Monday, February 9, 2009

Gab's Number 5 Hottie(s)

I can't believe you'd have the nerve to TIE Neil with some ugly fug. Gross. I think we need to stop being friends.

Weirdly enough, my number 5 hottie is actually two people, but they belong together. Because they are related. This is a case where you need to ignore where one of them has been and what he's done.

See, they are both really talented. You just need to ignore two very embarrassing things about one of them:
1) He was in Princess Diaries.
2) His band went on tour with the Jonas Brothers.

Without further ado, here are my number 5 hotties.

Gab's Number 5 Hotties: Jason and Robert Schwartzman

PS: Ignore the random lady in the middle, whoever she is. [Edit: She's their mom.]


  1. That "random lady" happens to be their mom....

  2. I looked her up, she is indeed. Thanks for the tip.

    Who are you, anonymous?
