Saturday, February 28, 2009

Things that are sexy according to Gab

1. Being inspired to make change/take a stand.

2. Intelligence. (In case you are curious, Jake Gyllenhaal went to Columbia, which is why I have posted a photo of him.)

3. Scruff. (And not just BJ Novak, like in general.)

4. T-Shirts.

5. Glasses.

Peace, Gab

Things that are sexy according to Renee

1. Plaid shirts, like such.

2. Glasses

3. Those toques that have the ear flappies

4. Suspenders (not like Larry King, like people from the 1800's with their sexy, sexy three quarter length pants)

I guess I like them nerdy...

Renee Out.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I want to marry this guy.

Ignore Katy Perry at the beginning.

Renee Out

I lied.

i enjoys this.


reen out

One last post

I get philosophical at night and I need to share some of my wisdom.

Why don't we use silent k's all the time? hmm? Why don't see say like "I kneed some knew skneakers?" It's very effective and it gives us a bit of a Swedish feel. Are Swedes the ones who use all the k's? Maybe I'm thinking of Greenland. What are people from Greenland called? Just people from Greenland i guess. That's sad; they must feel pretty unimportant. is Bob newhart dead? i'm pretty sure he is. I always mix him up with Bob Hope. He most definitely is dead. Maybe it's something about the name. Now I'm thinking about whther or not I know someone alive named Bob. When we were in Jr. school marilyn had a skeleton called Bob and one time her got stuck in the gutter above the school (I don't remember how) and Wade came and rescued him. it's funny, because a real skeleton wouldn't have been rescued probably, because it's already dead. Maybe someone would try to ressuscitate the skeleton. that would be kind of funny, unless it was their mom or something. Then it would be just sad like Forrest Gump, boy that movie's sad. It's like sadcore. it's a new word I made up. There's this new thing on facebook that keeps telling me my profile has violated. What does that mean? Well, I violated facebook's mom last night, what up. Who's facebook's mom? Microsoft? Remember that movie when Michael Douglas was basically raped by Demi Moore? her daughter bothers me. it's like "Dude, you aren't famous, you just have famous people." I hate famous people who mack off their famous sibling's fame. Like haylie duff. It's one of my pet peeves. I'm pretty sure Britney Spears has a brother that thinks he's famous. here's a word for him "Douche, you aren't/ Roll over Beethoven, that's a good song. This one time on Gilmore Girls he like. But yeah. ELo, nice one Gav. Oh wow I'm tireed. I need to solve some more of the world's problems before I turn in for the night. You know what the United States stimulus plan kneeds? Less terrorism. Terrorism is just bad, that's what I keep telling people. maybe I'll go find some terrorists and tell them that but I have to be careful that I don't tell it to someone that isn't really a terrorist because that would be embarassing. I'll find a white terrorist. I hate puzzles. And Canadian idol. Sometimes I . This one time I thought I swallowed my tooth but then i found it in my bed a week later. imagine that! My cat is bothering me. What do cats originate from? Sharks, probably. I enjoy dinosaurs. I was tracing a velociraptor in the library the other day but then Anita took the book away because we were supposed to be working so obviously i couldnt finish the picture because obviously I am not good enough to draw a velociraptor by hand GEEZ ANITA.

I think we covered a lot of ground in this post. Good work, brain.

Renee Out.

My new body

I really need to go to bed.

Renee Out.

My new hair

BAHAHAHA just kidding. It's too hard to find any pictures. You'll just see tomorrow.

Renee Out.

This is how Renee spends her Friday nights

Being awesome! I'm going to have dominated the blog by the end of the night (unless I get sleepy)

So maybe I don't have much of a social life.

First: I need to talk about my favourite unknown female singer, Hannah Combs. I found her on youtube one time doing a cover of a Josiah Leming song and LET ME TELL YOU is she good. She wrote that song that I always play on the guitar called Love Doesn't Grow In Ohio. I have an mp3 of me doing it that I made when I was bored, can you put mp3's on here?

So here she is:

There are good copies of this song, I just like this video.

Secondly (did I have a firstly? What happens one you get to twenty?) Since Gab is obviously NEVER going to update er bands list, I'm going to make a top ten list of my own, all in one post. It will be my favourite musicals because I'm going through a musical phase right now 9well, it's kind of been going on for the last four years, but whatever)

1. Wicked
2. Rent
3. Les Miserables
4. Assassins (Go Neil)
5. Guys and Dolls
6. Fiddler on the Roof
7. The Sound of Music
8. Annie Get Your Gun
9. Godspell
10. Spamalot

You may ask yourself, how many of these has Renee actually seen on Broadway? The answer is none. But I've seen other versions and memorized the soundtracks and youtubed it so IT BASICALLY COUNTS, God just leave me alone.

Honourable mentions go to Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog and the Scrubs musical. I didn't put them because I was going for "broadway" because I am sophisticated, but they would both have made my top ten.

This post is extraordinarily extensive. I am enjoying it greatly but alas I am running out of topics because I am quite tired and I get tired on Fridays OKAY? I'm a little defensive, I wonder if I'm high. That's what I said today after the Gatorade incident, I know I wasn't high because I want to preserve my brain cells but I was still pretty trippy on sugar. Hmm. This post is taking an interesting turn. Let's try and get it back on track.

