Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Renee Pwns at Blogging!

I am so awesome at blogging. Gab tries and fails to match my awesomeness. I am so pithy and way-with-the-wordy, whereas Gab just relies on crossing out words a lot. You do that too often buddy, so soon it will be me drinking a Margarita out of my Pulitzer (are they cup shaped?) while you're crying over your froyo wishing you were as awesome at blogging as yours truly.

I'm very cranky today. Did you pick up on that? Perchance I'm being a little harsh. Well, I'm still not being as harsh to you as I was to people today in math. I should stop alienating Gab, I guess. She's basically my only friend left. She's the best blogger ever, basically, besides me and Barney. Basically. Basically. If you say that a lot of times it sounds like baseball.

I'm in Writing right now. I'm sneakily making it look like I'm writing my motivational speech, when in reality I am doing this. My speech wasn't so good; it got way too military. I overused the words comrades, allies and compatriots, I think. Oh well. Plus, I busted out the Stalin quotes, which is never a good thing.

For this awesome blog post, I will compose an awesome list. Then I will brainstorm some other adjectives that mean awesome....I think I'm killing the word.

Renee's Ultimate Get Psyched List

1. They Said I Said - Sugarush Beat Company
2. Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
3. Bang Bang to the Rock and Roll - Gabin
4. Cobrastyle - Teddybears
5. Voices - Cheap Trick
6. Under Pressure - Queen
7. Let's Go to the Mall - Robin Sparkles

This, my friend, is why I spend such a large majority of my time psyched. I will be expecting your Get Psyched list shortly, compatriot. Then you should compile a list of your top 10 HIMYM moments EVER, to be compared with mine.

P.S. Comrade, I didn't mean what I said about crossing out the words, I'm just envious because I'm not smart enough to know how to do that.

Renee Out

P.S.P (Haha, drug references are golden). Anagrams are cool.

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