some times. I have seen every single episode at least 3 times, some more. And I can rank every single episode. The key is that I love every single main character, even Ted. And I care about them all.

Who's Line is it Anyways?
I essentially grew up on this show, and did obviously not get half the jokes. However, my love was renewed this year as I became addicted to reruns on Youtube. My favourite cast members are Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady, and Greg Proops. The outtakes are even funnier than the actual show. My favourite games are Hoedown, Press Conference, and Scenes from a Hat.

Peace, Gab

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Alex + Izzie = LOVE

I cried. I'll admit it. I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT.

Song: Turn to Stone - Ingrid Michaelson


Renee Out.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gael is a good kisser

Or at least better than Sean Penn.

For reference:

Peace, Gab


Although, my excitement comes with mixed emotions since I absolutely love Allison's voice. She'll go far in life, I'm sure.
But KRIS was so so so happy and it was so nice. I'll definitely buy the CD that he'll inevitably release. 
I'm excited for the finale!

Peace, Gab

Spring Awakening

I just watched like a thousand Spring Awakening clips on Youtube. This is officially my fourth favourite musical after Rent, Urinetown, and Wicked. The music is so good, as well as the content. I wish so desperately that I could see it on Broadway. SO DESPERATELY. 
In other news, they are making a film version of it to be released in 2011. I take this news with mixed emotions. Firstly, I'll be able to fully love what the musical has to offer, but secondly, I feel like it'll be a Rent situation where it doesn't translate really well to screen since it is mainly music. Whatever, I am still excited.

This video will change your life:

Peace, Gab

Renee Responds Promptly

Haha, that's the best quote ever, where did you find that?

I don't even really care who gets voted out tonight. Although they were better than I gave them credit for last night. Turns out I WAS in a mood. Fancy that!

I'll respond more soon, I'm in Comp. CIv. right now though, shhh.

Also - what is GTFO? And what is Y/Y?

Renee Out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This Video is Cool

Mainly just because I lovelovelove movies. 

Peace, Gab

PS: I had this idea. Once we have a ton of viewers, we should make challenges and winners receive prizes/undying affection.

Riffraff Post

Less is more, Renee, less is more. Plus, the quality of my posts is like a thousand times better than yours. 

I have basically given up on AP Calculus. I mean, I don't think I am going to learn anything more tonight. 

This is going to be a mish-mash post.

1) Kris is the sexiest thing ever to sing the AI stage. Furthermore, he did a respectable job tonight. Unlike *cough* Danny. Danny deserves to go home for his performance. But, here is how it's going to play out: Danny fans are going to vote extra for him to ensure he is in the final three after such an awful night. Adam will obviously be in the top, leaving Allison and Kris. For the past couple of weeks, it has been a toss up as to which would be in the top 3, but it's looking like it will almost certainly be Allison. She just has a better voice. As attractive as Kris is, his looks will only get him to top 4. My ideal final 3 would be Allison, Kris, and Adam, though.
GTFO Danny!

2) Renee, my favourite animal post obviously counts! I mean, what about your eyes closed post? It doesn't even make sense!

3) Renee, we seriously need to take some photos together. Y/Y?

4) Gael is SO attractive. Even in the crack video. 

5) Hilarious quotation by Kris Allen (ignore grammatical inaccuracies): "Sharing a bathroom with Adam is well... We're very different. He's got a lot of stuff, and I don't. But the bathroom is plenty big enough where he can fit all of his stuff. So it works." Later, Adam: "It's great! He's got like three items on the counter and I have fourty-five."

Peace, Gab

6) Danny Hokey is the most boring person, ever.


So. I just spent like WAY TOO LONG going back and counting all the posts to prove to Gab that I have, in fact, posted more times than her. Here was the final result:

Renee: 131 posts

Gab: 90 posts

And p.s. gab, some of your lame posts shouldn't even count. Like the one where you list your favourite animals? cough*slacker*cough. Plus, you cantradict yourself in an earlier entry when you say that sea kittens are your favourite animal.

EDIT to American Idol post: the more I watch Allison's solo the more I like it. She was better the second and third time. She'd better not be eliminated. And Danny and Kris's duet gets better with more viewings too. You know which one doesn't get better with more viewings? Adam's craptastic horrorshow.

Renee Out.

American Idol Recap: Top 4

Oh yikes. Oh my. Oh my yikes.

Not good. Not good at all.

Maybe I'm just in a mood or something but tonight made me really depressed. Everything felt unfamiliar and dark and too loud and I hated it all. It made me miss my David. As much as I love Adam, he'll never come close to my boy Cook.