Another list! I'll list the next ten songs that come on shuffle on my ipod (unless there's something embarassing like...that one girl whose name I don't say but that I have too many songs by...okay fine Miley Cyrus)

I am getting my haircut tomorrow before we hang out. I'm thinking short-ish. Like...a little longer than Tegan's, but not a lot. I don't know. I'll post some possible pictures, I guess. Hmm, no, I'll do that in a new post. Because I feel like FULLY dominating the blog.

Renee Out.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Renee's Super truncated American Idol Review: Top 36, Part 2

More of a compendium, if you will. (That's right, I like big words, and I use them right about fifty percent of the time too.)

I had to watch last night's episode on skim, so I missed some stuff (though nothing that looked important). No NPH sightings, which makes me think that his favourite was probably in the first group. Most likely Danny.

So the ones that I liked a lot last night were Adam (OBVIOUSLY), Allison and Megan. I thought Adam's was good, though not his best, and that it will be a crime if he doesn't go through, except he obviously will. megan's dancing was hugely awkward but her singing was good. Allison's talking was hugely awkward but her singing was good.

Everyone else was pretty boring. No one was especially BAD, but no one blew me away. That Jeanine (?) girl was probably the worst, then crazy hair. I was disappointed with haired Matt's performance, because I LOVED him in HW (that's short for Hollywood Week; I know the slang, bitches!) Mishavonna was pretty good but she could never win, so why put her through?

So that's basically it. IMO the ones that proceed should be Adam, Allison and Megan.

Renee Out.

Good One

Haha, you're funny Gab. Because I haven't heard THAT one before, haha.

I was going to embed a hilarious video I knew you would appreciate but alas, it is no longer on youtube. I'll just act it out for you at school.

Renee Out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Liked Renee's Stockings Today

They were very pretty and attention-grabbing. 

Peace, Gab

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tube Tuesday! Dustin Lance Black Acceptance Speech

I know I only briefly mentioned this, but this my favourite speech of the Oscars. I don't even have anything I can say about it. It is just so powerful and encouraging.

Equal rights for all, Gab

Renee;s Number 4 Band

Oh fine Gab, FINE THEN.

Some people (by some people I mean all zero of our viewers) will be appalled that this band is so low down my list, but whatever. At least it's higher than it was on yours.

Number 4: The Beatles

It is taking too long to upload a picture on the school computer so just picture them. They have lame hair and Paul is good-looking; the rest are not.

Favourite songs: Dear Prudence, Let It Be, Hey Jude, Eleanor Rigby, Across the Universe

Renee Out.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Still waiting...

Where is your next favourite band, Renee?

Peace, Gab


He looks like Jesus.

Renee Out.

Woman claims drunken Santa fell on her

Lawsuit claims she suffered "disability" after being knocked to the sidewalk

CHICAGO - This is no jolly matter.

Antoinette Basso filed a lawsuit Thursday against a man dressed in a Santa suit who she said stumbled and fell on top of her, knocking her face-first into the sidewalk outside a Chicago restaurant.

Basso claims in the Cook County Circuit Court lawsuit that she suffered "pain ... disability and disfigurement." She's asking for damages in excess of $50,000.

Renee Out Laughing.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sean Penn has Earned my Respect

So, I have never been the biggest Sean Penn fan. I did not like his "performance" in I Am Sam. That's basically where the root of my dislike for him is. But, I am very, very glad that he won the Oscar and took the opportunity to speak out against Prop 8 and condemn those who voted for it.

Yesterday, I went to a conference discussing ways to use your voice and whatnot, and one of the speakers was a former Much Music VJ. She spoke about how saddening she finds it that most celebrities don't take the opportunity to speak out for causes when almost everything they say is eaten up by the general public. I could not agree more with what she said. 

I have a great respect for anyone who speaks up about causes which are important, and for this reason, Sean Penn has earned my respect.

"Finally, for those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think that it is a good time for those who voted against the ban on gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grand-children's eyes as they continue that way of support. We've got to have equal rights for everyone."

Peace, Gab

PS: What a great speech Dustin Lance Blank gave for his screenplay for Milk.


What should it say? Here's when I wish we had a larger viewership, because then I'd put the question to the repliers. Instead, I will decide before tomorrow.

Peace, Gab

Post 100 (plus one!)




Well, what will my sign say?

Renee Out

I'm In.

And if it's someone else, we both wear a sign. 

Peace (but not), Gab

It's not a gambling problem if you're awesome at it

If Anne Hathaway wins you need to wear some sort of embarassing sign tomorrow. I'll do the same if KW wins. It will be like a less violent slap bet (this is what Danielle and I do when it comes to American Idol). Are you in? Or do you already have some awesome bet with someone awesomer than me?

Renee Insecurely Out.

Gab's Oscar Picks

Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Director: Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
Best Actor: Mickey Rourke
Best Actress: Kate Winslet

Yep, I'll be watching them tonight!

Peace, Gab

Renee's Oscar Pics

Well, only the main ones. All the other categories bore me.

Best Actor: Mickey Rourke

Best Actress: Anne Hathaway (although it should be Kate Winslet, she's been nominated five times or something but never won)

Best Director: Slumdog Millionaire Guy

Let's see how I do!

Renee Out

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Today renee was a bitch. Sorry

oh wow it took me a long time to figure ot how to di this on my itouch. but im sprry that i was mean to yiu when yiy were sick. i hope my cold leaves you soon. im not so good at typing pn thid thing. also im under a table right now whichbis imparing me slightly. feel better bestie! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Maybe just a little obsessed..

