Thursday, February 12, 2009

American Idol: Top 36 Revealed!

Adam Lambert made it. WELL DUH, how could he not, he's the best freaking thing since Cher herself. Maybe this one will be the video to convert you Gab.

Other people of interest that made it. Danny Gokey, my second favourite. His bestie Jamar did not make it, which was sad, especially since they were playing "Into Dust" by Mazzy Star the whole time and showing everyone looking so crushed. Mean show. At least they didn't make them sing against each other. That would have been too mean, even for American Idol.

I thought I liked Jessie, but she bugged me last night. She chose a stupid song and what were up with their pants? I also don't like it when people are ridiculously confident going in. However, I also dislike the wayy underconfident ones like Kristen. I'm hard to please I guess.

Some others that I liked that made it through were Lil Rounds, Mischavonna and Matt. And Brent Keith, because that's just an awesome name. He could be the dark horse. And I like that faked red haired sixteen year old girl.

I'm sure this means nothing to you Gab, but THEY PUT TATIANA THROUGH!! What le hell. She is SOOO annoying. They obviously just put her through for entertainment value, same with Nathanial and Nick/Norman. Vote for the Worst is going to have a field day with this.

I'm excited for some people. Some others will just be ridiculous. It should be better once they whittle away the bad ones (is that the term I'm looking for?)

I also think it's funny how, in Hollywood week, Simon was like "If you forget the lyrics, you're out" and then they put through like eight people that forgot the lyrics.

Since there are 36 instead of 24 it might air three times a week now. I hope not, tv takes up waaaay too much of my life as it is.

Renee Out.

PS Charlotte died on Lost. Poor Daniel

PPS I hate the speech contest

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