Everyone was bad tonight. Like BAD BAD. Allison was the best, she wasn't that bad actually. She was so unbad, in fact, that I'll forgive her for all her physical contact with Adam:) She's a good singer, and I was glad she talked back to Simon. But one good singer and two pretty good duets were NOT ENOUGH.

Adam - I hated his performance. I'm not ashamed - I hated it. He let me down. He made stupid embarassing facial expressions at the guitarist and I didn't believe him at all. He was so phony. And the song had no tune. AND HIS PANTS IN THE DUET. Oh my G. They weren't even hot. They were just...nope.

And BTW wth was Slash doing there? He's pretty much the greasiest mentor they could have possibly picked. Oh well, at least he sings. OH WAIT, he doesn't.

And then there was Danny. Oh, Danny, Danny, Danny. Just no. You can't hit those notes. Didn't anyone ever tell you that?

Kris. meh. It was too hard for him, poor guy. It just wasn't his week; we knew that it wouldn't be.


Renee Out Disappointed.

Laughing at Gab's taste in men

Oh no. Just know. This guy came in at number one on your hotties list Gab? THIS GUY?

Here's Gael Garcia Somebody singing the greasiest cover of Cheap Trick's I Want You To Want Me in existence. I think I'd even rather Heidi Montag sing this song. And I. Hate. Heidi Montag.

Renee Out Cringing

Song Reccomendation Monday

Home on Ice - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

"Blue, you radiant blue, I don't know how you can stand next to me."

Renee Out

P.S. I really liked the piano music playing when Ted "met the mother" last night. I can't find it anywhere though.

How I Met Your Mother review

Great episode! I'm getting so stoked for the finale!

Best lines:

Barney: And call him I will.
Ted: He's going to say it again really slow.
Barney: And call....him...I....will.

Barney: Ted, Ted, go to youtube, look up Robin Scherbatsky Morning Show vomit...oh, hey Robin. Home so soon?

Barney: What now??? (yayyyy)

I always enjoyed the Simon and Garfunkel reference in the Cecilia chart.

Renee Out.


I CAN"T EMBED THIS PICTURE AND IT MAKES ME MAD!!!!!! It's so nice. It's the one of the house all lit up surrounded by a dark lake. It's my favourite picture ever.

EDIT: It worked, kind of! Its the second picture.

Renee Out Frustrated.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Sad Day

I was looking up on whehter it's true that Jon from Jon and Kate Plus 8 had an affair (le gasp!) and I saw that David Cook's brother Adam died. He had brain cancer for over ten years. I feel really bad for David because he was always talking about his brother and the AC on his guitar was for Adam Cook. David also raised 40, 000 dollars for brain cancer research. What a good guy. It doesn't seem fair.

It made me happy, though, that your last post was made at 11:33. I always make a wish when I see that it's that time.

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 2 Television Shows

It's a tie! I don't ever watch the second one anymore, but I was basically brought up on it.

The Office
Obviously this is at the top. Or close to it. Renee got me hooked and it's the second most amazing show, ever. Here is my order of favourite main characters:
1. Ryan (obviously)
2. Kelly
3. Jim
4. Toby
5. Andy/ Dwight
6. Creed
7. Angela
8. Pam
9. Oscar
10. Kevin
11. Michael
12. Stanley
13. Phyllis
14. Meredith

So, as I previously mentioned, I essentially grew up with this show. It is really amazing. I love Kramer and Elaine. My favourite episode, I think, is a tie between when Kramer's phone line gets crossed with the movie theatre's, and the English Patient episode. Oh man, do I ever love this show.

Peace, Gab

A Most Engaging Story by Josh Radnor

This blog entry is really hard to find a link to so we should just inceftualize it in our blog forever.

"So we're all on the New York street on the CBS Radford lot in Studio City shooting a How I Met Your Mother promo that's a parody of CSI, which they tell me is a popular show. We're all exhausted and not quite sure what we're doing. My sense is that on an hourlong procedural show, the hours are much worse but your face never has to change its expression. So that's a big up. Changing facial expressions is exhausting and overrated. They're setting up a shot of a corpse's feet right now. We're all pretty exhausted - the night's supposed to go very late and we have an early call. We haven't been officially picked up for a third season yet, but we're all seeing it as a good sign that CBS is having us do this.

I'm going to have each cast member say something... get a little guest-blogging going.

Me: Hey, guys. Give me a quote for my blog.

[ Everybody thinks]

Neil Patrick Harris: "I'm in a constant state of squint. And I like it. I like it a lot. It feels right, you know?"