I was looking at a very disturbing poll on the interweb today. It was about people's favourite Idol this season. Tatiana was first (WHAT?) and then Matt, whom I love immensely but should not be that high. Then it was Danny, then it was Mishavonna.

What I'm really trying to say, America, is WHERE THE HELL WAS ADAM?? I'm starting to be concerned. He'd better make it through or I'll...hang myself! Well, maybe that's a little excessive. But I'll be mad, that's for sure.

By the way, when was the last time I had a post that wasn't about American idol?

Renee Out

First Top 3 of 12!

Danny, Alexis and Michael. Good call, America.

Oh wow, and Tatian's reaction to not making it was hiLARious. She's so entertaining she's almost worth keeping around. Almost.

Next week is Adam! His dancing is sexy.

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 4 Band

I just realized that my list has 12 bands on it, meaning that there will need to be some ties in the future. Just to pre-warn you.

The Beatles

How can you not have The Beatles on your list? (Fact: Ringo's my favourite)
Best songs: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Help!, Come Together

Peace, Gab

PS: How do you even laugh like Tatiana Del Toro? I mean, how is it physically possible? She sounds like a cartoon character. I also don't understand how she breathes. 

Hilarious business

Look, Renee knows how to embed now!! This is a super hilarious video, and it gets funnier every time you watch it (like Freddy Rodriguez on Scrubs)

Renee Out

Renee's Number 5 Band

Our Lady Peace

Yay Canada! Best songs: Innocent, 4 am, Superman's Song

Renee Out,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

American Idol Recap: Season 8, Top 36 Performances Part 1

Steel yourself Gabby. This is going to be the longest blog entry in the history of WViE. I suggest you at least skim it, however, because Neil Patrick Harris will be mentioned more than once. You'll see why.

So tonight the first twelve of the top thirty-six performed. I'm going to review them individually, but first let me say that the quality of the show tonight SUCKED. The camera kept pointing at the wrong place, especially during the super awkward interviews with family members (when did they start that? It needs to go) Also, instead of playing Brent keith's video they just showed a frozen picture of Stevie. This sitation proved to us that Ryan Seacrest is crap at vamping.

Also. Randy seems to be trying to mix it up this year. Lots of new, strange catchphrases. There was also a lot of Simon metaphoriacally bitchslapping Paula, which is always appreciated.

So up first was Jackie Tohn (I actually made notes Gab, aren't I a nerd?) She sang "A Little Less Conversation." What was interesting her performance was that she'd somehow gotten ahold of the EXACT pants that Oliva Newton-John wore at the end of Grease. I love Jackie. She's in my top three to move forward next week, and her stage present is killer.

Next was Ricky Braddy (aka Ricky Bobby because, well, I'm hilarious) I'd never heard of this guy but I was mighty impressed. He's got a good voice, though he's a little on the boring side. And his velvet suit was just...bad.

Then we had Alexis. She was really good too, I want either her or Ricky Bobby to get the third spot next week.

I guess at this point the producers realized that too many people were doing well so they had to sabotage the next few contestants. Following Alexis was Brent, who sang a really dull, strange country song called "Hick Town." Doesn't he know that no one likes country? He was all like "Country fans will appreciate that song." Yeah, all three of them, two being his parents.

After Brent came the atrocity we call Stevie and OH MY GOD was she terrible. I guess that's what you get for saying on camera that your favourite band is the Jonas Brothers. her performance was seriously the worst ever AI performance, with the exception of perhaps Casey Carlson - but more on that later.

And it was here, Gab, at the end of Stevie's performance that I saw, while clutching my bleeding ears, none other than Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka in the audience (sitting next to Ted Danson of all people.) Neil was nodding all diplomatically but David was grimacing at how horrible her performance was and it was HILARIOUS. His hair and cardigan were looking pretty fine. He was actually the hotter of the two tonight.

Next up was Anoop (what's that Randy, you call him Anoop Dogg? You DEFINITELY haven't overused that one.) He's good but his performance was boring. Whatever, by this point I was pretty distracted by NPH.

By the way, it's getting pretty annoying how EVERY season they say how it's "the most talent yet." It's so untrue, and if it hadn't been proven to you already, it definitely was after Casey Carlson's performance. She sang "Every little thing HE does is magic" and it was VERY VERY bad. If she gets through simply because she's good looking (and she's not even THAT good-looking) I will shoot somebody's face. Hers, preferably, or every male American (except Neil!) She was really playing up the sexy, but everyone knows that never works, as it's almost all women voting. She's gone, I think.

Then there was Michael, the oil guy. He's a good singer but his song was boring and he has no stage present and I'm pretty sure that he too is out.

Ann Marie was next, and I thought she did a lot better than they gave her credit for. When you hold her up to the last two girls, anyways. She's got a good voice. I'm sick of the judges always comparing the female contestants to the people whose songs they sing. OBVIOUSLY she's not going to sound like Aretha Franklin, but she still did a good job. You basically just can't sing any Whitney, Aretha or Celine (yech) songs on that show or they'll compare you and then you'll lose. I guess I'm talking in second person now, hmmm.

So then there was Stephen, the most boring human being ever. I didn't think anyone could make MJ boring but ho, he succeeded! I guess I'm still mad at him for forgetting my David's lyrics.

Second to last was Tatiana. This was the one that everybody wanted to see, which I'm sure she knew. Everyone seemed a little weirded out by her surprising normalcy. She still bugs the hell out of me. I don't know, she's undeniably a good singer, but I hope she doesn't go on further. I doubt she will, now that she's not being entertaining. She should've stuck with the crazy.

Side note: I did LOVE it when she was talking about how she wanted to "market" herself. Cough *prostitute* cough.

Finally it was Danny Gokey, by the far the favourite going into the night. He did a very good, yet slightly cheesy, rendition of "Hero" by Mariah Carey. I sort of agree with Simon about him; he's really good, but not as orgasm inducing as the other judges describe him as. I've gotten to the point where I usually just fastforward the first three judge's comments.

ALSO, how inappropriate was it when Ryan kept asking Simon if he had this organ called a heart when he had his arm around Danny? Dude, his wife died of heart failure! How untactful can you be? First he tries to high five blind guys, and now this? He needs to be replaced.

So my pics for moving through are Danny, Jackie and Alexis or Ricky. It was pretty entertaining, at least. "Most talent yet", lie.

BTW I wish I could discourse this episode with someone amazing like, oh I don't know, Neil Patrick Harris because my blogging partner doesn't even WATCH the show (shame on you, Gabriela)

I am stoked for Adam! Hopefully he's next week.

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 5 Band

Before the important stuff, I have a story. 
So I was listening to the university of [my city] radio station and discovered 2 amazing things.
1) My new favourite DJ. She plays amazing music (including Sigur Ros) and some really interesting stuff that I'd never heard before. Plus, unlike most university DJ's, she had a personality/nice voice. 
2) A new band that I really like: Au Revoir Simone. But, this is where the story is. I realize now as I type it that it's not a very great story, but whatever. So, you know how when listening to the radio, you only half listen to what the people are saying? Well, that's what I was doing. Then this song, Don't See the Sorrow, started playing and I was like, "What an amazing song!" However, I couldn't remember the name of the band, only vaguely remembering something like 'Pour The...' (which is totally wrong, as it turns out). But, then, she never said the band again. So, after scouring the website, I found the phone number, called her up, and got the name of the band. She was really nice and it was all good. Sorry for wasting your time with my story.

Anyways, my number 5 band.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

They are totally amazing, and definitely are on my imaginary 'Get Psyched Mix.' FYI: New CD coming in April! Be excited.

Favourite Songs: Modern Romance, Y Control, Gold Lion, Cheated Hearts

Peace, Gab

Renee's Number 6 Band

Trespassers William

Yes I know they're super mellow, but whatever. They got their name from Winnie the Pooh for God's sake, I have to put them on my list! Plus, 'Fragment' is one of my all time favourite songs.

Best songs: Fragment, Different Stars

Also, I just found my favourite music review ever while looking up a picture.

"If deep, breathy dreamscapes and ethereal, mournful elegance are what you seek, youll find them here. ..Tears will undoubtedly follow, of joy and despair, and an overwhelming desire to dwell in this space forevermore." -Logo Magazine "

Renee Out

The Style is the Bomb is the Bomb the Bang the Bang Diggy Diggy

Yes Gab, we all know you'd have sex with Ryan.

I'm about halfway through American Idol. I'm so excited to review it! It's gonna be so extensive; I'm even making notes as I go along. Who needs compendiums, right? I don't care if no one reads it. By the by, the editing is pure crap tonight, I'm so excited to insult it.

I'm pretty sure my favourite Office moment from season 1 was either Michael going "Abraham Lincoln once said, 'If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North," or Stanley playing basketball. Or maybe the whole diversity day scene with the cards on the heads.

As for season 2, my favourite parts are endless.

Renee Out.


We're basically famous!

I mean, we have an almost equal number of hits on our blog as Jed and Maurissa do on their youtube videos and they are insanely talented.


Peace, Gab

PS: I'm currently watching The Office seasons 1 and 2 and love Ryan so much. I love when they throw a party for Meredith a month before her birthday, but it's actually Ryan's.
"I'd have sex with Ryan."

Gab's Number 6 Band

Of Montreal

Although not a Canadian band, it does reference an amazing Canadian city that I may be potentially living in next year (I can be patriotic, too, Renee). They also have amazing album art.

Best Songs: Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games, Friends of Mine, Women's Studies Victims

Peace, Gab

Response to Drunken Food Songs

Yeah, their youtube channel is called nervouscircus I'm pretty sure. Some of their videos are hilarious, like this one where Maurissa dresses up like a Chinese delivery boy, did you see that one? I basically think anything with a Chinese delivery boy in it is funny.

Also, good one with the tagging. It's only a matter of time until our blog becomes discovered by all these cool people that we stalk.

Renee Out

P.S. Expect a very long and detailed American Idol Review tonight Gabby! Aren't you just so excited, sarcastically she asked?

Renee's Number 7 Band

Sigur Ros

Awesome Icelandic band with their own language, Hoplandic. Their music videos are incredible; they make me want to go to Iceland. It's actually not very cold, did you know that? It was all a trick! And Greenland's freezing and snowcovered. Sneaky Vikings.

Best Sigur Ros songs: Hoppipolla, Sigur 3, Glosoli

Renee Out

Tube Tuesday! Drunk Jed and Maurissa

Thanks to Renee for sending this link to me!
It's so good, it deserves its place on this awesome blog.