Alyson Hannigan: "I have to go fingerprint a dead body. I feel like I'm back on the Buffy set."

Jason Segel: "Neil Patrick Harris is in a constant state of squint. And I like it. I like it a lot. It feels right, you know?"

Cobie [Smulders] didn't like her quote. I told her there was nothing wrong with, "I've had about four Tums because the smoke is making me nauseous," but she thought she could do better. I asked her if we could do an interview instead. She agreed.

[The following are excerpts from an interview with How I Met Your Mother's Cobie Smulders.]

Me: Do you watch hourlong procedural crime shows?

Cobie: No.

Me: Why not?

Cobie: 'Cause I don't watch a lot of TV.

Me: Do you just sit around and read Jane Austen novels?

Cobie: Exactly.

Me: How do you feel about the season ending?

Cobie: Well, I'm sad I don't get to go to work every day, but happy I get to sleep as late as I want.

Jason Segel: Being sad you don't get to go to work every day is a great thing to be able to say.

Me: Jason, this is an interview with Cobie. Go stand by the police tape.

Jason: Yes, Mr. Radnor.

Me: Cobie, tell America your full birth name 'cause it's awesome.

Cobie: Jacoba Fransisca Maria Smulders.

[Am I wrong? That's a serious name.]

Me: Hey, one of our great writers, Chris Harris, is here, sitting next to me. Say something, Chris....

Chris Harris: Why don't you tell them who the not-great writers are?

Damn, Chris. So it's like that. Chris Harris is very smart. He could have really done something great with his life. Instead, he writes for our show. Happily, he's awesome at it. Chris wrote one of my favorite episodes this year, "Arrivaderce, Fiero," where we all bid (bade?) farewell to Marshall's car and reminisced about our favorite memories in said car. "500 Miles" by The Proclaimers made a most memorable appearance. (Actually it made about 15 appearances, including an orchestral version towards the end.) It's strange to look back over a full season. Our characters have accrued all these memories, but so have we, the actors. And sometimes the character memories and the actor memories bleed into each other. Like, I kind of feel like Jason and I actually drove from Connecticut to Ohio in that Fiero. Of course, we didn't, but we did spend an awful long time in that car together. And we're good friends. The whole thing is confusing. Does this make any sense?

[ My Boys'] Jordana Spiro and [ Brothers & Sisters executive producer] Robbie Baitz told me that doing this blog would be a lot of work. They were right. (It came up at the last Celebrity Bloggers meeting.) I'm happy to do it, I just feel terrible in a way I haven't felt since high school, like I have to keep asking for yet another extension on my paper. (Actually, no one's really hassled me about this at all. Any pressure is self-imposed. I guess I just still have a good-student complex.) I was asked to do this back, I think, in early February. The deal was one blog a week to correspond with each week's episode. I'm so off-schedule, it's ridiculous. In fact, it's early April and I have zero idea what episode is on this Monday. Uh-oh. This is Blog #2."

And then he never updated again, haha.

He goes on to say more, but it's boring, it's all about that guy proposing to the girl on set, we already know that one, don't we Gabby?

Renee Out.

New Hottie Day

I don't remember what day it's supposed to be. Friday? Regardless, this fox needs to be shared.
Renee Out.

P.S. Gab update your tv shows already, this is taking like eleven million years and we need to move on to books. Yikaes.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Because Everyone Should Know This

My Top Five Favourite Animals:

1. Tiger

2. Giraffe

3. Wild Dog

4. Meerkat 

5. Leopard

Peace, Gab

Funny Overheard in NY

Creepy patron: How's the cheesecake?

Bored waitress: It's as close to heaven as you can get!

Creepy patron: Well, people have different interpretations of heaven.

Bored waitress: (says nothing)

Creepy patron: Mine's a warm woman.

Bored waitress: Well, we're not serving those today. Just cheesecake.

--Village Bistro

Friday, May 1, 2009

Renee's Number 2 Shows

I realized that we never did our thoughtful thursday things or whatever it was. We are failing at the new schedule. Anyways.

How I Met Your Mother

The Office

"Here comes treble."

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 3 Show


Oh wow, another one that Renee got me hooked on. Whatever, she has good taste (obvs). I have only seen season 1 and 2. My goal this summer is to finish the rest, so I'll be busy. I just really love the intrigue of it, and how everything is connected. It is a lot of fun to watch. Plus, because there are so many characters, you can survive if you don't like one or two. I love Jin and Sun.

Peace, Gab
PS: It's sure weird, huh?