Peace, Gab

Gab's Number 7 Band

The Arcade Fire

Favourite songs: Neighbourhood #4 (7 Kettles), Brazil, Rebellion (Lies)

Peace, Gab

Monday, February 16, 2009

Renee's Number 8 Band

Snow Patrol

They were my favourite band a couple of years back, until all their stuff got hugely overplayed on the radio. I still love them, but I don't know...something changed. Plus, I didn't like their new album nearly as much. My favourite songs: You Could Be Happy, Open Your Eyes, Run, Lifeboats, Chasing Cars

And btw, what's with Leona Lewis coming out with some sappy version of Run that's getting way more praise than Snow Patrol ever got? Not cool, man.

Something Renee likes: blogging. Something Renee does NOT like: answering questions about "Le Petit Prince" in French. Sigh.

Renee Out...

Gab's Number 8 Band

Death Cab For Cutie

Best songs: I Will Follow You Into the Dark, A Lack of Color, Passenger Seat

Peace, Gab

Renee's Half of Musical commentary

Hey gab, remember last weekend when we were like "Wouldn't it be awesome if one of the two lesser known Whedon brothers or Jed's wife discovered our blog?" Well, this is me putting our plan into action.

I'm going to speak my thoughts about the kickass musical commentary on the Dr. Horrible DVD (almost as good as the movie, except not quite really, but still cool.) I thank you for showing it to me.

My favourite parts are basically your favourite parts, but I'll list them first and therefore win!

So of course Neil Patrick Harris's song was my favourite, that's kind of a given. I'm pretty sure we've mentioned we love him oh, I don't know, a thousand time. Just wait until we put our letters plan into action and he too will be an avid reader of our blog! Mwa.

Highlights of that song were when he tried to rap and when he was like "Was it the three of clubs? Ho!"

I also liked Nathan Fillion's song, Better Than Neil. My favourite part was when he mentioned his "Pink Floyd's "Brick in the Wall-ness"'. Classic.

My second favourite song was Zach's rap, especially the part at the beginning when he's on the phone. That just cracks me up for some reason.

My final highlights were Joss Whedon being all deressed (I love people who can laugh at themselves), Felicia Day...well, I don't remember what she did that was funny, just that it was, and the part when one of the Whedon brothers (jed?) was like "Can't we all just hug? I mean...what up, bitches." And I liked it when the wife/fiancee sang because she has a good voice.

Now we have to tag every possible word that could lead a not-as-famous Whedon brother and or Jed's fiancee to our blog.

Renee Out.

Renee's Number 9 Band

Tokyo Police Club

Another Canadian indie band. If anything, I'm patriotic. Best songs: Citizens of Tomorrow, Nature of the Experiment, Be Good

Renee Out

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gab's Number 9 Band

The Shins

I first discovered them when watching one of my favourite movies, Garden State. They are totally amazing and that's about all I have to say.

Favourite songs: Caring is Creepy, Girl on the Wing, New Slang

Peace, Gab

Friday, February 13, 2009

Renee's Number 10 Band


Formed in New York and now based in Ontario, Metric have dominated the Canadian Indie Rock scene for over ten years. Emily Haines is ridiculously good at singing and being cool.

Favourite songs: Police and the Private, Combat Baby, Monster Hospital, Help I'm Alive

Renee Out.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gab's Number 10 Band

New top ten category: Bands 
In descending order.
I get to lead this one!

Furthermore, unlike the hotties list, this, I rule, is not necessarily just music, but can also include stage presence/interview skills/whatever. However, attractiveness can not be a factor in the decision-making process.

This band JUST released their first album, but have been making music for many many years. This is definitely not the typical music that I listen to, but I love the three "Dudes" very much and they make awesome videos and have great lyrics. Plus, I love SNL and they are all writers for the show.

Without further ado, I give you

The Lonely Island

Jorma, left, is definitely my favourite of the three. He is totally hilarious, and fun to watch. My favourite songs by The Lonely Island include: "We Like Sportz," "Just Two Guyz," "I'm On A Boat," and, of course, "Jizz in my Pants."
Peace, Gab

Okay then

I guess I forgive you. Adam is just so hard to say no to!

Renee Out.

I'm Sorry, Renee

Forgive my insanity.

Love, Gab


That's how you try to win my forgiveness??? By insulting him even more AND spelling his name wrong? God, how are we even friends, you mean....human.

AND BY THE BY HE IS SO HOT!!! And his songwriting skills are formidible. Formidible I say...this really burns me up. There's a white hot rage inside of me. BOOM fire. And scene.

Oops, how did that picture of Adam "Sexy" Lambert get in there? PSYCH, it wasn't an accident.

Renee Out.

Josiah Lemming: Gab's POV

Renee basically held a gun up to my head so that I'd say that he's awesome. Instead, I'll dissect that video.

1. Attractiveness: 4
2. Singing: 7
3. Piano Skillz: 12

He's an absolutely incredible pianist, and I admit, I am very jealous.

That's all.

Peace, Gab

Josiah Leming

This is my favourite male singer in the world (my favourite female singer being, of course, Regina Spektor.) He auditioned for American Idol last year and they retardedly cut him before the top 24. His biblical name triggered this flash to the past post (because Octomommy named all her kids after apostles or something, did she not? Continuity error!)

Sorry I'm STILL not smart enough to know how to embed videos. Hang on. I'll ask Gab how to do it on facebook chat (yeeeah, facebook!) AH GOOD, you're explaining it!

Oh my God I'm like sooooo smart! Haha, thanks Gab. So the song above (above, see? because I EMBEDDED like the technological whiz I am) is my favourite song. My other favourites are called "This Cigar", "Dream Reality" and "Her." I seriously suggest you look them up because they're so KICKASS and Josiah Leming is so AWESOME. Yeah....

Renee Out.

Yay! Gab loves American Idol!

HAHAAHA! Feast your eyes, newly converted fan!

Anyways, that girl is SO annoying. Tatiana, we all despise her yet hope she sticks around because she's freaking hilarious. She'll probably be Vote for the Worst's pick this year.

Red pants guy is Nathanial. Note their extreme tightness. I doubt that he is fertile anymore.

But yeah, I love it when she screams and I LOVE it when she's like " I saw the bracelet and it was like a message from God." She sounds like Elwood from the Blues Brothers.

She'll also never stop singing when they tell her to, which is hilarious.

Simon is kind of underppreciated. He's an asshat but he's allowed to be, because he's the only one that knows what he's talking about and he's the only one whose approval anyone cares about. He's so hilarious, he said something the other night that cracked me up, what was it? And last year he told Brooke that her performance was like a hamburger without the meat and she got SO upset. She was like "That really hurts, Simon." You think she'd be happy, considering she's one of those hippy, vegetarian types.

I guess hippies are confusing.

Renee Out

Renee's Response

Octuplets. Ouchie. Her situation sounds suspicious. It always makes me kind of sad when these celebrities get together, have boatloads of kids and then split up. I feel bad for the kids, not the celebrities. Celebrities, in general, are lame, minus my American Idols and the tv stars I love that aren't really that famous, eg. NPH, John Krasinski.

Speaking of boatloads of children...I like Jon and Kate Plus 8. The kids are so cute. I'm not as into it as my friend Anita (she can recite all of the kids first and middle names IN THEIR BIRTH ORDER. It's a little weird) but I think that the kids can be really hilarious. I liked it when this one girl Alexis was looking at the camera and then randomly started going "Woof! woof!" She does stuff like that a lot.

I guess the conclusion I can make is that I watch too much tv.

I'm very excited about my future kids. I'm gonna marry a hottie (couugh*David Cook*cough) and our kids will be SO ADORABLE and so smart. Here are their possible names


Isobelle (Izzie)


Jacob (Not named after Twilight, what?)
Finnigan (Finn)
Alexander (Xander)

It's so fun to name my future kids. I'll probably end up not having any because I have no patience but whatever. What triggered this rant? Oh right, the octopus lady.

Renee Out.

An American Idol Post by Gab

I didn't think it would ever have to come to this, but, alas, it has. I could not resist posting this.

I'm pretty sure this chick gives me reason to watch this lame show. She has got to be the most entertaining thing ever.

Also, have I mentioned ever how much I love Simon? He's absolutely amazing. Like, I appreciate his wit and I think that he gets a bad rep for being honest. Plus, he's the only one of the judges who knows anything about the music business.

I also LOVE the guy in the red pants (I'll leave it to you, Renee, to identify who he is). He's got some great facial expressions and obviously is whatsherface's biggest fan!

Peace, Gab

A Post About Old News for Renee

Firstly and most importantly, I will admit one thing and one thing only: Adam Lambert does have a pretty good voice. However, I will never say that he is a) hot or b) straight.

Now, on to business: Octomommy. I know that this is, like, super duper old news, but Renee apparently lives under a rock and when I referenced it briefly, she gave me a questioning look. So, for Renee only, here's what happened.

Nadya Suleman gave birth to octuplets on January 26th and they all survived. At first, everyone was like, "Oh, how exciting, blahblah." But then, when new information was released about her, people freaked the hell out. Turns out these 8 babies bring her kid count up to 14. YES SHE HAS GIVEN BIRTH TO 14 FREAKING CHILDREN and all throw in vitro fertilization. Slowly, more information about her has been released and stories have changed. She went from not being on well-fare to being on well-fare, receiving worker's compensation and government aid. It's also been released that a few of her other children are disabled and she lives with her parents who are being bankrupted. And there is also a lot of controversy surrounding the artificial insemination vis-a-vis whether the doctor should have implanted 6 embryos (2 split) or not.

This whole story grosses me out. I mean, she's said that she's wanted children since being in high school. I just find the whole thing wrong. Like, she can't support these kids and they're going to have terrible lives. I mean, she has no job! Plus, how can she give them all the attention they need? It just makes me so mad. And then, she has the nerve to ask for donations on her website. As for the doctor, he has a moral obligation and the fact that he didn't uphold that obligation should disbar (is this the right word?) him. 

As for that photo, it is the creepiest thing I have ever seen.

Peace, Gab

Where did his eyes go?

Hahaha, I'm funny.

Renee Out.

American Idol: Top 36 Revealed!

Adam Lambert made it. WELL DUH, how could he not, he's the best freaking thing since Cher herself. Maybe this one will be the video to convert you Gab.

Other people of interest that made it. Danny Gokey, my second favourite. His bestie Jamar did not make it, which was sad, especially since they were playing "Into Dust" by Mazzy Star the whole time and showing everyone looking so crushed. Mean show. At least they didn't make them sing against each other. That would have been too mean, even for American Idol.

I thought I liked Jessie, but she bugged me last night. She chose a stupid song and what were up with their pants? I also don't like it when people are ridiculously confident going in. However, I also dislike the wayy underconfident ones like Kristen. I'm hard to please I guess.

Some others that I liked that made it through were Lil Rounds, Mischavonna and Matt. And Brent Keith, because that's just an awesome name. He could be the dark horse. And I like that faked red haired sixteen year old girl.

I'm sure this means nothing to you Gab, but THEY PUT TATIANA THROUGH!! What le hell. She is SOOO annoying. They obviously just put her through for entertainment value, same with Nathanial and Nick/Norman. Vote for the Worst is going to have a field day with this.

I'm excited for some people. Some others will just be ridiculous. It should be better once they whittle away the bad ones (is that the term I'm looking for?)

I also think it's funny how, in Hollywood week, Simon was like "If you forget the lyrics, you're out" and then they put through like eight people that forgot the lyrics.

Since there are 36 instead of 24 it might air three times a week now. I hope not, tv takes up waaaay too much of my life as it is.

Renee Out.

PS Charlotte died on Lost. Poor Daniel

PPS I hate the speech contest

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Renee's AI (apparently that's what the cool kids call it NOT) Post Made Me Laugh.

There aren't that many men that can sing Cher and still remain masculine. Nor can many men wear nail polish and jewelery and remain masculine, but my boy pulls it off.

He definitely sounds like a winner, Renee. Too bad he already has a boyfriend. (I heard it was his brother, Joe Jonas)

Peace, Gab

Renee's American Idol Recap!

YEAH!! Woooot, aren't you excited Gab? I'm reviewing your favourite show ever!

So thankfully, all of my favourites made it through, and I have quite a few favourites. My very favourite, Adam, did awesomely, per use. There aren't that many men that can sing Cher and still remain masculine. Nor can many men wear nail polish and jewelery and remain masculine, but my boy pulls it off.

My second favourite Danny did impressively well, minus the pit stains. My new third favourite is Kenny, this cute little boy who rocks out to Jason Mraz all the time. Then I like Matt, who looks like Mitchmunk from Canadian Idol. They didn't show the girls I like, Jessie and Jackie. What a sexist show! was pretty satisfying, minus the fact that they put that super annoying girl through and minus the fact that Ryan Seacrest is a turd. Tatiana is LIKE SO ANNOYING. I hope she gets eliminated very very very soon or I won't be able to watch anymore. Except I will, because Adam's hotness makes up for it.

This is a random transcript from a show that someone is watching in my house.

"You don't need to come home and take out your bad mood on me!"
"Me? You're the one whose been in such a bad mood since Mia moved to China!"
"It feels like we're fighting a lot lately."
"I know."
"It sucks..."
(They proceed to make out)

New characters
"Are you packing or unpacking?"
"I'm moving into my own room"
"Oh my god you hate me! I'm so sorry!"
"I don't hate you. If anything, I'm sorry you had to live with that secret all these years. it's not your fault."
"I don't get it. If you don't hate me why are you moving out?"
"I just realized that you and Mom and Dad keep so much stuff from me that I get fragile. I want you to lean on me sometimes."
"I do lean on you."
"No, not like I lean on you. I just need to be on my own for awhile. Is that okay?"
"Yes. Which room are you moving into?"
"The blue room. Down the hall."
"Oh. Can I help you decorate?"

(End Scene)

I don't know what the hell that show was, I didn't even look at it once. Just recorded. Sounds like a real winner though. Ohh, now there's something on about a little kid called Tommy with nerdy glasses talking to his mom about sex. Now they're looking for a cheap motel....hmmm.

I think maybe it's time for me to get some hobbies.

Renee Out

P.S. HAHA, Tommy's mom left him alone at the motel and he got abducted. BAHAHA, what a sketchy show...

Tuesdays are Lame

How dare you, that website is so happy. I knew you wouldn't appreciate it, Tin Man. I'm very secretly sensitive.

I'm sorry, by Gabriel I was referring to Gael Garcia but I didn't want to effeminate (is that the word I'm looking for?) him by calling him by his real lesbian name.

That's a funny article. It's a trip I would take, I think. My favourite part is "there are no fucking postcards!" Haha, i loves the profanity.

NORAH JONES! hahahahahahahahahahaha.


NORAH JONES?!?! hahahahahahahahahaha.

Renee Out.

Tube Tuesday! Incredibad in Stores Now

That's right, I've already bought it and it's been released for 1 minute. But I love Andy Samberg and The Lonely Island. However, I have recently discovered that I actually like Jorma so much. 

Which is why this weeks Tube Tuesday features him dancing to amazing Canadian band Arcade Fire. Enjoy!

Peace, Gab

PS: Incredibad has a song feat. Norah Jones. I am totally a closet Norah fan.
PPS: Natalie Portman's rap is on it!

This totally makes up for the lack of a new HIMYM, mostly.

Monday, February 9, 2009

ARGHH, I can't think of anything funny

This post has a few things to discuss.

1. I am totally depressed about it being reruns tonight. I just had to watch the Possimpible episode again, which is amazing, but not the same as a fresh, new episode that I haven't memorized.

2. I dislike Two and a Half Men. I used to love it and watch it religiously, but then it just got old.

3. I don't know what you are talking about, Renee, when you say "Gabriel guy"?

4. That love website freaked me out. Why are all of the people creepy/pedophiles?

And I found this, which makes me laugh, but might not normally if I wasn't in such an emotional state.
Peace, Gab

Best Website Ever

I'm depressed a little today, so I thought I would share the website I visit whenever I'm sad...go to where it says "view."

Renee Out

My Response: Eww, gross

But I'm in a bad mood because HIMYM is a rerun and frickin' Two and a Half Men is on in the background. My family loves that show but I refuse to concede. Charlie Sheen should NOT be the highest paid actor on television. That Gabriel guy is...meh...whatever.

These are our most used tags:

Awesome -19
Hotties - 17
How I Met Your Mother - 11
Neil Patrick Harris - 10
Adam Lambert - 6
Frozen Yogurt - 5
American Idol - 5

It really shows you what matter most to us, hey Gabby?

Renee Out

Gab's Number 1 Hottie

I'm pretty sure that there is only one thing that is cool about david frickin' cook (his name doesn't deserve to be capitalized), and that is that his middle name is Roland. Because in the episode 'Swarley' of HIMYM, that's what Barney calls Robin. But otherwise, EW.

Now onto the actual hottest guy. He also deserves a gallery.


Gab's Number 1 Hottie: Gael García Bernal

Renee's Number 1 Hottie

Aww, that's a cute picture of our buddy.

NOW. PREPARE...are you preparing?...PREPARE TO BE BLOWN AWAY! (that's what she said?) My number one deserves a whole gallery (number one like my choice, not like...pee. HA just a little elementary school humor for ya)

Renee's Number 1: DAVID ROLAND COOK!!!!

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 2 Hottie

I won't say anything mean about whatshisface in this post, but I will think it and maybe even say what I am thinking out loud.
You can thank me later.

Now, on to my number 2 hot piece, which is, funny enough, the only hottie on both of our lists, which goes to prove that we are unlikely friends. But I love you and won't let this get between us. 

Gab's Number 2 Hottie: Neil Patrick Harris 

PS: That was the best SNL episode of the year.
PPS: My honourable mention, Andy Samberg's, CD comes out tomorrow. I'M THERE.

Renee's Number 2 Hottie

OMG GAB, you did not even use the word charro in the right context. I am ashamed, ashamed I say. AND BY THE BY SAWYER IS SO SEXY YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOURE TALKING ABOUT SETH MYERS IS LAME.

When I'm mad I don't use punctuation, but I'm over it. I just have so many more charros than you I guess. Here is my number two. Don't say anything mean about him because he is the future father of my babies! (But only his character, not him in real life)

Renee's Number 2: Milo Ventimiglia as Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls)

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 3 Hottie

Ok, I admit I was lying when I said that I threw up when I saw the photo of Ryan Reynolds. But I am not now. I have now officially thrown up. You can never, never, ever say that the guys I am posting on this list are ugly when we look at whatshisfaceyournumber3. GROSS GROSS GROSS, Renee. 

Now, on to charroishly hotter and funnier guy.

Gab's Number 3 Hottie: Seth Meyers (and I'm not biased, he's totally gorgeous in person)

Renee's Number 3 Hottie

Hmm, that Daniel guy is pretty fine. He looks like Jude from Across the Universe. My list is still eons better (is eons an increment of awesomeness?) We should invent an increment of awesomeness. Charros. It makes me think of Pokemon and fire, both of which are awesome.

My next guy is charros better than all your guys combined!

Renee's Number 3: Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost)

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 4 Hottie

Firstly: The Schwartzman brothers are hothothot. See ANY movie made by Wes Anderson (in particular, Rushmore) and you will appreciate Jason. Simultaneously, listen to some Rooney.

Secondly: As much as I lovelovelove The Breakfast Club, he isn't hot. He has a large nose in an unattractive way (unlike Adrian Brody). 

Thirdly: I threw up when I saw that photo of Ryan Reynolds. True story. He's doubly annoying and doubly ugly. It's like a quad of how much I hate him. Yuck.

Now, on to the important and actually hot stuff. My number 4. Also, there is a guy that works at my video store that looks just like him that I am in love with.

Gab's Number 4 Hottie: Daniel Brühl (see Goodbye Lenin! and The Edukators)

Renee's Number 4 Hotties

Wow, that lady's such a stud!
Interesting story: I was watching the Princess Diaries the other day and I just sort of thought to myself, "Wow. This is lame." That's basically the end of the story. The hidden meaning in that anecdote is that those brothers are uuugly.

Speaking of ugly, you know who isn't ugly? Judd Nelson! (Well, young Judd Nelson, he's sure ugly now.) Apparently he's an assface but, well, I'll just have to look past that to what really counts, which is how sexy he is.
Ryan Reynolds is an enormous hottie, and we have the same initials and place of origin.

Renee's Number 4: Judd Nelson (Breakfast Club only) and Ryan Reynolds

Renee Out.

Gab's Number 5 Hottie(s)

I can't believe you'd have the nerve to TIE Neil with some ugly fug. Gross. I think we need to stop being friends.

Weirdly enough, my number 5 hottie is actually two people, but they belong together. Because they are related. This is a case where you need to ignore where one of them has been and what he's done.

See, they are both really talented. You just need to ignore two very embarrassing things about one of them:
1) He was in Princess Diaries.
2) His band went on tour with the Jonas Brothers.

Without further ado, here are my number 5 hotties.

Gab's Number 5 Hotties: Jason and Robert Schwartzman

PS: Ignore the random lady in the middle, whoever she is. [Edit: She's their mom.]